Canada Cyber Foundry - Entrepreneur Accelerate Program

Canada Cyber Foundry and Entrepreneur Support

Canada Cyber Foundry (CCF) is here to help students and postdoctoral fellows build their professional entrepreneurial skills, with the goal of commercializing their start-up’s technology, product, or service through Mitacs funded internships. In short, Accelerate Entrepreneur pays students and postdoctoral fellows to grow their start-ups and get to market faster. 

How it works

  • Start-ups housed at an approved incubator facility invest funding in a research project with the goal of commercializing their technology, product, or service
  • Mitacs matches the start-up’s investment by 50% and releases a research award to student or post-doctoral entrepreneurs through four-month internships, valued at $15,000 per internship 
  • Student or postdoctoral entrepreneurs advance their academic work and their start-up’s commercialization goals through funded internships 
  • Students or postdoctoral entrepreneurs receive a minimum $10,000 stipend per internship, with up to $5,000 in flexible funding that can be used to support research costs 

We support growth where you need it

This program targets the stages in a start-up’s journey where big impacts can be made: 

  • Piloting and testing a new product, service or technology
  • Iterating and improving on an existing product, service, or technology
  • Making the most out of limited budgets 

A flexible and scalable option

  • Applications are accepted anytime
  • Evaluation is completed in six to eight weeks
  • Projects start at four months and can be scaled up depending on the start-up’s needs

What CCF offers to support your growth and expectations for success

  • Regular meetings with an incubator representative to help you stay accountable to your business-oriented goals. Follows the SMART Goal framework. One of these goals must be to get into another incubator or accelerator.
  • By establishing clear goals, tracking progress, providing support, and offering feedback, these meetings create a structure and accountability framework that promotes individual and team success.
  • Expectation = Bi-weekly frequency. Virtual or in person. Discuss progress with goals and challenges arising.

  • You will have card access to the Canada Cyber Foundry (CCF) located at 150 Research Park Lane, Suite 120. This includes access to private offices, lounge, kitchen, and common area.
  • Provides access to professional workspaces without the high costs associated with leasing or buying traditional office spaces.
  • Also the opportunity to surround yourself with individuals facing similar challenges and aspirations, creating an environment that encourages motivation, inspiration, and peer support.
  • Expectation = Someone from the team spends at least 1 day per week at the CCF.

  • Attending community events offers startup founders numerous advantages, including networking opportunities, learning experiences, brand building, inspiration, and access to resources.
  • Regular, active participation in such events can contribute to the growth and success of your startup by leveraging the power of community and collaboration.
  • Expectation: Attend at least one community event per quarter.

  • One of the requirements of Mitacs eAccelerate funding is that you regularly participate in educational workshops that teach entrepreneurial skills and lessons learned.
  • Expectation = You will complete one online entrepreneurship program within the first 6 months of being in the incubator.
  • Recommendation = Startup School by Y Combinator partners and industry leaders. It is a free online course on how to start a startup. You receive advice based on 15 years of YC’s knowledge, stay accountable for weekly progress, and network with other entrepreneurs.

Next Steps

1. Complete the application details form.

2. Book a meeting with us as part of application detail. 

3. Review expectations for success based on details in section "What CCF offers to support your growth and expectations for success"

4. Generate letters of support.