Lead Applicant: William Lubitz
Research Priority: Competitive Production Systems
Program Type: Tier 1
Funding Cycle: 2024/2025
Research Centre: NA
Research Summary: The Ontario greenhouse industry currently uses natural gas almost exclusively for supplemental heating, and often for CO2 production. Natural gas costs are becoming increasingly high and volatile, while the climate impacts of fossil fuel use are a reality. Ontario greenhouse growers are increasingly interested in replacing natural gas with a combination of low-carbon energy sources and efficiency improvements but lack reliable guidance on practical options. Biomass/biofuels or electrification using heat pumps or related technologies are the only potential energy sources available to provide the thermal energy necessary for year-round growing. This project will use simulations, field studies and case studies to identify optimum combinations of technologies and operating protocols to provide greenhouse heat, CO2 and other services without using fossil fuels. A primary goal will be identifying the potential infrastructure requirements and operating costs of optimal configurations required to operate year-round Ontario greenhouses, to support growers planning decarbonzation of their operations.