Meet Prof. Katie Wood Descriptive Transcript Summary: Prof. Katie Wood describes her research on beef cattle metabolism and feed efficiency. 0:00 - 0:04 [Music plays; White screen fades in to show University of Guelph logo; red and black text appears] Text: :60 Second Snapshots Meet the Profs of the Ontario Agricultural College 0:05 - 0:25 [Screen changes to video of Prof. Katie Wood speaking in front of a glass display case; University of Guelph logo and white text on a black box fade in at bottom] Text: Prof. Katie Wood Department of Animal Biosciences Katie: My research focuses on beef cattle and primarily [Music fades out] understanding metabolism and feed efficiency. So we know that if [University of Guelph logo and text fade out] you feed two cows the same, one cow will tend to grow a lot better or a lot faster than another, and so what I'm trying to do is trying to understand that underlying metabolism to see why we see those differences in those animals. 0:26 - 0:53 [Screen flashes to video of Prof. Katie Wood speaking in front of a glass display case] Katie: One thing I really love about studying cattle is you get to see animals in their environment and then we can take samples and take measurements on these animals and bring it back to the lab and you start to see differences on the tissue and cell level and even down to the gene level. And to think about how those small differences in the animal translate to such big differences in the performance of the whole animal [Music fades in] is really amazing to me. 0:54 - 0:58 [Screen fades in to show OAC logo on a white background, red website link] Text: [Screen fades to black]