Economics Co-op Student Information

About The Program

As an Economist, you may be called on to explain or predict some of the most interesting and puzzling issues of our time, such as the fluctuations in interest rates and oil prices, the value of the dollar or the implications of continental free trade. Studying Economics within the Bachelor of Arts degree integrates pure and applied economics theories with areas of thought, techniques and critical analysis drawn from the arts. A knowledge of economics helps you understand the implications of global trends and changes to the tax system or health insurance plans. As a student in the Economics major, you will be provided with excellent preparation for a management career in business or government, or the background you need to pursue graduate studies.

Why Co-op?

As a co-op student, you will be able to gain relevant work experience, build professional networks, and develop essential transferable skills needed to succeed in the workplace, all while getting paid and earning your university degree. Guelph’s co-op program is unique due to the exceptional level of support provided to students, including a job search preparatory course, a personal connection with a Co-op Coordinator to assist you during the employment process, and targeted work term reports to help you develop relevant skills.

Course Sequencing








Acquired Knowledge & Skills


Communicate effectively, accurately, and professionally in traditional and innovative written and oral forms, including visual and technological.


Excellent analytical skills, developed through completing extensive research projects.


Ability to handle and gather accurate economic data relevant to a research problem.


Strong leadership and communication skills, developed through education and work experiences.

Sample Jobs

Project Analyst

Gain hands-on knowledge as to how the provincial government functions, including exposure to finance, program design and delivery, measurement and analysis, and individual ministry decision-making processes. This includes analyzing business proposals, reconciling financial data, and developing communications materials.

Junior Analyst

Analyze the results of the Annual Survey of Manufacturing and Logging industries and work on some or all aspects of it by extracting, calculating, analyzing, reviewing, and evaluating statistical data; working closely with team members; conducting research; writing reports and making recommendations for publishing data.

Policy Analyst

Contribute to an organization’s policy development by assisting with report preparation, presentation delivery, research projects, and analyzing various documents. In this role, the ability to conduct analysis on large quantities of complex data is highly important, as well as skills in problem-solving and project management.

Additional Sample Jobs: Business Analyst, Research Associate, Project Coordinator, Pension Administrator, and more.

Employer Sectors

  • Statistics Canada
  • RBC
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Ontario Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)

*This shows a sample of recent co-op employers and will vary depending on employer recruitment needs. During a job search, students are encouraged to be actively engaged and are supported in establishing and maintaining their own personal contacts.

Salary Information

Students receive compensation from their employer for co-op work terms. The rate of pay will vary depending on a number of factors including the industry, the student’s program of study, and work term level. For your reference, a Co-operative Education Salary Guide is available on our website, which provides hourly rates (averages and ranges) for each degree program.