University of Guelph R Users (UGRU) Group Meeting

Date and Time


Science Complex Rm 3317


Using Git and GitHub (version control) with RStudio: Part 2

Last week in the R User Group we went over the concepts of version control and how to use Git.

This week we will learn:

  1. To use Git with RStudio (to version control your r code)
  2. To collaborate with other people on R code using GitHub
  3. How to publish your R code for a manuscript using Git/GitHub/RStudio 

If you did not attend last week's session but want to learn how to version control, please still come this week. I would ask you to read this Git for Scientists tutorial and then try using Git with TryGit

If you haven't already please download and install Git and please register for GitHub. This should take you 5 mins to do both. Both Git and GitHub are free to use.

Again, the tutorial will follow the instructions here.

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