Cost-Benefit Analysis

Course Code:
Course Level:
Semesters Offered:
Taught By:
Rakhal Sarker

This course covers the principles and applications of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in environmental and natural resource issues. This course will present basic concepts and principles, supplemented with case studies of projects applying CBA to illustrate the different issues arising from the use of the CBA technique. Quantitative exercises involving analysis of actual environmental and natural resource data will be used to illustrate the mechanics of established valuations methods such as contingent valuation, hedonic approach and travel cost approach.

Prerequisite(s): 1 of (AGEC*2700, FARE*2700, ECON*2100, ECON*2650)

Equate(s):  AGEC*3170

Course Outline:
PDF icon FARE3170_W17_AODA.pdf