(Kiana Gibson voice over is heard. Footage of her walking and working in an commercial kitchen) Change happens at a community level, small people put in small efforts. And those efforts add up to something big. (Kiana speaks directly to camera, she is seated beside David Sahai. In the bottom left corner in white text read, "Kiana Gibson, Student & MealCare Founder, University of Guelph) I knew it was gonna be a challenge to set something up like this. But sometimes it is the nitty gritty, tiny little details that are going to make the difference. (Kiana voice over footage of walking through Creelman Hall with David and speaking with hospitality staff) I was in Creelman, and first year, and I just kind of asked out of curiosity, I was like, are the leftovers kind of repurposed, or or they donated. (Vijay Nair speaks to the camera standing in an indoor space. In the bottom right corner in white text reads, "Vijay Nair, Executive Chef, University of Guelph") We had been donating food at the time on a relatively small scale operations in commercial kitchens and public health rules don't make donating food very easy. Black screen with white text reads, "Restaurants often rely on outside organizations to help donate food. Student founded MealCare is one of those organizations. Kiana and David decided to start a U of G MealCare capter to boost donation efforts. And began looking for donation partners. (Kiana speaks to the camera. Cut to footage of Kiana working in a kitchen) It's very easy for people to say, "No", it's not just you're in MealCare, great. We divert food, it's so fun. It's so easy. Like there are some people that maybe don't think it's gonna work initially, or sometimes there are just logistical challenges (David Sahai speaks to the camera sitting next to Kiana. In the bottom right corner white text reads, "David Sahai, Student & MealCare Founder, University of Guelph. Cut to footage of David working in the kitchen. Often we do have to hear "no." And it's not really because certain donors don't want to work with us. It's just because there are a lot of details that we need to work out. And for that reason, we do hear no a lot. But we continue to persevere until we can make some kind of partnership. (Off camera voice is heard. Yellow text reads, "who said yes?") So who said yes? (Kiana speaks to camera. Cut to footage of Chef Vijay workign in the kitchen. Well, one of our first big "yeses" was from Chef Vijay, and he was one of our really great supporters. (Vijay speaks to camera.) When Kiana and David approached us with the MealCare idea, it was a no brainer for us. The plan and, and the enthusiasm that Kiana and David came up with was something that we had not seen before. (David voice over footage of food being prepared in a kitchen. And after our first, "yes", we were able to continue to foster that relationship and put ourselves in a position where we could expand our impact. (Erin Smith speaks to camera, she is sitting in a lecture hall. In the bottom right corner white text reads, "Erin Smith, Student & MealCare Volunteer, University of Guelph". Cut to footage of people carrying boxes and trays of food and loadign these onto a truck.) The very first time that I heard about MealCare was actually in this room, David and Kiana went up to the front of the entire lecture, which was over 400 students, and gave the most inspiring speech that I've ever heard about how passionate they are to reduce food insecurity. Black screen with white text reads, "MealCare Guelph grew into a CSA registered club with 20 volunteers. (Kiana speaks to camera. Footage of volunteers carrying food on outdoor stairs.) Guelph is a food school, there's such a focus on sustainability here. And so that's why I really feel like MealCare just fits (Vijay speaks to camera. Footage of a van carrying food have it's doors closed.) It is the younger generation who have solutions for many of the problems today, and the University has to support them to succeed. (Kiana's voice over footage of her and David speaking with hospitality staff.) We're so grateful, like we've had so much help along the way, and our team of volunteers has really made the world of difference. (David voice over footage of unloading food from vehicles into buildings.) Without them, we wouldn't have actually been able to grow to actually be in a position where we could impact more change. (Kiana voice over footage of unloading food. Cut to footage inside a car driving. Cut to footage of food package in containers. Cut to fottage of Kiana and David facign the camera.) Whenever I do a donation for meal care, I just makes me feel empowered. There's something about like seeing the physical food, being taken like off of the cart and put somewhere where you know that it's going to be used. It's really, I think it's a really cool, yeah, it's a really special feeling. (Vijay speaks to camera. Footage inside of car looking out at night POV drivers seat. Cut to footage of buildign with sign that reads, "WELCOME IN DROP IN CENTRE". Back to Vijay speaking to camera. I'm originally from India, and I've seen firsthand the poverty and food insecurity that affects millions of people. Canada is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. And stats have time and again shown that we waste 1/3 of all the food that is produced. So it falls upon all of us personally and professionally to take ownership of this problem, which really can be solved. (The voice of Bob Moore is heard over footage outside a building with a sign that reads, "LAKESIDE HOPE HOUSE 10 Cork Street East" different groupings of food, we have beverages, we have fresh foods we have (Bob Moore speaks directly to camera, he is seated in a room with tables labelled that carry different goods. Footage of Bob workign within Hope House. In the homeless population, there's also a deficit in terms of feeling that they're cared for. In an official discussion with about homeless people, we're talking about people with no fixed address, right? And a fixed address is not actually going to solve that problem. It's really important for people that are living insecurity, that they have a sense of home and home begins when there's a sense of community and when there's carrying the MealCare meals as they started coming in, we couldn't believe the quality. When people know that they're going to be able to get not just any food, but really good quality food. nice variety. Yeah, just tells you that you're you're worth something you're worthwhile. (Kiana voice over footage of her and David looking at a binder of papers. Cut to footage of Kiana and David facing camera. Food Security, if you think of the actual definition is like safe, affordable, accessible, culturally appropriate and just some of the things we're able to donate like, we have vegetarian options and gluten free and a lot of our meals are halal. (David speaks to camera.) it's not food waste or leftover. It's good food, nutritious food that can really make a difference in someone's life. (David speaks in kitchen with Kiana and Vijay) Since our inception at MealCare Guelph, we have donated 14,163 pounds of food. (Vijay in kitchen) Wow, that's impressive. (Kiana speaks sitting beside David) Go to your calculator. 14,000 pounds divided by 365 38.35. 38 and a third years of free lunches if your lunch weighs one pound. That's so much food. (Kiana speaks in Kitchen) I think it's really cool. The the very first donation Dave and I did was just the two of us wheeling a little wheelbarrow of food in the freezing cold. (David speaks to camera seated beside Kiana.) For our first couple of donations. It wasn't a lot of food, right? But when you put into perspective, even a couple of pounds that can feed so many people who can really depend on it than that it was just such an amazing feeling. (Erin voice over footage of MealCare volunteers preparing food in a ktichen. Cut to Erin seated in lecture hall. I feel like I'm really making a difference in someone's life. And it just makes you feel proud to be a University of Guelph students. (Kiana voice over footage of her working in kitchen. Cut to her speaking to camera seated beside David Even though it seems like food waste is a very daunting global issue like small, proactive, continued change is really going to make a difference in the long run. It is challenging and it's never going to be easy, but the reward is so worth it if you're willing to really fight for our message and what we believe in Black screen with white text that reads, "MealCare and U of G have donated over 14,000 pounds to people in our community" Cut to white screen with University of Guelph logo and tagline, Improve Life."