Emma Louth | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

Emma Louth

Emma Louth

Research Area: 
Effects of developmental ethanol exposure on medial prefrontal cortex attention systems

Advice for Prospective Grad Students...

There are many opportunities for professional development for graduate students through Open-Ed and the Graduate Student Learning Initiative. As a graduate student, be sure to use both these resources to continue your professional development! 


2022 Graduate – Biomedical Sciences with Neuroscience

How my Research will Improve Life… 

My work aims to better understand the underlying neural mechanisms of attention deficits associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and to identify novel therapeutic targets to treat these attention deficits 

Why I Chose Guelph… 

The City of Guelph is a great city with a vibrant downtown. With a walk through downtown, there are many locally owned shops, and a great farmer’s market (which is all year round)! 

About Campus… 

The campus is incredible. The University of Guelph has a relatively small campus, so navigating and getting around is easy. There is also so much green space on campus, which adds an esthetic beauty every time you are on campus. 

About Financial Support… 

The OVC offers a number of student scholarships for incoming graduate students that really help fund the first few years.