VIII. Associate Diploma Regulations and Procedures
Deferred Privileges
When students do not write a required final examination, complete a final assignment, or complete a work term report by the deadline, they may be eligible for a deferred privilege. A deferred privilege is the opportunity to complete the final course requirements after the end of the semester. The nature of the deferred privilege may take the form of either a Deferred Condition or a Deferred Examination. The Academic Review Sub-Committee grants deferred privileges on the basis of medical, psychological, or compassionate consideration (see Academic Consideration and Appeals).
Deferred privileges are normally completed in the semester immediately following the semester in which the course was taken (refer to Section III--Schedule of Dates). If the Academic Review Sub-Committee assigns a passing grade or credit standing (CRD) on the basis of medical, psychological, or compassionate consideration, a student may request a deferred privilege instead. The student must make the request in writing to their Program Counsellors. The grade resulting from the deferred privilege will become part of the student's official academic record.
Instructors do not grant deferred privileges. They can only grant academic consideration for work that is due during the semester and cannot grant extensions beyond their deadline for submission of final grades. The instructor should note on the "Instructor's Recommendation" form any special circumstances relating either to the student or to the way the course was conducted (see Final Grades).
Undergraduate Program Services records the results of deferred privileges, and re-evaluates the student's academic record for continuation of study.
- Deferred Condition
The instructor and/or Chair/Director determine the requirements and conduct of the deferred condition. The deferred condition may be a written test, an oral test, an assignment, a laboratory practical, or any other method of evaluation. The requirements for completion of the deferred condition are documented on the "Terms of Supplemental/ Deferred Condition" form and a copy of the form is retained by the instructor and the student. The department notifies Undergraduate Program Services of the results of a deferred condition, normally within 7 days of its completion.
Students must normally complete a deferred condition by the end of the deferred examination schedule in the semester immediately following the completion of the course (refer to Section III--Schedule of Dates). Scheduling, Office of Registrarial Services advises students in writing of the deadline for the completion of a condition. In addition, Scheduling directs the student to the "Terms of Supplemental/Deferred Condition" form It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor and make arrangements for the details of the condition.
Scheduling advises departments in writing of the students who have been granted deferred conditions. The memorandum specifies the date for completion of the deferred condition, and the deadline for the submission of final grades to Undergraduate Program Services. It is the responsibility of the Chair/Director or designate to advise the appropriate instructors of the deferred conditions that have been granted.
If the condition is not completed by the required date, a grade is assigned based on the term work completed as indicated on the original "Instructor's Recommendation" form. Students may be considered for an extension, or the assignment of a grade based on incomplete work, if medical or compassionate reasons prevail at the time of the scheduled condition. In this case, the student should consult with their program counsellor and may submit a "Request for Academic Consideration" form with documentation to Undergraduate Program Services, Office of Registrarial Services.
- Deferred Examination
Scheduling, Office of Registrarial Services schedules and supervises deferred examinations that are two hours in length. Scheduling notifies departments of the deferred examination schedule and advises the students of the date, time and location of their deferred examinations. The Academic Review Sub-Committees expect students to write deferred examinations during the deferred examination period that follows the end of the semester in which the course was taken (refer to Section III--Schedule of Dates).
When conflicts arise between a student’s deferred final examination and a midterm examination, the deferred examination takes precedence. The instructor for the class in which the midterm is being written shall make appropriate accommodation, mutually agreeable the student and instructor, for the student to make up the missed midterm examination. If the student and instructor are not able to come to an agreement, they will refer the matter to the Chair/Director responsible for the course. Students may request an extension, or the assignment of a grade based on incomplete work, if medical or compassionate reasons prevail at the time of the scheduled deferred examination. In this case, the student should consult with their program counsellor and may submit a "Request for Academic Consideration" form with documentation to Undergraduate Program Services, Office of Registrarial Services.