Laboratory for Translational Biomedical Discovery (LTBD) (OVC)

Completed in 2007, the focus of this facility is to provide research space and short term accommodation for larger animal models. The building houses surgical facilities, including arthroscopic, laparoscopic and thoroscopic equipment, suitable for all animal species. Radiographic, fluoroscopic and ultrasound diagnostic imaging facilities are also available in the facility.

Rooms are booked for periods of time appropriate to each project. A variety of lockable storage units are available for short-term storage of equipment and supplies. Anaesthetic equipment is available, including sophisticated monitoring devices for all species of animals, along with species-appropriate preparation areas. An intensive care area can be used for studies where intensive monitoring is required. Basic postmortem facilities are available, primarily for specimen collection.

Contact Us

Mary Fowler: 519-824-4120 Ext. 54304