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Biomedical Sciences

MSc Program
PhD Program
Interdepartmental Programs


John F. Leatherland (2631, Ontario Veterinary College, Ext. 4900)
(E-mail: jleatherland@ovc.uoguelph.ca)

Graduate co-ordinator
Brenda Coomber (3647 OVC, Ext. 4922/4957)
(E-mail: bcoomber@ovc.uoguelph.ca)

Graduate secretary
Wendy Arthur (2631 OVC, Ext. 4900)
(E-mail: warthur@ovc.uoguelph.ca)

Graduate Faculty

Dean H. Betts
BSc, MSc Western Ontario, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor

William D. Black
DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD Georgia - Professor

Herman J. Boermans
DVM, MSc, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor

Harold W. Chapman
BVSc Sydney, MS Kansas State, PhD Pennsylvania - Associate Professor

Peter D. Conlon
BSc (Agr), MSc McGill, DVM, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor

Brenda L. Coomber
BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor

B. Anne Croy
DVM Guelph, PhD Toronto - Professor

Kenneth R.S. Fisher
BSc, MSc, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor

Patricia A. Gentry
BSc, PhD Glasgow - Professor

Karen L. Goodrowe
BSc Alabama, MSc Illinois, PhD Maryland - Adjunct Professor

W. Larry Grovum
BSA Saskatchewan, PhD New England - Professor

Ann C. Hahnel
BA, BSc, PhD Washington - Associate Professor

W.J. Brad Hanna
BSc, DVM, MSc, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor

William H. Harris
DVM, MSc Guelph, PhD Calgary - Professor

Ian B. Johnstone
DVM, MSc, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor

W. Allan King
BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Uppsala - Professor

Harpreet S. Kochar
BSVc & AH, MVSc Punjab, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor

Gordon Kirby
DVM Guelph, MSc Surrey, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor

Jonathan LaMarre
DVM, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor

John F. Leatherland
BSc Sheffield, PhD Leeds, DSc Sheffield - Professor

Roger A. Moorehead
BSc, PhD McMaster - Assistant Professor

Gary D. Partlow
BSc Guelph, MSc Western Ontario, PhD Ottawa - Associate Professor

James J. Petrik
BA, MA, PhD Western Ontario - Assistant Professor

Alastair J.S. Summerlee
BSc, BVSc, PhD Bristol, MRCVS - University Provost and Professor

Jeffrey J. Thomason
BA Cambridge, MSc, PhD Toronto - Professor

Shigeto Yamashiro
DVM Kagoshima, MVSc Hokkaido, MSc Guelph, PhD Hokkaido - Associate Professor

Associated Graduate Faculty
Pari K. Basrur
BSc, MSc Mysore, PhD Toronto - University Professor Emeritus

Keith J. Betteridge
BVSc Bristol, MVSc Toronto, PhD Reading, FRCVS - University Professor Emeritus

Margaret H. Hardy Fallding
BSc, MSc Queensland, PhD Cambridge - University Professor Emeritus

James I. Raeside
BSc Glasgow, MSc, PhD Missouri - University Professor Emeritus

Special Graduate Faculty
Janice D. Greenwood
BSc, MSc, PhD Guelph - Research Associate

Francis R. Tekpetey
BSc Science and Technology (Ghana), MSc, PhD Manitoba - Scientist, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Program, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario

    The Department specializes in scientific disciplines which are basic to human and veterinary medicine. Within this context, the research activities of the faculty are focused under the general umbrella of biomedical science and biotechnology. The MSc and PhD programs provide emphasis in one of the department's three major fields: Reproductive Biology, Developmental, Cell and Tissue Morphology, and Biomedical Toxicology/Pharmacology. The department also participates in the Doctor of Veterinary Science (DVSc) program, co-ordinated by an interdepartmental committee chaired by the assistant dean (graduate studies and research) of the Ontario Veterinary College.

MSc Program

     Students may take an MSc degree in Reproductive Biology, Developmental, Cell and Tissue Morphology, and Biomedical Toxicology/Pharmacology. The thesis research project may involve: molecular, cellular or developmental aspects of tissue or animal differentiation and growth, physiological, morphological or biomechanical investigations of normal function or disease processes in a variety of organs and tissues, or pharmacological mechanisms related to therapy and drug toxicity.

Admission Requirements
     Applicants should have an honours baccalaureate degree in the biological sciences or a doctor of veterinary medicine degree (or the equivalent) with a minimum 'B+' standing in the final two years of study. Letters of reference from two of the applicant's professors must be provided with the application. In addition, a short statement of the applicant's research interests and career goals, is required to assist in the selection of faculty advisers. Students may be admitted into the fall, winter or spring semester. Students who do not meet this 'B+' standard may be admitted into a provisional category if there is additional evidence that the applicant is capable of successfully completing the graduate program (e.g., outstanding letters of recommendation, or evidence of prior relevant work or research experience). Transfer to regular category will normally be recommended when the student obtains a minimum 'B+' in two courses that have been approved by the department's graduate program committee in consultation with the student's advisory committee and displays current research ability to his/her advisory committee. These courses will be credited to the degree program.

Degree Requirements
     Students must obtain at least an overall weighted average of 'B-' in prescribed courses. The number of course credits prescribed will not be fewer than 1.5 credits. The student must also prepare and defend an acceptable thesis. Prescribed and additional courses are selected by the student in consultation with the student's advisory committee. The courses selected will depend on the student's prior experience and the nature of the research project. All students are required to present two departmental seminars during their program. The thesis research proposal, developed by the student in consultation with the adviser, must receive approval from the advisory committee no later than the end of the second semester of the program. The program is completed by the successful oral defence of a written thesis.

PhD Program

     Students may undertake a PhD degree in aspects of Reproductive Biology, Developmental Cell and Tissue Morphology or Biomedical Toxicology/Pharmacology. Wherever appropriate, students are encouraged to incorporate the methodologies of more than one of these fields into their research project. The PhD program is research oriented and provides instructional opportunities and experiences that are intended to develop the student's ability to formulate hypotheses and design and execute experiments or to conduct observational studies.

Admission Requirements
     Students entering the PhD program must show evidence of the potential for independent, productive and original research. Admission to the PhD program generally requires completion of a research-based MSc program, a minimum 'B+' average in the prescribed courses taken during the master's degree program, and strong recommendations from referees who have a sound knowledge of the student's strengths and weaknesses. In addition, a short statement of the applicant's research interests and career goals is required.
     In those cases where the student is continuing her or his MSc research program into the PhD program, the student must clearly explain how the PhD research program represents a significant advance over that of the MSc.
     In exceptional cases, where a candidate has demonstrated excellence in academic work and extraordinary ability to plan and initiate original research, transfer to the PhD program without completion of the MSc program may be recommended. This transfer must take place before the end of the fourth semester in accordance with university regulations. In all cases, students who do not hold an approved research-based MSc degree must register as MSc students regardless of their ultimate goals. Students may be admitted into the fall, winter or spring semester.

Degree Requirements
     The PhD program offers opportunities for students to become investigators in veterinary and human-health-related sciences. Students will be expected to demonstrate the originality and skill needed to contribute to the knowledge base in a manner that transcends the mere acquisition of data. The element of critical thinking is expected and it is fostered through appraisal of the literature of the student's research field, presentation of three departmental seminars during the program, and interaction with graduate faculty and visiting senior scientists.
     Preparation and defence of an acceptable thesis based on research data and hypotheses generated during the duration of the study are the main criteria used to assess the satisfactory completion of the PhD program. However, the student's advisory committee may require the student to successfully complete specified graduate courses before she or he undertakes the qualifying examination. The qualifying examination, which includes written and oral components, must be completed before the end of the fifth semester of the PhD program, or before the end of the seventh semester for those students who transfer directly from the MSc program. The major and minor areas of emphasis for evaluating the student's comprehension are identified by the advisory committee at least one semester prior to the qualifying examination. Successful completion of the qualifying examination is a prerequisite for continuation in the PhD program. The advisory committee is required to evaluate the student's research productivity periodically and to report on the student's progress to the department graduate program committee each semester in which the student is registered. The PhD program culminates in the preparation, presentation and defence of the thesis, which contains a substantial component of original research.

Interdepartmental Programs

Biophysics MSc/PhD Collaborative Program
     The Department of Biomedical Sciences participates in the MSc/PhD program in biophysics. Professor Thomason is a member of this group. He may serve as an advisers for MSc and PhD students. Please consult the Biophysics listing for a detailed description of the MSc/PhD collaborative program.

Toxicology MSc/PhD Collaborative Program
     The Department of Biomedical Sciences participates in the MSc/PhD program in toxicology. Professors Black, Boermans, Kirby and Yamashiro are members of the Toxicology Interdepartmental Group. The research and teaching expertise of these faculty include aspects of toxicology; they may serve as advisers for MSc and PhD students. Please consult the Toxicology listing for a detailed description of the MSc/PhD collaborative program.

DVSc Program
     The Department of Biomedical Sciences participates in the DVSc program offering specialization in clinical pharmacology. This program provides a balance between advanced training in the discipline, in-service training and a thesis-research project.


     Students must obtain permission from the instructor or the graduate co-ordinator before registering in any course.


Course/(Credit Value) Term Course Description
Functional Neuroanatomy (0.5)
   A course emphasizing the structure and function of the mammalian nervous system and organs of special sense.
Pregnancy, Birth and Perinatal Adaptations (0.5)
   A multidisciplinary seminar course to promote understanding of physiological processes occurring during mammalian pregnancy, from implantation to the perinatal period. Regulation of homeostasis and growth as well as both maternal and fetal factors that contribute to suboptimal gestational outcomes are covered.
Advanced Microscopy for Biomedical Sciences (0.5)
   Routine and specialized procedures for light microscopy, and transmission and scanning electron microscopy are examined through lectures, discussions and practical exercises. Interpretation of micrographs is included.
Vertebrate Developmental Biology (0.5)
   The principles of vertebrate development are examined through lectures, discussions and practical exercises. Topics include aspects of gametogenesis, fertilization, implantation, embryonic and fetal development and experimental manipulation of embryos. Emphasis is on mammalian development and topics may vary depending on student needs and interests.
Cellular Biology (0.5)
   An interdisciplinary course in which cellular and subcellular structure are studied related to function. Emphasis is on cytoplasmic and nuclear events and functions of specific organelles. Material is presented in an integrated manner through lectures, discussions and seminar presentations.
Tissue Culture Techniques in Biomedical Sciences (0.5)
   An introduction to in vitro techniques examining aspects and principles of the culture environment, isolation methods, propagation, characterization and storage of cultured cells, gametes and embryos. Practical exercises and student assignments complement material presented in lecture and seminar format.
Biomedical Toxicology (0.5)
   The course examines chemical compounds injurious to animals and man, toxicity testing, teratogens, carcinogens, factors influencing toxicity, and toxic drug interactions. The mechanism of action, metabolism, and principles of antidotal treatment are also studied.
Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics (0.5)
   This course describes drug absorption, distribution, biotransformation and elimination in animals and human beings, and emphasizes factors which modify drug behaviour. It integrates molecular mechanisms with physiological processes and highlights the importance of receptors and second messengers in cellular responses to pharmacologic agents.
Biochemical Regulation of Physiological Processes (0.5)
   This course focuses on the regulation of vertebrate physiological processes, such as electrolyte and water balance, temperature regulation, growth and energy metabolism, by hormones and other biological regulators that act through cellular receptors and intracellular biochemical-control pathways.
Special Topics in Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology (0.25)
   Permits in-depth exploration of interdisciplinary aspects of biomedical research. Topics such as inflammation, reproductive immunology and neoplasia have been offered.
Special Topics in Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology (0.5)
   See BIOM*6601 above.
Vascular Biology (0.5)
   An interdisciplinary course in which the interrelationships between vascular proteins, cellular elements and the maintenance of vascular integrity are examined. Structural-functional relationships in vascular biology are explored through seminar presentations, group discussions and small group participation in problem based examples of vascular dysfunction.
Special Topics in Development, Cell and Tissue Morphology (0.25)
   Permits further indepth study of developmental and morphological sciences.
Special Topics in Development, Cell and Tissue Morphology (0.5)
   See BIOM*6701 above.
Special Topics in Physiology & Biochemistry (0.25)
   This course involves an appropriate combination of an experimental procedure (or project), seminars, selected reading or a literature review outside the thesis subject, developed according to the student's requirements.
Special Topics in Physiology & Biochemistry (0.5)
   See BIOM*6711 above.
Special Topics in Biomedical Pharmacology-Toxicology (0.25)
   This course comprises a combination of an experimental procedure (or project), seminars, selected reading or a literature review outside the thesis subject, developed according to the student's requirements. Topics could include clinical pharmacology/toxicology, pharmacoepidemiology/economics, gerontological or perinatal pharmacology and toxicokinetics.
Special Topics in Biomedical Pharmacology-Toxicology (0.5)
   See BIOM*6721 above.


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