
WebAdvisor is an online system where you can add and drop courses; track your academic progress; view your class schedule, final exam schedule and grades; apply for graduation; and access your financial statements, which include a breakdown of your charges, payments, and financial aid. News and announcements are also posted on WebAdvisor.

WebAdvisor also offers staff and faculty access to the class roster, class schedule, and student transcripts.

Technical Support

Technical support for WebAdvisor is available via our WebAdvisor Tutorial website.

Change Password

If you need to or would like to change your password, please visit Password Change.

You might want to setup Password Reset through CCS if you change your password or in case you think you might forget your password. It makes password recovery a fairly straightforward process and can be done online.

Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your WebAdvisor password, please refer to the CCS Forgot Password page for help resetting it.

Forgotten Login, Email

Your login username for WebAdvisor is your Central Login ID, as provided by CCS. It is the same name as specified in your email address before the @uoguelph.ca. If you have forgotten what that is, please refer to the CCS Central Login Accounts page for help.