Meet Prof. Ivan O'Halloran Descriptive Transcript Summary: Prof. Ivan O'Halloran describes his current research on nutrient cycling in agricultural ecosystems. 0:00 - 0:04 [Music plays; White screen fades in to show University of Guelph logo; red and black text appears] Text: :60 Second Snapshots Meet the Profs of the Ontario Agricultural College 0:05 - 0:20 [Screen changes to show video of Prof. Ivan O'Halloran speaking on a dark barkground; University of Guelph logo and white text on a black box fade in at bottom] Text: Prof. Ivan O'Halloran School of Environmental Sciences Ridgetown Campus Ivan: My research deals with the cycling of nutrients [Music fades out] in agricultural ecosystems. And that involves both looking at nutrient use efficiency by the crops we produce, the retention [University of Guelphl logo and text fade out] of nutrients in the soils that it's applied to, and then the potential losses of those nutrients to other parts of the environment. 0:21 - 0:47 [Screen flashes to video of Prof. Ivan O'Halloran speaking on a dark background] Ivan: Currently some of the research projects that we're involved in that I'm quite excited about, is looking at the movement of phosphorus in tile lines to surface water. In Ontario we require tile drainage as an important part of production, but it also serves as a pathway for nutrient loss to surface water bodies. And so we're looking at methods to either improve the nutrient use or retention on the farm field, as well as how we might mitigate [Music fades in] those losses of phosphorus into tile lines. 0:48 - 0:53 [Screen fades in to show OAC logo on a white background, red website link] Text: [Screen fades to black]