Student Living and Support

The transition from high school to university can be challenging. Living away from home - for many the first time ever - and coping with large class sizes can make life difficult. Since most things are easier when done in a joint effort, we aim to help students meet their cohort and find their study groups.

The University of Guelph has an array of resources that provide effective support and assistance for many challenges and issues that students may face. These services are divided two large groups of resources that address different support needs: 'Academic Support' and 'Personal Care'.

'Academic Support' resources are aimed at helping students succeed in their studies and include, amongst others, guides to effective learning and writing as well the 'Bounce Back' program that has been developed for students whose first term average is below 60%. The starting point for any search in that direction should be the Undergrad Academic Information Centre website, where you can also find contact details of Program Counselors and Faculty Advisors.

'Personal Care' resources have been developed for the students' personal well-being to provide the basis for their academic success and include, amongst others, counseling services, student health services and courses in stress management. For more information about these services, please visit their website.

Specifically, the FARE Department also offers a great deal of support for our students. We hold an informal information event each year in November where first and second year students meet and talk with faculty and older students about any topic, ranging from course selection to international study opportunities to the co-op program and career choices. Further, toward the end of the Winter term, in March there is an end of term social event for all students enrolled or just interested in the majors offered by FARE.

The cozy lounge on the third floor of "our" J.D. MacLachlan Building is the perfect place for these events. You will also find out very soon that the FARE faculty are very approachable.