Meet Prof. John Cranfield Descriptive Transcript Summary: Prof. John Cranfield describes his research on consumer food choices. 00:00 - 00:05 [Music plays; White screen fades in to show University of Guelph logo; red and black text appears] Text: :60 Second Snapshots Meet the Profs of the Ontario Agricultural College 00:05 - 00:21 [Screen fades to show video of Prof. John Cranfield speaking in a library setting; University of Guelph logo and white text on a black box fade in at bottom with text: Prof. John Cranfield Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Music fades out.] John: My research focuses on trying to understand why consumers put the food that they do in a grocery cart, on their plate or in their mouth. This is important because consumers ultimately are the people who buy the foods that producers grow and we need to understand what motivates consumption in order to help producers make better production decisions. 00:21 - 00:32 [Footage shows Prof. John Cranfield teaching in lecture hall with shots of students watching his lecture] John: The most exciting aspect of my work is working with graduate and undergraduate students. They bring enthusiasm, they bring excitement and they bring new questions that we hadn't thought of when we're looking at agricultural food and resource utilization. 00:32 - 00:56 [Screen quickly fades out and in, returning to Prof. John Cranfield speaking in library setting] John: Alongside a couple of my graduate students I have actually got a program of research that looks at the economics of animal welfare and what we're trying to understand is consumer acceptance and willingness to pay for food products that come from an agricultural production system where there is enhanced animal welfare characteristics. Key to that research is taking that knowledge from the consumer side of it and translating it down to the farm level [music fades in] so the producers are better able to make decisions related to agricultural production. 00:56 - 01:01 [Screen fades in to show OAC logo on a white background, red website link] Text: [Screen fades to black]