PISCeS Additional Information: Student Financial Assistance

Student Financial Assistance — Financial assistance will be available for a limited number of students and granted based on their submitted Abstract and Research.

To request Student Financial Assistance: 
    •    Submit your abstract by March 15, 2023
    •    When submitting your abstract specify that you want to apply for Student Financial Assistance
    •    Submit proof of current student status and University affiliation

Best Student Presentation Prize — This prize will be granted at the conference to recognize high quality research and scientific engagement. There will be prizes for both oral and poster student presentations.

To participate in this competition: 
    •    Submit your abstract by March 15, 2023
    •    When submitting your abstract specify that you want to participate in the Best Student Presentation Price Competition
    •    Submit proof of current student status and University affiliation

*If you already submitted your abstract, but want to apply for any of student support opportunities just let us know by sending an email to pisces@uoguelph.ca and provide proof of current student status.