University of Guelph 2002-2003 Diploma Program Calendar

X--Associate Diploma Programs, Associate Diploma in Agriculture

This program provides a practical, skills-oriented approach to agricultural production systems and affords its students an opportunity to improve their business and managerial skills. Diploma in Agriculture students integrate practical experience in agricultural production with the technical and scientific information that is required to successfully operate modern food production enterprises. Business management, computer skills, and problem solving activities provide students with the abilities they require as self-employed managers of production systems, and as technical/sales employees of agri-business firms, commodity boards, and other agencies related to the agri-food system.

All colleges offer a general program that includes the core course requirements for the Diploma supplemented with elective courses with specialization in particular areas of study available as shown in the table. Students have the option of moving to one of the other colleges for one or two semesters of study. Students at all colleges have access to the general curriculum and students at each college receive the same diploma at graduation. Semester 3 is normally the best semester to study at another college, particularly if it has a specialization and additional courses in which a student is interested. Students will be encouraged to consider these intercollege transfer opportunities with their faculty advisors.

Areas of Study

A: Alfred (French Language); G: Guelph; K: Kemptville; R:Ridgetown





Animal Production, Business and Field Crops





Fruit and Vegetable Crops



International Development


Required Courses

Semester 1 - Fall

DAGR*1000 [0.50] Livestock Systems

DAGR*1200 [0.50] Applied Plant Science

DAGR*1300 [0.50] Soil Principles

DAGR*1350 [0.50] Agricultural Mechanization and Safety

DAGR*1610 [0.50] Computer Applications

DAGR*1600 [0.50] Applied Mathematics

FREE*0900 [0.00] Director's Hour (Guelph only)

Semester 2 - Winter

DAGR*2100 [0.50] Marketing and Policy

DAGR*2110 [0.50] Business Accounting

DAGR*2600 [0.50] Communication Skills

1.50 elective credits

NOTE: At some locations DAGR*1350 may be scheduled in semester two and DAGR*2600 may be scheduled in semester one to accommodate faculty and/or physical resource availability; DAGR*1600 and DAGR*1610 may be scheduled both F and W at some locations to accommodate the need for laboratory facilities.

Semester 3 - Fall

DAGR*3100 [0.50] Business Management

DAGR*4600 [0.50] Human Resources Management (Ridgetown only)

2.50 elective credits (2.00 elective credits at Ridgetown)

Semester 4 - Winter

3.00 elective credits (Ridgetown only)


DAGR*4600 [0.50] Human Resource Management

2.00 elective credits

One of:

DAGR*4610 [0.50] Business Project

DAGR*4620 [0.50] Farm Project


Agriculture students must take at least 5.50 elective credits, 3.00 of which may be from programs other than Agriculture.

Some electives are offered subject to a minimum enrolment. Some DAGR* electives are common to several diploma programs.

A students may only choose or be awarded credit for a maximum of 2 (1.00 credits) of the following Experiential Learning options including Experiential Learning courses, Special Study projects, In-Service Training courses, or Field Placement courses. It is preferable that an Experiential Learning course is started the summer before the third academic semester. See course descriptions for DAGR*3510 and DAGR*3900.


Semester 1

DAGR*1250 [0.50] Identification of Herbs and Aromatic Plants

Semester 2

DAGR*2000 [0.50] Animal Science

DAGR*2200 [0.50] Crop Management I

DAGR*2210 [0.50] Applied Weed Science

DAGR*2360 [0.50] Machinery Maintenance *

DAGR*2370 [0.50] Small Engines *

DAGR*2400 [0.50] Organic Plant Production

DAGR*2450 [0.50] Production and Propagation of Herbs and Aromatic Plants

DAGR*2500 [0.50] International Development

DAGR*2650 [0.50] In-Service Training

Semester 3

DAGR*1500 [0.50] Spanish Conversation

DAGR*3000 [0.50] Beef Production

DAGR*3010 [0.50] Dairy Production

DAGR*3050 [0.50] Livestock Production Techniques

DAGR*3120 [0.50] Business Marketing

DAGR*3130 [0.50] Sales and Sales Management

DAGR*3140 [0.50] Creating Your Business *

DAGR*3200 [0.50] Crop Management II

DAGR*3210 [0.50] Insect and Disease Management

DAGR*3300 [0.50] Land and Water Stewardship

DAGR*3350 [0.50] Welding *

DAGR*3400 [0.50] Organic Fertilization

DAGR*3500 [0.50] Agricultural Extension and International Communication

DAGR*3550 [0.50] Dry Tropics Agriculture *

DAGR*3600 [0.50] Food Systems

DAGR*3700 [0.50] Agroforestry

Semester 4

DAGR*4010 [0.50] Animal Health

DAGR*4040 [0.50] Small Ruminant Animal Production *

DAGR*4050 [0.50] Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Selection

DAGR*4060 [0.50] Alternative Animal Agriculture *

DAGR*4100 [0.50] Commodity Marketing *

DAGR*4240 [0.50] Biodynamic Production

DAGR*4250 [0.50] Post-Harvest Handling and Storage *

DAGR*4300 [0.50] Processing and Storage of Herbs and Aromatic Plants

DAGR*4310 [0.50] Production of Herbs and Aromatic Plants

DAGR*4350 [0.50] Farm Structures and Environment

DAGR*4400 [0.50] Organic Animal Production

DAGR*4500 [0.00] Developing Country In-Service Training

DAGR*4550 [0.50] Humid Tropics Agriculture *

DAGR*4640 [0.50] Leadership Skills Development *

*course offered in alternate years only


Semester 2

DAGR*2000 [0.50] Animal Science

DAGR*2200 [0.50] Crop Management I

DAGR*2210 [0.50] Applied Weed Science

DAGR*2290 [0.50] Agricultural Chemicals and the Environment

DAGR*3300 [0.50] Land and Water Stewardship

DAGR*4640 [0.50] Leadership Skills Development

ENVB*2040 [0.50] Biology of Plant Pests

Semester 3

DAGR*3000 [0.50] Beef Production

DAGR*3010 [0.50] Dairy Production

DAGR*3110 [0.50] Business Finance

DAGR*3120 [0.50] Business Marketing

DAGR*3200 [0.50] Crop Management II

DAGR*3250 [0.50] Fruit Production

DAGR*3260 [0.50] Vegetable Production

DAGR*3510 [0.50] Experiential Learning

DAGR*3600 [0.50] Food Systems

DAGR*3640 [0.50] Rural Society

DAGR*3700 [0.50] Agroforestry

DAGR*3900 [0.50] Special Project Course

Semester 4

DAGR*3130 [0.50] Sales and Sales Management

DAGR*4000 [0.50] Pork and Poultry Production

DAGR*4010 [0.50] Animal Health

DAGR*4100 [0.50] Commodity Marketing

DAGR*4200 [0.50] Cropping Systems

DAGR*4250 [0.50] Post-Harvest Handling and Storage


Semester 2

DAGR*2000 [0.50] Animal Science

DAGR*2200 [0.50] Crop Management I

DAGR*3020 [0.50] Livestock Evaluation

DAGR*3210 [0.50] Insect and Disease Management

DAGR*2360 [0.50] Machinery Maintenance

DAGR*2370 [0.50] Small Engines

Semester 3

DAGR*2210 [0.50] Applied Weed Science

DAGR*3000 [0.50] Beef Production

DAGR*3010 [0.50] Dairy Production

DAGR*3030 [0.50] Sheep Production

DAGR*3050 [0.50] Livestock Production Techniques

DAGR*3120 [0.50] Business Marketing

DAGR*3130 [0.50] Sales and Sales Management

DAGR*3200 [0.50] Crop Management II

DAGR*3250 [0.50] Fruit Production

DAGR*3260 [0.50] Vegetable Production

DAGR*3300 [0.50] Land and Water Stewardship

DAGR*3350 [0.50] Welding

DAGR*3700 [0.50] Agroforestry

Semester 4

DAGR*3020 [0.50] Livestock Evaluation

DAGR*3350 [0.50] Welding

DAGR*3360 [0.50] Grain Elevator Equipment and Feed Formulation

DAGR*4000 [0.50] Pork and Poultry Production

DAGR*4010 [0.50] Animal Health

DAGR*4050 [0.50] Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Selection

DAGR*4060 [0.50] Alternative Animal Agriculture

DAGR*4100 [0.50] Commodity Marketing

DAGR*4200 [0.50] Cropping Systems

DAGR*4210 [0.50] Crop Diagnostic and Recommendation

DAGR*4220 [0.50] Organic Production

DAGR*4250 [0.50] Post-Harvest Handling and Storage

DAGR*4350 [0.50] Farm Structures and Environment

DAGR*4700 [0.50] Advanced Agroforestry


Semester 2

DAGR*2000 [0.50] Animal Science

DAGR*2200 [0.50] Crop Management I

DAGR*2210 [0.50] Applied Weed Science

DAGR*2270 [0.50] Mushroom Production

DAGR*2360 [0.50] Machinery Maintenance

DAGR*2370 [0.50] Small Engines

DAGR*2630 [0.50] Computer Management

Semester 3

DAGR*3000 [0.50] Beef Production

DAGR*3010 [0.50] Dairy Production

DAGR*3040 [0.50] Pork Production

DAGR*3120 [0.50] Business Marketing

DAGR*3130 [0.50] Sales and Sales Management

DAGR*3200 [0.50] Crop Management II

DAGR*3210 [0.50] Insect and Disease Management

DAGR*3250 [0.50] Fruit Production

DAGR*3260 [0.50] Vegetable Production

DAGR*3300 [0.50] Land and Water Stewardship

DAGR*3350 [0.50] Welding

DAGR*3360 [0.50] Grain Elevator Equipment and Feed Formulation

Semester 4

DAGR*4020 [0.50] Poultry Production

DAGR*4050 [0.50] Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Selection

DAGR*4070 [0.50] Swine Reproduction and Farrowing Management

DAGR*4100 [0.50] Commodity Marketing

DAGR*4200 [0.50] Cropping Systems

DAGR*4210 [0.50] Crop Diagnostics and Recommendations

DAGR*4230 [0.50] Grain Grading/Seed Production

DAGR*4260 [0.50] Advanced Vegetable Production

DAGR*4270 [0.50] Horticultural Crop Protection

DAGR*4350 [0.50] Farm Structures and Environment

DAGR*4630 [0.50] Internet and Web Page Design

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Last revised: 01 March 2002

© 2001 Office of Registrarial Services, University of Guelph