Journal Articles

The effect of FDI on environmental emissions: Evidence from a meta-analysis


Science Direct

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When Less Is More: On the Use of Historical Yield Data with Application to Rating Area Crop Insurance Contracts


Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics

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Regional Integration, Bilateral Diplomacy and African Trade: Evidence from the Gravity Model


Wiley Editing Services

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An empirical assessment of food security on First Nations in Canada.


Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1–15. 

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On the Treatment of Heteroscedasticity in Crop Yield Data


American Journal of Agricultural Economics

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Agricultural economics: Key commitments and institutional alertness


Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie

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Will Consumers Pay for Voluntary Testing for BSE? Double-Bound CVM Evidence from Canada



The 2003 discovery of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)-infected cattle in North America led to efforts to ensure the safety of beef produced in that region, and to some discussion regarding testing live cattle for the BSE prion. This article investigates consumer acceptance and valuation of beef from live cattle that have been voluntarily tested for BSE. Using data from an Internet-based survey of Canadians, double-bound estimates of willingness-to-pay (WTP) are measured. Consumption behaviour and perception covariates were significant predictors of expected WTP, while socio-economic and demographic effects had no measurable impact. Expected WTP was not statistically significant, but ranged from 8% for respondents with a high-purchase intention to −3.5% for those with low/moderate-purchase intention. Further analysis on subsamples of the data showed expected WTP ranges from −5% to 5% for those with low/moderate-purchase intention and from 5% to 22% for those with a high-purchase intension.

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Semiparametric estimation of the link function in binary-choice single-index models



We propose a new, easy to implement, semiparametric estimator for binary-choice single-index models which uses parametric information in the form of a known link (probability) function and nonparametrically corrects it. Asymptotic properties are derived and the finite sample performance of the proposed estimator is compared to those of the parametric probit and semiparametric single-index model estimators of Ichimura (J Econ 58:71–120, 1993) and Klein and Spady (Econometrica 61:387–421, 1993). Results indicate that if the parametric start is correct, the proposed estimator achieves significant bias reduction and efficiency gains compared to Ichimura (1993) and Klein and Spady (1993). Interestingly, the proposed estimator still achieves significant bias reduction and efficiency gains even if the parametric start is not correct.

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