2004-2006 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs


Graduate Faculty

Rick Bates
BA Guelph, CA Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, MBA York - Associate Professor
Francesco Braga
DOTT Agr Milan, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
George Brinkman
BS, EXM Washington State, PhD Michigan State - Professor
John Cranfield
BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Purdue - Assistant Professor
Elliot Currie
BA McMaster, CMA Canadian Society of Management Accountants, MBA McMaster - Assistant Professor
Tom Funk
BS, MS, PhD Purdue - Professor
William Moore
BA Guelph, CA Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, CMA Canadian Society of Management Accountants, MBA Wilfred Laurier - Assistant Professor
David Sparling
BSc Queens, MBA Wilfred Laurier, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Ralph Sykes
Dip Ag Guelph, BA Royal Military College, CA Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, FCA Institute of Chartered Accountant of Ontario, MBA York - Associate Professor
Francis Tapon
DES Paris, MBA Columbia, MA, PhD Duke - Professor
Erna van Duren
BA Waterloo, MSc, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor