Mock student Room Burn Descriptive Transcript 0:00 (Acoustic guitar playing) [black and white photo of caution do not enter tape in the foreground and the mock 3 walled bedroom furnished with a bed, desk, bookshelf and posters covering the walls in the middle of Johnston Green] (Text at bottom of screen: 2011 University of Guelph Burn Demo Johnston Green) 0:07 [Black screen with white words scrolling] (Scrolling text: Every year students disregard fire alarms, and some do not take fire safety seriously. For those who do not take it seriously, it Is our hope that once you watch this video your views on fire safety will change.) 0:25 [Photo of the mock student bedroom before fire has been started with text at the bottom of screen] (Text: How long do you have between this�) 0:30 [Video of the mock bedroom engulfed in flames with text at bottom of screen] (Text: And this? Any Guesses?) 0:36 (Text at bottom of screen: 4 minutes and 35 Seconds�) 0:40 [Text in front of the burning room video] (Text: It usually takes the Fire Department 5 minutes to reach your residence And even longer to get to the fire.) 0:48 [Black screen with white text in the middle] (Text: Here�s how it started�) 0:51 [Photo of mock bedroom before fire was started with black text in middle of screen] (Text: We built a room and filled it with regular furniture No accelerants were used) 1:02 [Video of Firefighters starting the fire] (Scrolling text: We started the fire in the recycling box under the desk. A candle, hot toaster, flat iron or an electrical fault, could have been the cause of this fire) 1:20 [Fire alarm goes off] 1:23 [Firefighter walking past the camera with text at the bottom of the screen] (Text: Smoke alarms will save your life!) Voice: Not even 30 seconds. Okay, that�s 30 seconds and we already have the smoke detector going off 1:32 [Small fire starts under the desk. Text at bottom of screen] Voice: that�s one minute. (Text: At 1min. You can start to see flames) 1:46 [Piano Music] [Smoke is becoming more dense. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: At 2 min. you can start to see the smoke build) 2:10 [Flames are starting to spread. Text in middle of screen] (text: At 3 min you can see the flames start to spread) 2:41 [The flames have taken over most of the room. Text in middle of screen] (Text: The Fire at 4 minutes� It takes the fire department at least 5 minutes to reach the front door.) 3:03 [Black screen with scrolling white text] (Text: In 2000 there was a fire at Seaston Hall, NJ That fire killed 3 students, and injured 58. Dana Christmas � RA Seaton Hall Frantically tried to get her students to evacuate the building� In the beginning no one was taking her seriously�) 3:28 [Photo of Alvaro Lianos, burn victim from the Seaton Hall fire. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Alvaro Lianos, Burned Seaton Hall, NJ Dorm Fire 2000) 3:41 [Black screen with white scrolling text] (text: How many times have you heard the fire alarm� and did not evacuate quickly? Or at all? Fires can and do happen close to home. Including two at McMaster, and one at WLU where a student was killed. Take responsibility for your own safety. Don�t think it can�t happen to you!) 4:03 [Image of the mock bedroom after the fire was put out. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: When you hear the fire alarm�evacuate) 4:09 [Close-up photo of a Fire Warden�s safety vest. Text at bottom of screen] Look for and follow fire warden instructions Evacuate quickly and safely. 4:14 [Photo of a plastic grocery bad being used to cover a smoke detector. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Ensure your smoke alarms will work! Do not tamper with any fire equipment) 4:20 [Photo of a fire extinguisher inside a closet being hidden by winter coats. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Ensure safety equipment is accessible) 4:26 [Black screen with white text] (Text: The most effective way to keep yourself fire safe is to prevent fires before they happen!) 4:33 [Photo of a damaged extension cord. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Check wiring for frays never use extension cords as permanent wiring) 4:39 [photo of a power bar with cords plugged in and tangled. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Do not overload outlets, or power bars) 4:44 [Cluster of extension cords plugged in to a power bar. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Extensions cords are not permanent wiring Are they being used in your area?) 4:51 [Photo of a hallway with storage on either side. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Keep Hallways clear for easy exiting Always know 2 ways out) 4:56 [Photo of a exit door with a padlock locking it. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Ensure you exit doors are accessible Practice your escape routes) 5:02 [Image of stored improperly. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Properly dispose of unused chemicals Know the properties of the chemicals you are using) 5:11 [Image of two gas canisters resting inside a bucket. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Properly store gases and chemicals Contact EH&S or Fire Division with questions) 5:16 (Image of a cluttered desk, with computers placed on top of stacks of paper. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Keep your office, room or home tidy Combustible loading can add to the fire danger) 5:22 [Image of a burnt meal inside of a microwave. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Never leave a room while cooking in a microwave) 5:26 [Image of a frying pan on fire. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Or on the stove.] 5:29 [Image of a fire extinguisher attached to a wall. Text at bottom of screen] (Text: Always know where the closest extinguisher, Pull station, and exits are located) 5:36 [Black screen with white text] (Text: If you have any questions or concerns; on campus call X-52071, off campus call your local Fire Prevention Office) 5:42 [university of Guelph Fire Prevention logo] 5:46 [Black Background with white scrolling text] (Text: Pictures from:�After the fire: A true story of friendship & survival� by Robin Gaby Fisher Songs used: �Sleeping Sickness� City and Colour Novemer Rain Guns N� Roses �the Show Goes On� Bruce Hornsby �Cello Suite� Yoyo Ma �Adagio Sostenuto� Ludwig van Beethoven)