General Description: This video is a virtual reality experience where you are emerged within environments on the University of Guelph campus. The user can turn around to experience the different areas. Descriptions for each environment follow. Johnston Green Opening Screen [You are standing on Johnston Green where in front of you there are three 3D boxes. From left to right they read, Food Science, Arboretum and Bovey Greenhouse. On top of all the boxes you see a University of Guelph Icon that sitting in front of Johnston Hall.] [You click on the yellow building icon that opens to read: “Established in 1874, Ontario Agricultural College is a founding college of the University of Guelph. Today it includes two campuses located in Guelph, and Ridgetown, Ontario as well as a province-wide network of campuses, field stations, and research facilities. It is compromised of six academic units: Department of Animal Biosciences; Department of Food, Agriculture & Resource Economics; Department of Food Science; Department of Plant Agriculture; School of Environmental Design & Rural Development; School of Environmental Sciences”.] [When you turn around you can see an old stone arch and a yellow building icon next to it] [When you click the yellow icon a large golden yellow plaque opens up with a description that reads: “This portico was the entrance of the Frederick W. Stone farmhouse, the building in which the first classes of the Ontario school of Agriculture were held on May 1st,1874. Renamed the Ontario Agricultural College in 1880, this institution, the first college established on the University of Guelph campus, was affiliated with the university of Toronto in 1888. A provincial Act of 1962 created the Federated Colleges of the Ontario Agriculture College, the Ontario Veterinary College and the Macdonald Institute; these in 1964, formed the nucleus of the newly established University of Guelph. Through its research and innovative ideas the Ontario Agricultural College has contributed greatly to the development of the country’s agricultural industry.”]. [You click on the Food Science box and it takes you into a lab.] Food Science Virtual Tour Description Female Voice: “The formulation lab is a food grade lab where students can work on developing food. This space is equipped with small scale equipment and contains all the tools necessary for formulating food. Everything from balances to pH meters, through to plates and cutlery can be found here. Students also have access to convection ovens conduction burners fridge and freezers to store their foods. [You are standing in the middle of the formulation lab. In front of you there is a large lab bench containing samples, notebooks scales and trays. The lab bench contains many compartments of drawers and shelves. 15 seconds after you enter the lab a man and woman dressed in a lab coat and hair net enter your view.] When you turn right against the wall there are some shelves, two industrial sized fridges and another lab bench behind you. On the end of the bench to your left there are four individuals in lab coats and hair nets working on some samples.] [Once you click the blue and yellow ice cream icon it reads" Food science students can compete annually in international food product development competitions such as the Research Chefs Association annual product development challenge and competitions hosted by the Institute of Food Technologists. Their unique ideas have won them top honors for many consecutive years. In addition to potential cash prizes, students can learn teamwork and time management skills, as well as how to formulate food products that they present to the judges."] Ice Cream Testing Virtual Tour Description [Upon clicking the ice cream testing icon you are taken to the back side of the lab] Female voice: Students are encouraged to try new flavor combinations and ingredients using puree and a variety of dairy and dairy alternatives like vegan ice cream. Taste testing your product is the best part of studying food science or food industry management.” [You are standing around a steel work bench in the formulation lab with a group of students around you. There are 4 individuals around the work bench in lab coats and hair nets sampling ice-cream and passing it around the work bench.] Ice Cream Technology Virtual Tour Description [When you click the ice cream technology icon it takes you to another formulation lab] Male voice: “Food science and food industry management students have the opportunity to use the daily processing power plant during their fourth year of study to process cheese, dairy beverages and ice-cream” [You are standing in the middle of the testing lab, in front of you there are large steel cylinders with many wires and tubes connected to them. Turning to your left you can see a woman and man working together at a lab bench making samples.] [You turn to your left there are more people working on scooping some ice cream into a large steel machine with a spout on the end. A man pours a pot into a cylinder funnel with the guide a woman. Above them there is a yellow ice cream icon, when you click it the text reads: “A homogenizer is a piece of equipment that breaks down particles in liquid food into smaller units, which results in a more uniform product with creamier and smoother mouthfeel. Examples of these products would be ice cream and milk. The homogenization is achieved by applying pressure and forcing the product through a small opening."] [When you turn left you can see more large machines used for food testing. Two individuals in hair nets and blue lab coats working on a steel work bench and writing on a white board. There is another blue and yellow ice cream icon and when you click it, it reads "A co-op option is available for students studying in the food sciences and food industry management majors. The co-op experience improves students’ skills in networking, interviews, job search and work performance. Students explore different career opportunities, while gaining valuable experience and earning money."] [When you click the blue and yellow ice cream icon it reads " The Batch ice cream freezer allows students produce small to mid-size batches of ice cream, gelato, sorbet, frozen custard and sherbert. One of the best-known traditions at the University of Guelph is an open house even called College Royal, held each March. Each year food science students develop new and interesting milkshake flavors for the thousands of attendees to sample".] [When you exit the Food Science Tour you are back on Johnston Green. You click the Arboretum Box next and it takes you into the Arboretum.] Arboretum Virtual Tour Description Female voice: “The Arboretum is the perfect place for Bachelor of Landscape Architecture students to study bio-physical factors of the environment that they will need to understand to be successful in their profession. In their courses, landscape analysis and plants in the landscape they use the arboretum to learn more about soil, climate, vegetation, hydrology and fauna”. [You are standing outside on a stone path. It is a sunny day with a slight breeze as the leave on the trees are softly swaying. In front of you there is a picnic table with two people seated and another friend comes to join them shortly after. Around you there are many trees and a few people walking on the stone path. When you turn right there is a women crouched down with a notebook in hand who looks to be conducting research. There are three yellow and blue tree icons that read respectively from left to right, An Arboretum Walk and Arboretum Pond.] An Arboretum Walk Virtual Tour Description [Once you click the icon you are taken to a large dirt path] Female voice: “The Arboretum is home to over 9 km of trails. These include pathways through natural forests, fields, plant collections and gardens; so, you can explore and enjoy the wide array of plants and 1700 species of trees and shrubs. Many student clubs like the wildlife club and environmental governance club use the arboretum as a meeting and activity space. Student clubs are an easy ay to get involved in campus life and one of the best ways to meet new people. There are more than 200 clubs and organizations at the University of Guelph for all sorts of interests and learning outside the classroom.” [You are walking backwards on a wide dirt path, facing two ladies who are engaged in conversation. It is a bright sunny day the sky is blue with only a few clouds to be seen. You pass an old barn and walk-through wooden arches continuing the dirt path that is lined with many trees, bushes and flowers.] Arboretum Pond Virtual Tour Description [As soon as you click the “Arboretum Pond icon you are taken to a different screen that is the Arboretum pond] Speaker: “In the undergraduate course Lab and Field Work in Ecology students use the arboretum and other local sights test out and try experimental designs, sampling analysis and interpretation of data collected in hopes of answering ecological questions. The best part about the arboretum is that this living laboratory is only a short walk from campus, no transportation required to this nature wonderland.” [You are standing in the middle of the forest on damp mud next to a pond. It is shady where you are due to the many trees surrounding you. The sunshine’s through small openings among the trees. When you turn right you see a man looking through binoculars standing under a hanging tree branch. Behind the man on the tree is a tree icon that says Ornithology.] [You click on a yellow leaf icon and it reads “Students in environmental science related programs have the opportunity to take one or more independent research study courses their undergraduate degree. Independent research courses are an opportunity to design and carry out a research project under the mentorship of a faculty member. This is a perfect chance to look more deeply into a topic or issue that truly interests you.”] Ornithology Virtual Tour Description [Upon clicking the tree icon by the Arboretum Pond you are taken to another screen out in the open grass and on a dirt path.] Male voice: “Students in the BBRM Environmental Management, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences and Bachelor of Science have the opportunity to take a number of courses that utilize the Arboretum including ornithology, which is the study of birds, ecology and forest ecology.” [You are standing on the grass under the shade of a tree. It is a sunny day with no clouds in sight. Many students are seen walking through the grass or the dirt path by you. In front of you there is a yellow tree icon. Upon clicking the icon, you see three panels. Infront of you that map out the full Srboretum.] Male voice “One of the best ways to use the arboretum is to just enjoy the naturalized space. There’s 400 acres of room to explore and to find your favorite spot to read, study take a break or hang out with friends. I remember hiking with friends in the arboretum during my undergrad and the occasional picnic.” [You click a yellow leaf icon that reads “These students are using binoculars to observe and record a variety of species of birds during an observation period in the lab component of their ecology class. The Arboretum attracts many different kinds of birds including black-capped chickadees, mourning doves, red breasted nuthatches, blue jays, black-throated blue warbler, and purple finches." When you turn right you see more people on the path around you.] [When you exit the Arboretum Tour you are back on Johnston Green. You click the Bovey Greenhouse Box and it takes you into the middle of a greenhouse.] Bovey Greenhouse Virtual Tour Description Female Voice “The tropical greenhouse is an immersive place on campus. It is used to house some of the greenhouses most unique plants like the Titan Arum which is more commonly known as the corps flower. Its also a favorite place for students to enjoy a tropical climate on even the coldest winter days.” [You are standing in the middle of a greenhouse. All around you there are tropical plants in pots or hanging from bars above you. There are many students all around the greenhouse chatting with one another and looking at the plants.] [You click a blue and yellow icon above two women looking at some plants, it read “The University of Guelph Horticulture Club is made up of students who share an interest in plants including floriculture, fruits, vegetables, and crops who often use the tropical greenhouse for meetings and activities. This orchid wall is designed and maintained by the club members.”] [You click on a flower icon that has a picture of a rare tropical plant and it reads “This foul-smelling plant only blooms approximately once every 7-10 years with lots of variation and is just one of four Titan Arums that have been grown at the University of Guelph. The first plant in Guelph was grown by seed and took eleven years to bloom. The bloom of the flower, which smells of rotting flesh, only lasts about one or two days. Around you there are two icons that read Greenhouse Tour and Greenhouse Research”] Greenhouse Research Virtual Tour Description [Upon clicking the Greenhouse research icon, you hear upbeat music is playing in the background as you are walking down the back hall of the greenhouses. Along the wall are large fans and electrical boxes. The sky is bright blue, and the sun is shining through the clear glass ceiling. A lady leads you to the right into a smaller room with rows and rows of small plants held in potters. You are accompanied by two other individuals who are working.] Greenhouse Tour Virtual Tour Description [Upon clicking the Greenhouse Tour icon, you are taken to a new screen] [When you enter the room, you hear upbeat music with some piano and base plays as you are walking through the greenhouse, with many tropical plants around you. The greenhouse is bright as the sun shines through the large windows. You stop to look at a large leaf that’s in your path. Behind you a woman walks with you, as there are a few others in the greenhouse as well. You are surrounded by a number of plants and trees and you walk into a larger space within the greenhouse.]