Appendix A - Courses
University Courses
UNIV*6000 The Structure and Function of Muscle U [0.50]
An interdisciplinary course covering basic aspects of muscle from a range of viewpoints: structure, metabolism, protein content, energetics, mechanics, biological adaptations, growth and development. The course is designed for graduate students from a wide range of specific disciplines and will provide a broad background to muscle biology as well as more detailed insights into specific aspects of each area covered. |
UNIV*6010 Regulation in Muscle Metabolism U [0.50]
An interdisciplinary course emphasizing the regulation of muscle metabolism in vivo. The course focuses on the integration of metabolic fuel utilization to meet cellular energy demands under a variety of conditions in the whole animal. Topics include: sources of energy demand, integration of energy supply to meet energy demands, and regulation of cell growth, maintenance and adaptation. |
UNIV*6030 Selected Topics in Animal Welfare U [0.50]
This course provides for an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of topics in animal welfare. Selected topics will be analyzed in depth with input from various disciplines such as animal science, biology, philosophy, psychology, and economics. An introductory lecture for registered students will be followed by six 2-hour seminars which will be open to the university community (advertised through the Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare, CSAW). Proceedings from the course, including papers prepared by registered students, will be published. |
UNIV*6600 Animal Care Short Course W [0.00]
A one-day seminar covering the following topics: Animal Welfare Philosophy, Ethological Considerations in Animal Management, Assessing Animal Welfare, Ethical Dilemmas, Regulations and Legislation, Euthanasia, Improving Statistical Power, Zoonoses and Biohazards, Recognition and Alleviation of Pain and Distress in Animals, Case Study Evaluation. |
UNIV*6710 Commercialization of Innovation F [0.50]
This course is designed to help participants better understand the process, the analytical tools that can assist the process and how best to prepare technologies to survive commercialization. The course includes elements of entrepreneurship, relationship building, organizational change, as well as project and personnel management. |
UNIV*6800 University Teaching: Theory and Practice F-W [0.50]
Participants will critically examine aspects of teaching in higher education and develop teaching skills such as lecturing, demonstrating, leading discussions, and problem solving. Satisfactory (SAT) or unsatisfactory (UNS) will be used to evaluate the student's performance in this course. |