Public Health
The college has a long-standing record of excellence in public health research. Scientists have extensive expertise in public health at the human-animal-environmental linkages. Areas of expertise include food safety, zoonotic disease prevention and control, antibiotic resistance and ecosystems approaches to health. Many animal health research projects also have direct or indirect pubic health implications.
Research approaches span from the molecular to the population level and involve domestic animals, companion animals, wildlife, and human populations, with direct responsibility for the administration of the Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses at the University of Guelph, a virtual centre comprised of faculty members involved in public health research.
Collaboration across disciplines and between organizations is key to the success of the program. By developing strong partnerships with scientists in animal and human public health at all levels, and with academics in other veterinary colleges and in human medical schools, a team approach allows researchers to address complex issues and network world-wide with individuals with diverse expertise.
An important component of research programs includes the training of graduate students and their contributions to research output. Students are involved in public health research from the DVM program, and through enrolment in our MSc, PhD, DVSc, and MPH programs. As these students complete their studies and graduate, they become the next generation of collaborators and public health partners.