
We proudly partner with Convera to offer you a simple, secure and smart way to pay your fees online. Convera's platform is trusted by 800+ institutions worldwide to enable payments in 140+ currencies across 200+ countries and territories.

Pay your fees with Convera

Step-by-step instructions on how to make the payment are provided just below.

Why choose Convera

  • Students, parents and sponsors can use this platform to pay deposits, tuition fees and more
  • Avoid costly transaction charges from your bank
  • Pay online via popular options including bank transfer, credit, or debit card or eWallet
  • Compare payment options instantly and Convera holds the exchange rate for 72 hours
  • If you find a cheaper quote from your bank, Convera will match it with their Price Promise Guarantee
  • Track your payment status by SMS and email
  • Multilingual platform available in 10 languages
  • Access 24/7 live chat on the platform or contact the Convera team
  • A platform built with security in mind so that your money is protected
  • Pay your fees via a global partner which has been helping students achieve their education dreams for over a decade

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Go to the Convera website

Step 2: Enter details

  • Choose the country you’re paying from and enter the details about your payment
  • Choose your preferred payment method
  • Enter student details and confirm who is making the payment

Step 3: Make payment

Complete your payment transaction:

  • Bank transfer: receive payment instructions for online banking or paying direct through your bank
  • In person: receive payment instructions for an in-person transfer
  • Online: select from a variety of providers

Step 4: Track it

Track your payment status by email and SMS (data rates may apply)

If your local currency is not an option available in the system, you will need to choose another currency on the list to arrange your payment, or contact Convera for more information. For any other questions, please contact Student Financial Services at