2015 Kenneth Hammond Lecture & Spring Sustainability Symposium

Date and Time


Room 442 University Centre


Hammond Guest Speaker Mr. Mark Stumborg, Consulting Engineer, Saskatchewan

Sustainable agricultural bio-products: Challenges and opportunities.

Sustainability Panel-Moderated by Dr. Madhur Anand, University Research Chair in Sustainability Science.

Guests of for our Panel

Prof. Goretty Dias School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, University of Waterloo - Measuring the sustainability of agriculture systems: Insights from life cycle assessment of food & bioenergy.

Prof. Sally Humphries Sociology and Anthropology, University of Guelph - Linking poor farmers to the formal research sector: What can we learn about sustainability from Honduran researchers.

Prof. Ralph Martin Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph - The agricultural land base decreases as demand increases: A problem of sustainability.

A Wine & Cheese Reception follows.  R.S.V.P. To lbissell@uoguelph.ca by April 10, 15.





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