Meet Prof. Jon Warland Descriptive Transcript Summary: A brief description by Prof. Jon Warland, University of Guelph, of his research into plant exchange funtions and particularly his research working with the Toronto Blue Jays. 0:00 - 0:04 [Music plays; White screen fades in to show University of Guelph logo; red and black text appears] Text: :60 Second Snapshots Meet the Profs of the Ontario Agricultural College 0:05 - 0:37 [Screen changes to show video of Prof. Jon Warland speaking on a dark background of an empty lecture hall; University of Guelph logo and white text on a black box fade in at bottom] Text: Prof. Jon Warland School of Environmental Sciences Jon: My research focuses on the exchange of gases and energy [Music fades out] between the surface and the atmosphere. So we measure how much carbon dioxide is taken up [University of Guelph logo and text fade out] by plants or how much nitrous oxide comes out of a soil. This is important for greenhouse gas exchange in understanding those budgets. It's also important for understanding how to properly irrigate a crop without wasting water. It's very interesting just to understand how a plant system behaves to the atmosphere, how it responds to drought, how it responds to changing conditions. So it's a fascinating field of study. 0:38 - 1:06 [Screen flashes to video of Prof. Jon Warland speaking on a dark background of an empty lecture hall] Jon: An exciting project I'm currently working on is trying to figure out how they can grow turfgrass, natural grass, inside at the Rogers Centre for the Blue Jays. In this project I have been able to develop new technology to measure temperature and humidity, that we can deploy very cheaply all around the stadium. So we've been able to able to build about forty of these sensors, these data logging units, and deploy them to get the measurements of what [Music fades in] the air temperature and humidity are like in the stadium right now. 1:07 - 1:12 [Screen fades in to show OAC logo on a white background, red website link] Text: [Screen fades to black]