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Special Issue of Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology, 125 (1-4), 238 pp., 1996.


Martini, I. P. (ed.)



Preface 1

Petrographic and diagenetic signatures of climatic change in peri- and postglacial Karoo Sediments of SW Tanzania

B. Diekmann and H. Wopfner, 5

Imprints of post-glacial climates and palaeogeography in the detrital clay mineral assemblages of an Upper Permian fluviolacustrine Gondwana deposit from northern Malawi

K. Yemane, G. Kahr and K. Kelts, 27

Isotope geochemistry of Upper Permian early diagenetic calcite concretions: Implications for Late Permian waters and surface temperatures in continental Gondwana

K. Yemane and K. Kelts, 51

Permian phytogeography in Gondwana

N.R. Cuneo, 75

Persistence of Late Carboniferous tropical vegetation during glacially driven climatic and sea-level fluctuations

W.A. DiMichele, H. W. Pfefferkorn and T.L. Phillips, 105

Controls on Early Permian shelf deglaciation on the Karoo Basin of South Africa

J.N.J. Visser, 129

The Dwyka Group in the northern part of Kwazulu/Natal, South Africa: sedimentation during late Palaeozoic deglaciation

V. von Brunn, 141

Patterns of late Palaeozoic deglaciation in the Parana Basin, Brazil

P.R. dos Santos, A.C. Rocha-Campos, J.R. Canuto, 165

Problems of a Late Palaeozoic glaciation in Australia and subsequent climate in the Permian

J.M. Dickins, 185

Comparative petrological analysis between the Permian coals of India and Western Australia: paleoenvironments and thermal history

H.K. Mishra, 199

Depositional framework of Permian coal-bearing strata, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica

J.L. Isbell and N.R. Cuneo, 217


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