2004-2006 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs

Rural Planning and Development


Required Core

RPD*6170 Philosophy and Methods in Rural Planning and Development Research U [0.50]
The course provides rural planning and development professionals with a number of theoretical frameworks and practical approaches to problem solving in rural Canadian and international contexts. The course content provides an introduction to hypothesis development, data collection, analytical frameworks, research management, and information synthesis and presentation methodologies that are appropriate to the practicing rural planner and developer. It views the roles of the researcher and research as interventionist and intervention in the rural community. Research methods are discussed as an integral and supporting part of the planning and development process.
RPD*6240 Planning and Development Theory U [0.50]
Examines basic concepts, theories and perspectives in rural planning and development. A conceptual examination of 'rural', 'planning' and 'development' precedes an examination of how rural planning and development is viewed from alternative, often conflicting theories of rural change and planned intervention. The implications for practice are discussed.
RPD*6380 Application of Quantitative Techniques in Rural Planning and Development U [0.50]
Analysis and application of standard quantitative, statistical and computer-based techniques utilized in rural planning and development. Problems of data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Required Canadian Planning and Development Core

RPD*6250 Public Administration in Rural Communities U [0.50]
An introduction to the nature and problems of government and administration in the small municipality (less than 25,000). Major topics include: municipal law, capital budget and implementation, public services and infrastructure, personnel management.
RPD*6280 Rural Planning Methods U [0.50]
Basics of rural planning practice, including communications, graphics, group dynamics, interviews and community surveys, questionnaire design and non-parametric statistics and role of citizen participation.
RPD*6300 Rural Planning Synthesis U [0.50]
The application of planning techniques and methodologies to various kinds of rural planning problems. Students prepare and present specific solutions to a practical problem in rural planning.

Required International Rural Development Planning Core

RPD*6030 International Rural development Planning: Principles and Practices U [0.50]
This course presents the scope and nature of international development planning and alternative roles for development planners; has a rural emphasis; reviews the evolution of development planning from macroeconomic beginnings to more integrated local planning approaches; examines the development planning process and its organizational and spatial dimensions; compares policy, program, project, sectoral and integrated area planning; and compares rural development planning in market, mixed and state-driven societies.
RPD*6400 Synthesis: Seminar in Integrated Rural Development Planning U [0.50]
Field conditions for an integrated rural development project are simulated. Students work in multidisciplinary teams to plan, implement and evaluate the project. The Sulawesi Regional Development Project (Indonesia) is used (with other projects, as appropriate) as the case study.

Required Diploma Core

RPD*6030 International Rural development Planning: Principles and Practices U [0.50]
This course presents the scope and nature of international development planning and alternative roles for development planners; has a rural emphasis; reviews the evolution of development planning from macroeconomic beginnings to more integrated local planning approaches; examines the development planning process and its organizational and spatial dimensions; compares policy, program, project, sectoral and integrated area planning; and compares rural development planning in market, mixed and state-driven societies.
RPD*6850 Graduate Diploma Field Studies S [0.25]
Students participate in a number of field experiences within the program. These experiences include study tours of rural regions, meetings with leading professional Canadian counterparts in counterpart rural organizations; study-visits to rural farms and industries; farm-stays and internships; and participation in professional and scholarly conferences. They write a report on the above, examining the lessons learned and their applicability (or lack of) to their own work context.
RPD*6900 Graduate Diploma Major Professional Paper S [0.50]
The paper will focus on the major interest area of the student, likely one he/she will return to practice in after graduation. It includes a review of the international literature and experience on the topic and compares this with the personal experience of the student and his/her organization and work context. Where appropriate, for example, when the student is returning to a specific organization, the student is encouraged to develop in the paper a work plan examining how to apply what is proposed in the paper and/or what was learned in the program to the work context the student is returning to.

Elective Courses

Below are the commonly used courses for electives, including some of those encompassing the social, economic, biophysical, political/institutional and legal perspectives in the program.

RPD*6020 Rural Community Systems U [0.50]
This course familiarizes students with the particular characteristics of local rural community systems in Canada and how these vary over space and time. Emphasis is placed on defining rurality, the measurement of rural systems and on recognizing and dealing with informal elements in the rural community. A special section deals with preparing, as a professional, for work in such conditions. Credit may not be obtained for both GEOG*6270 and RPD*6020.
RPD*6040 Settlement Systems and Area Development Planning: Policies and Procedures U [0.50]
This course examines the issues, policies and procedures in settlement and area development. The focus is on lagging subnational rural areas in the international context. It discusses the determinants of settlement and area development and policies and strategies adopted to accelerate development. It presents procedures and selected techniques to develop such settlements and areas.
RPD*6060 Settlement, Housing, and Services: Planning and Management U [0.50]
This course provides an understanding of the issues, policies, and strategies in planning and managing a settlement. It teaches procedures and selected techniques. Topics include financing and managing the settlement, employment and the construction sector, land use, housing and services. The emphasis is on the international and rural context.
RPD*6070 Project Development: Principles, Procedures, and Selected Methods U [0.50]
This course introduces students to the principles, procedures and methods in developing a project. It examines the project cycle: identification, preparation, appraisal, implementation/supervision, monitoring and evaluation. It gives an understanding of the major methods involved and teaches selected methods. The focus is on the international, rural context and on small non-farm projects: small industries, small physical infrastructure and social projects.
RPD*6080 Environment and Development: Biophysical Resources and Sustainable Development in Rural Environments U [0.50]
This course will examine the problems and potential for ecologically sustainable development in the context of rural development planning particularly in the Third World environments. The course critically examines the strategic planning approaches and methods which involve the interaction between social systems and natural ecosystems in the context of planned intervention and change in rural environments.
RPD*6220 Rural Resources Policy U [0.50]
Contemporary resource use and environmental policy decisions at various scales; historical development of policy decisions; sociological, ecological and ethical considerations; evaluation of present and emerging policies.
RPD*6260 Land Use Planning Law U [0.50]
An introduction to the legal tools used to regulate the use of land and other resources. Zoning, subdivision controls, development control, land banking, expropriation, planning appeals, official maps, etc. An intensive study of the Ontario Planning Act and related legislation.
RPD*6290 Special Topics in Rural Planning and Development U [0.50]
Selected study topics focus on the nature of rural planning and development issues and/or practices in Canadian and/or International small communities and rural environments. Among the topics which may be addressed are: rural land use planning, ecological restoration, gender analysis in development planning, GIS in agricultural development and natural resource management, agropastoral systems, and agro-ecosystem health.
RPD*6310 Environmental Impact Assessment U [0.50]
This course deals with the role of environmental impact assessments and statements in the planning, development and operation of resource projects. Topics discussed include the philosophical and institutional basis for environmental impact assessments, methods used and the effects of such assessments on resource development projects.
RPD*6320 Water Resource Management U [0.50]
The course provides an assessment of the processes and principles which underlie comprehensive water resource planning and integrated basin management. It also undertakes to evaluate current practice in the context of integrated planning. There is extensive use of Canadian and international practice.
RPD*6350 Northern and Native Development and Planning U [0.50]
A critical analysis of development and planning in Northern Canada, including examination of policies and implementation strategies of governments and private enterprise; their impacts upon northern and native communities; and consideration of proactive locally based planning for community development.
RPD*6360 Major Research Paper U [1.00]
Students not pursuing the coursework/thesis route must satisfactorily complete a major research paper. Preparation of the paper will be supervised by a faculty committee. Content of the paper will generally focus on the placement of a problem in rural planning and development practice in a theoretical context, and an analysis of the problem using appropriate methodological and analytical procedures. This will normally be equivalent to a two-semester course.
RPD*6370 Economic Development Planning and Management for Rural Communities U [0.50]
Theories and perspectives of local economic development, particularly community-based planning for rural economic development. Economic development within a community development framework, and challenges of sustainable development. Interdisciplinary perspectives and alternative approaches to professional planning practice, strategic planning, management and organizational design/development issues. Alternative economic concepts and perspectives are critically examined. Includes international case studies.
RPD*6390 Rural Social Planning U [0.50]
This course will provide students who have an interest in social development with an avenue for linking that interest to the policy, planning and intervention process.
RPD*6410 Readings in Rural Planning U [0.50]
A program of supervised independent study related to the student's area of concentration. Nature and content of the readings course are agreed upon between the student and the instructor, and are subject to the approval of the student's advisory committee and graduate committee.
RPD*6450 Recreation and Tourism Planning and Development U [0.50]
This course is intended to instruct the student in the principles of planning for recreation and tourism development. Emphasis is placed on the economic and social benefits and costs that accrue from tourism and recreation development. Planning principles are applied to this context.

Agricultural Economics and Business

AGEC*6600 Agriculture in Economic Development F [0.50]
The course is concerned with the role of agriculture as a source of food, fibre and employment in developing countries. The interaction between agriculture and other sectors of the economy and other countries is also examined.
Prerequisite(s): ECON*1050 and ECON*1100
AGEC*6630 Regional Economic Models U [0.50]
Theories and research in regional economics stressing regional development, socio-economic accounting, analysis of structure and growth, economic base and multiplier models.
AGEC*6690 Program Evaluation U [0.50]
An advanced seminar dealing with the theory and practice of program evaluation focusing on public sector programs in agriculture and rural development, international and domestic case studies.

Environmental Design and Rural Development

EDRD*6000 Qualitative Analysis in Rural Development U [0.50]
Nature and use of qualitative data collection and analysis techniques by practitioners in the planning, implementation and evaluation of rural planning and development activities in both domestic and international settings.
Prerequisite(s): RPD*6170 or REXT*6260 or LARC*6610


GEOG*6281 Environmental Resource Evaluation F [0.50]
Analysis, evaluation and management of environmental resources. Emphasis is on biophysical and socio-economic concepts and methods which offer a more comprehensive and integrative basis for environmental decisions.

Landscape Architecture

LARC*6430 Landscape Resource Analysis F [0.50]
Integrated field and classroom instruction introduces the student to inventory and analysis of biological, physical, social and cultural elements of the landscape. Projects will incorporate principles of landscape ecology and landscape planning. Field study will require some travel at student's expense.
LARC*6470 Integrative Environmental Planning W [0.50]
Landscape planning emphasizing the integration and interrelationships between biophysical and cultural resources, with application at a regional landscape planning scale. This course typically incorporates community-outreach projects and develops student facilitation abilities.

Rural Extension Studies

REXT*6190 Fundamentals of Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication U [0.50]
The role of communication in interpersonal and intercultural relations in both formal and non-formal organizations. It specifically focuses on the theories and competencies that are required for communication between individuals and those within and between different cultures.
REXT*6320 Capacity Building for Sustainable Development U [0.50]
Learning processes enhancing human capital in civil society and the organizational and managerial capabilities that can empower communities to meet their economic, social, cultural and environmental needs. Examines development and underdevelopment and the role of non-formal education and administration in facilitation social change in peripheral regions from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Sociology and Anthropology

SOC*6420 Development, Community and Rurality U [0.50]
This course will examine issues in different theories and models to explain rural and community change and persistence within a globalized system. While the emphasis will be on local continuity and change from a sociological and/or anthropological perspective, this will be discussed within a framework of international political economy. Case studies will be selected to illustrate different modes of change and resistance from different contexts. In particular, the role of community-led and participatory forms of development, social organization, social capital, land tenure, gender, agro-food systems, subsistence and commodification, governance, land use and environment management will be amongst topics considered. Students will be encouraged to focus their research on some of these issues in a geographical region of interest to them.
SOC*6460 Gender and Development F [0.50]
Cross-cultural and historical changes in gender relations and the roles/positions of women brought about by industrialization and the development of the world system. Critical examination of the predominant theories of gender relations, in so far as these inform development research and action in societies with different socio-economic systems. Introduction to the latest theories and research in the area of women and development, as well as with social and political actions undertaken by women themselves. This is one of the two alternative core courses for the Collaborative International Development Studies program.