X. Graduate Awards & Financial Assistance
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences Internal Awards
Alumni Research Travel Grants (ECON, GEOG, POLS, PSYC, SOCA) |
The University of Guelph Alma Mater Fund provides an endowment for travel awards to graduate students in the Departments of Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology completing thesis research off campus. Registered students with at least an A- average in the most recently completed two years of undergraduate and/or graduate study are eligible to apply; students cannot receive the award beyond semester 5 at the graduate level. Students submit the application to the graduate co-ordinator of their program of study (application forms are available from graduate co-ordinators and in the Dean's Office, CSAHS) on or before March 1. Selection of award winner(s) will be on the basis of academic achievement and thesis research description. |
The Richard Barham Graduate Medal (CSAHS) |
In recognition of the outstanding contributions of Professor Richard Barham, Dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies 1983-1994, a medal is awarded annually to the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences' nominee for the Governor General's medal for outstanding academic achievement at the Master's level of study at the University of Guelph. Application not required. |
Katherine M. Beck Memorial Doctoral Scholarship (FRAN, MCS, HTM) |
The Estate of Katherine M. Beck, a Mac ’22 graduate and chief dietitian at Creelman Hall from 1926 to 1962, provides for one $10,000 scholarship, payable over two years in installments of $5000, to a student entering a doctoral program in the Departments of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition or Marketing and Consumer Studies or the School of HTM. The award winner will be selected on the basis of outstanding academic achievement at the undergraduate and Masters level and the potential for significant contributions to the discipline as a doctoral student. No application is necessary. |
Katherine M. Beck Memorial Graduate Scholarship (MCS, FRAN, HTM) |
The Estate of Katherine M. Beck, a Mac ’22 graduate and chief dietitian at Creelman Hall from 1926-1962, provides for three $5,000 scholarships to students entering a Masters program in the Departments of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, Marketing and Consumer Studies and HTM (residential program only). The award winners, one from each of the Departments of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition and Marketing and Consumer Studies and the School of HTM will be selected on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. No application is necessary. |
Wilda M. Blacklock Award (SOCA) |
An award of $1,000 will be made to the most deserving graduate student on the basis of academic performance in the Sociology and Anthropology graduate program, performance of other graduate student responsibilities and, where decisive, need. Application is not necessary. |
Dorothy Britton Memorial Doctoral Scholarship (MCS, FRAN, HTM) |
A scholarship of $14,000 will be awarded annually in memory of Dorothy Britton, a graduate of the Macdonald Institute in 1939. The award will be granted on the basis of high academic achievement. While preference will be given to a student commencing a PhD program in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, Marketing and Consumer Studies or Hospitality and Tourism Management, all in-course doctoral students in these programs are eligible for the award. No application is required. |
Dorothy Britton Memorial Graduate Awards (MCS, FRAN, HTM) |
Up to ten awards valued at $1,500 each are available annually in memory of Dorothy Britton, a graduate of the Macdonald Institute in 1939, to students registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and enrolled in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, Marketing and Consumer Studies, and Hospitality and Tourism Management. The recipients will be selected on the basis of academic achievement. Preference will be given to students entering a graduate program. No application is necessary. |
Dorothy Britton Memorial Graduate Scholarship (MCS, FRAN, HTM) |
Several awards valued at $4,000 each are available annually in memory of Dorothy Britton, a graduate of the Macdonald Institute in 1939, to students registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and enrolled in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, Marketing and Consumer Studies, and Hospitality and Tourism Management. The recipient will be selected on basis of academic achievement. Preference will be given to students entering a graduate program. No application is required. |
Beatrice Craven Graduate Scholarship (MCS, FRAN, HTM) |
This annual graduate award of $1,000 is to be given to a student entering a graduate program in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, Marketing and Consumer Studies and Hospitality and Tourism Management. Selection is based on outstanding academic performance at the undergraduate level for MSc entry or at the master's level for PhD entry. The award is tenable with other Senate awards. Application should be made to the chair graduate awards subcommittee, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences before April 1. |
Department of Economics Graduate Scholarships (ECON) |
Friends of the Department of Economics, with the aid of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, have created seven scholarships of $500 each to entering or in-course graduate students with a demonstrated financial need who have a minimum application of cumulative in-course average of 75%. Selection will be made based on academic achievement. Apply by letter with a completed Needs Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by January 10. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
Department of Psychology Memorial Scholarship (PSYC) |
The Department of Psychology, to honour the memory of colleagues, including graduate students (Maury Getkate, Melinda Hamilton, Shawn McFadden), staff (Petra Zimmerman), and faculty (Peter Duda, David Piggins, Victor Lotter, Dennis Stott), provides one $500 scholarship to a doctoral student who has completed at least three semesters and who has demonstrated the highest level of academic excellence and research activity. No application is necessary; the winner will be selected on the basis of nominations by the advisor of the student’s research. |
Joan Doherty Memorial Graduate Scholarship (MCS) |
The family of Joan Doherty has established a scholarship of $2,000 to be awarded annually to a member of the graduating class in Marketing and Consumer Studies who will be continuing study at the master's or doctoral degree level in a Canadian university. The scholarship recipient will be determined on the basis of academic promise as evidenced by undergraduate academic achievement. Should equally qualified students make application, preference will be given to previous winners of the Joan Doherty Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship. Application, accompanied by a one-page written statement indicating the student's purpose, goals and objectives in pursuing graduate study, must be submitted to the graduate coordinator, Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies, by April 1. |
Joan Doherty Travel Scholarship (MCS) |
In memory of the late Joan Doherty (a member of the class of FACS '78), a travel scholarship totalling $400 will be provided annually to an undergraduate or graduate student in Consumer Studies who has at least a cummulative 70% average. This award will allow students to attend conferences related to their studies and will go toward the cost of attending. Apply to the Chair of the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies by March 1, including a budget and a description of the travel. The recipient will be selected based upon the cost of attending the conference and the benefit it will bring to the student's program of study. |
Joanne Duncan-Robinson Conference Research Travel Grants (SOCA) |
In memory of Joanne Duncan-Robinson, an expert in computer and statistical analysis who contributed tremendously to the research activities of faculty and graduate students in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology a $400 travel award will be made. This award is intended to provide at least partial funding for a graduate student in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology who has had a paper accepted for presentation at a scholarly conference. Students must apply in writing to the Chair of the Graduate Affairs Committee of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology by April 1. |
O.P. Dwivedi Graduate Prize for International Development (CSAHS) |
A $1,000 graduation prize will be awarded annually to an outstanding student who must have completed all requirements for their graduate degree at the University of Guelph. Candidates will be considered on the basis of both their overall scholastic achievements and of the practical and social significance of the MA, MSc, MBA or PhD research, which apply social science theory and/or method to the study of development, administration or environmental issues in the Third World. Application is not necessary. |
Economics Alumni Masters Scholarship (ECON) |
The Department of Economics, with the generous support of Alumni and friends, provides one $500 scholarship to a full-time graduate student registered in the MA program in Economics. The award will be granted to the student who has attained the highest cumulative average in the first two semesters of the graduate program. No application is necessary. |
Founders' Graduate Scholarships (ECON, GEOG, POLS, PSYC, SOCA) |
The Alma Mater Fund, alumni and faculty of the former College of Social Science provide up to 10 scholarships of $1,000 each to students of high academic standing entering graduate programs in the Departments of Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology. These scholarships recognize the contributions made by the faculty members who founded the College of Social Science. Application is not necessary. |
GCORI Graduate Scholarship in Industrial Organizational Psychology (PSYC) |
The scholarship is awarded to a PhD student beyond 2nd year of Industrial Organizational Psychology. Selection will be assessed based on applicants' overall cumulative average, the amount of hours worked at Organization & Management Solutions (OMS), achievements and potential contributions to Industrial Organizational Psychology. If there is no outstanding submission, no prize will be awarded. Apply by September 1 to the Department of Psychology Awards Committee with a 1,000-word essay outlining hours worked at Organizational & Management Solutions (OMS), and stating achievements and potential contributions to Industrial Organizational Psychology. |
Bill Graf International Development Field Research Grant (POLS) |
In memory of Bill Graf, former Professor and Chair of the Department, who devoted his career to the study and teaching of development issues, the Department of Political Science, with the assistance of the Ontario Government’s OSOTF program, provides one field research grant of $1,000 to a graduate student in political science with a focus on international development with at least a minimum B+ (77%) average. Students who have completed the first semester of their M.A. program may apply to Student Financial Services by January 10. Applications must be accompanied by a completed Needs Assessment Form, an approved thesis proposal including details of the proposed field research plan, and a statement of interest in and demonstrated commitment to development issues. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
Elena Grothier Memorial Scholarship (MCS, FRAN) |
The late Elena Grothier, Macdonald Institute Class of 1915, established a trust fund to provide an annual scholarship of $1,200 for graduate students in the Departments of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition or Marketing and Consumer Studies. The scholarship will be granted on the basis of high academic proficiency. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Preference will be given to students commencing full-time graduate study at either the master's or doctoral level. Applications should be submitted to the Chair of the Graduate Awards subcommittee, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, by April 1. |
Alf and Mary Hales Graduate Scholarships in Family Studies (FRAN) |
To attract high quality students with an ability to contribute to the University of Guelph’s stature in the scientific study of Applied Human Nutrition and Family Studies, Alf and Mary Hales with the aid of the Ontario Government's OSOTF program, have established a scholarship totalling $3,000 available to the most outstanding applicant(s) to a graduate program in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition who has demonstrated financial need. The award is open to all incoming graduate students in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. Normally only one award of $3,000 will be granted; however, if a number of very good applications are received, the award may be divided, but is not to exceed three awards. Apply by letter accompanied by a completed Needs Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by April 1. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
Alf and Mary Hales Graduate Scholarship in Political Studies (POLS) |
Alf and Mary Hales, with the aid of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, have established a $1,000 scholarship available to a graduate student in Political Science who has demonstrated financial need. The award will be given to the eligible applicant with the most promising thesis proposal in Political Science. Students in their second semester of graduate work who have obtained a minimum of 80% in all Political Science courses should apply by letter accompanied by a completed Needs Assessment Form and a copy of the thesis proposal to Student Financial Services by January 10. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
Harshman Graduate Scholarship (FRAN, MCS) |
The H.H. Harshman Foundation provides three awards of $7,000 to graduate students in the Departments of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition and Marketing and Consumer Studies who intend to be enrolled full-time for three consecutive semesters and whose research is related to the strengthening of the family unit in Canada. The award winner will be chosen on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated leadership. Apply to the Chair of the CSAHS Graduate Awards Sub-committee by April 1st including a statement of up to two pages that indicates the following: 1) how the applicant's proposed research is devoted to the strengthening of the family unit in Canada; and 2) evidence of leadership. |
H.H. Harshman Foundation Doctoral Scholarship (CSAHS) |
The H.H. Harshman Foundation provides one award of $13,000, payable over 2 years, to a full-time student entering or enrolled in any PhD program in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences whose proposed research is devoted to the strengthening of the family unit in Canada. The award winner will be chosen on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated leadership. Preference will be given to an entering student. Apply to the Chair of the CSAHS Graduate Awards Sub-Committee by April 1, including a statement of up to two pages that indicates the following: 1) how the applicant's proposed research is devoted to the strengthening of the family unit in Canada; and 2) evidence of leadership. |
Margaret Hedley Graduate Scholarship in Applied Nutrition (MAN) |
Established in honour of Margaret Hedley upon her retirement as the founding coordinator of the Master of Applied Nutrition program. This annual scholarshiip of $1,000 will be given to a student entering the MAN program. The award winner will be chosen on the basis of academic achievement and a demonstrated passion for improving nutritional health. This will be assessed during the application interview. No application is necessary. |
Kim Prize (SOCA) |
In memory of the late Sook-Hee, Jean and Ian Kim, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology offers a $200 prize to the individual student in the department who has presented the outstanding graduate major paper or graduate thesis during the previous academic year. Application is not necessary. |
Ina M. Kniep (nee Carthew) Memorial Graduate Scholarship (FRAN) |
The estate of Ina M. Kniep, a Mac ’36 graduate who was a specialist in Home Economics and Nutrition and had a lifelong interest and involvement in the University of Guelph, provides for one $1,750 scholarship to a graduate student registered in either the MSc or PhD program in Applied Human Nutrition. This award will be granted on the basis of outstanding academic performance. No application is necessary. |
David Knight Graduate Scholarship (ECON, GEOG, POLS, PSYC, SOCA) |
Alumni of the College of Social Science, Alumni of the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences and Professor Alun Joseph, with the assistance of the Ontario government’s OSOTF program, have established the David Knight Graduate Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. The scholarship honours Professor Knight’s years of outstanding leadership as Dean of the College of Social Science in the period immediately preceding its amalgamation into the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. The scholarship is intended for a graduate student in the CIDS program who is entering the second or subsequent semester of a Masters Degree program in the departments of Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology and Anthropology. Selection will be based on financial need and a minimum 75% average. Applicants must submit a letter indicating their desire to be considered for the award and a completed Needs Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by January 10. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
MAC-FACS Alumni Association Alumnus Graduate Scholarship (MCS, FRAN, HTM) |
The Mac-FACS Alumni Association provides one $500 award to a full-time graduate student who has completed an undergraduate degree in the Departments of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition or Marketing and Consumer Studies or the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management and is entering the MSc or residential MBA program offered by one of these units. No application is necessary. |
MAC-FACS Alumni Graduate Scholarship - Marketing and Consumer Studies (MCS) |
The Mac-FACS Alumni Association provides one $1,000 award to a full-time graduate student entering a graduate program in the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies who has demonstrated high academic achievement. No application is necessary. |
MAC-FACS Alumni Graduate Scholarship - Family Relations and Applied Nutrition (FRAN) |
The Mac-FACS Alumni Association provides one $1,000 award to a full-time graduate student entering a graduate program in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition who has demonstrated high academic achievement. No application is necessary. |
MAC '38 Gerontology Graduate Scholarships (FRAN) |
Three annual scholarships of $2,000 each, tenable with other Senate awards, are awarded to full-time graduate students with high academic standing, in the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, who are pursuing study and research in the field of social gerontology. For one of the awards, preference will be given to a student commencing graduate study. No application is necessary. |
Louise McConkey Research Travel Grants (MCS) |
In memory of the late Louise McConkey, Mac '27, one or more travel scholarships will be provided annually to defray travel costs related to the student's course of study to undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies with a minimum 70% cumulative average in the last two full time equivalent semesters. The recipient will be selected on the basis of the value of the travel to the students' studies. Apply to the Chair of the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies including a budget and a description of the travel and the benefit to be gained. |
Margaret S. McCready Memorial Scholarship (MCS, FRAN) |
The estate of Margaret S. McCready, former Principal and Dean of Macdonald Institute (1949-69), provides for one scholarship of $1,750 payable over two years to a full-time graduate student registered in an M.Sc. program in the Departments of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition or Marketing and Consumer Studies. The award will be granted on the basis of high academic achievement and leadership ability as demonstrated through extracurricular involvement. Applications should be submitted to the Chair of the CSAHS Graduate Awards Committee, Dean’s Office by April 1, including a comprehensive listing of the student’s extracurricular activities over the preceding two years. |
Margaret S. McCready Scholarship (MCS, FRAN, HTM) |
The MAC-FACS Alumni Association has established the Margaret S. McCready Scholarship in honour of the former dean of the Macdonald Institute. The scholarship, valued at $2,000, is awarded annually to one graduate student or may be divided equally between two graduate students of high academic achievement and professional potential in Marketing and Consumer Studies, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, or Hospitality and Tourism Management. Apply to the Chair of the Graduate Awards Subcommittee, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, by April 1. Applicants must enroll as full-time students. |
Kiyoko Miyanishi Graduate Geography Scholarship |
Dr. Kiyoko Miyanishi, a faculty member in the Department of Geography since 1986, provides two $1,500 scholarships to international students entering any graduate program (M.A., M.Sc. or Ph.D.) and degree specialization in the Department of Geography. The award will be made on the basis of high academic achievement. In the absence of a qualified international student, the award may be given to an academically-qualified student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. If two deserving students cannot be identified, then one award of $3,000 will be given out. No application is necessary. |
Northwater Capital Management Travel Research Grant in Aging (FRAN) |
Northwater Capital Management, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, provides one grant of up to $900 or two grants of up to $450 to support travel to conferences for full-time MSc and PhD students in the Family Relations and Human Development and the Applied Human Nutrition Programs. Grants will be made to support the travel costs of students whose proposed paper in the area of gerontology have been accepted for presentation at provincial, national or international conferences. The grant may only be held once. This grant is not available to students registered beyond semester 6 of the master's program or beyond semester 12 of the doctoral program. Apply by January 10 by letter, including a travel budget, accepted paper and a completed Needs Assessment form, to the Chair, Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
Michael Nightingale Graduate Scholarship (CSAHS) |
MAC-FACS alumni, with the assistance of the Ontario government’s OSOTF program, has established the Michael Nightingale Graduate Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. The scholarship honours Professor Nightingale’s many years of enlightened leadership as Director of the School of Hotel and Food Administration, Dean of the College of Family and Consumer Studies, and founding Dean of the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. The scholarship is intended for graduate students who are entering their second or subsequent semester of graduate study in a department within the College of Social and Applied Human Social Sciences. Selection is based on financial need and a minimum 75% average. Applicants must submit a letter indicating their desire to be considered for the award and a completed Needs Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by January 10. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
Carol Page-Silim Graduate Scholarship (Family Relations and Applied Nutrition) |
A scholarship, the $200 income of an endowment, is awarded in alternate years to a full-time graduate student in the area of applied human nutrition, who has demonstrated an organized and coherent approach to the conduct of research in this area. No application is necessary for this award, which is tenable with other awards. This scholarship has been established by Dr. A. Silim, in memory of his wife, Carol Page-Silim. |
Marion N. Penhale Graduate Research Travel Grant (FRAN) |
Two travel awards of up to $550 per year have been provided by Marion Penhale (MAC'31D) who had over 39 years of involvement in teaching and the foodservice industry, to support travel to conferences for full-time MSc and PhD students in the Family Relations and Applied Nutrition program. Awards will be made to support the travel costs of students whose paper or poster sessions have been accepted at a provincial, national, or international conference which will benefit their studies. The award may be held only once. The award is not available to students registered beyond semester 6 of the master's program or beyond semester 12 of the doctoral program. Apply by April 1, by letter and including a budget, to the Chair, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. |
Gertrude R. Peterson Graduate Memorial Scholarship (FRAN) |
One scholarship valued at $4,500 is to be given annually in memory of Gertrude R. Peterson, a graduate of Macdonald Institute in 1927. Students must be registered in the applied human nutrition graduate program in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. Selection will be on the basis of academic achievement. The award is paid over two years, in equal instalments, and the recipient must maintain a first-class ('A') average to continue the award for the second year. Preference will be given to students entering the graduate program at the MSc or PhD level. No application is necessary. |
Jean Henderson Sabry Graduate Scholarship (FRAN) |
A graduate scholarship established in recognition of Jean H. Sabry by former students and colleagues provides an annual award of $1,000 to an academically outstanding full-time graduate student enrolled in the Applied Human Nutrition graduate program in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition.. Preference will be given to a student undertaking research in community nutrition or international nutrition. No application is required. |
The Mary Singer Research Grant (FRAN) |
This is an annual research award from the estate of Mary Singer to a graduate student who is conducting thesis research in gerontology. The award is to cover research expenses up to $500. No application is necessary. |
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Graduate Scholarship (HTM) |
Starwood Hotels & Resorts, with the aid of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, provides one scholarship of $1,500 to a student with demonstrated financial need in a graduate program offered by the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. To be eligible, graduate students must have successfully completed their first semester of their program with a minimum 70% average. Student must be registered full time in the semester they receive the award. Apply by submitting a completed Needs Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by January 10. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
D. Marie Taylor Memorial Scholarship (FRAN) |
Mr. James R. Coultes provides one award of $1,000 to a student entering the Master of Applied Nutrition program in memory of his daughter, Marie, a Mac ’69 graduate who dedicated her life to the dietetic profession. The award winner will be chosen on the basis of academic achievement as well as his/her demonstrated advocacy or leadership and commitment to the dietetic profession. Advocacy, leadership and commitment will be assessed by the MAN Admissions Committee during the applicant’s admission interview. No application is necessary. |
John E. Tong Memorial Award (PSYC) |
Faculty in the Department of Psychology, in conjunction with the Tong family, have established an annual graduate thesis award in the amount of $200, in memory of the late John E. Tong. All graduate students who have successfully defended their MA thesis in any given year from September 1 to August 31 are eligible. The award is tenable with other awards. Application is not necessary. |
Koji Victor Ujimoto Graduate Scholarship (SOCA) |
Dr. Koji Victor Ujimoto, with the assistance of alumni, friends, colleagues and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, provides for one $500 graduate scholarship to encourage applied research on topics of pressing Canadian or global social concern. The award winner will be chosen on the basis of a minimum 80% cumulative average in all graduate courses taken and the quality of his/her major paper or thesis proposal, which must address a contemporary social problem through the application of a Sociological and/or Anthropological perspective. Students should apply to the Chair of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology by March 31, including an outline of their major paper or thesis proposal and the name of the advisor. |
Elizabeth M. (Betty) Upton Memorial Research Travel Grant (HTM) |
This grant has been established in memory of Elizabeth M. Upton, a faculty member in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, who played a key role in the development of the School and was instrumental in the development of the Institutional Foodservice Management major. Up to $500 is awarded annually to a student who demonstrates the greatest financial need for travel to a University of Guelph recognized study abroad, exchange or letter of permission activity outside Canada, or to attend a relevant professional conference, or to collect research data for a thesis or major paper. Students must have completed two or more semesters in the HTM graduate or undergraduate program, and must be in good academic standing. The project or conference must occur within 12 months. Apply to the HTM Awards Committee with a completed Needs Assessment Form and a letter by April 1 describing the travel, the expected benefit and including a budget and any other expected sources of funding. |
The John Vanderkamp Graduate Medal (CSAHS) |
A medal is awarded annually to the nominee for the D.F. Forster medal, the most prestigious convocating graduate award at the University of Guelph. |
The Leah Mildred Webster Shedden Bursaries (MCS, FRAN) |
In memory of Leah Shedden, a 1931 Macdonald Institute graduate in Home Economics, with the aid of the Ontario government's OSOTF program up to seven annual $1,000 bursaries are awarded. All graduate students in the Departments of Marketing and Consumer Studies or Family Relations and Applied Nutrition with demonstrated financial need, who are in or beyond semester 2 or have completed at least 2.5 credits and have at least a 75% cumulative average in all courses completed to date, are eligible. Apply to Student Financial Services by January 10 with a completed Needs Assessment Form, including information on departmental funding in place for the winter semester. The awards are credited to students' accounts for the winter semester of study. See ACCESS AWARDS. |
Yeandle Family In-Course Bursaries (CSAHS) |
The Estate of Audrey Yeandle, a Mac ’25 graduate and life-long supporter of the University, with the assistance of the Ontario government’s OSOTF program, provides several awards of up to $2,000 each to full-time undergraduate and/or graduate students registered in each of the eight academic units and the Centre for International Development Studies within the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences. Students must apply by October 7 (undergraduate) or January 10 (graduate) to Student Financial Services with a completed University of Guelph Need Assessment Form. Awards will be made on the basis of financial need and academic achievement. See ACCESS AWARDS. |