2004-2006 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs



Evolutionary Biology

IBIO*6020 Advances in Evolutionary Biology U [0.50]
This modular course reviews books and/or other publications in the field of evolutionary biology, providing knowledge of progress in this area of biology. Topics may include epigenetics, phylogenetics, developmental basis of evolutionary change, and molecular evolution. The course includes lectures and seminars in which the students participate. Offered annually.
IBIO*6060 Special Topics in Evolution U [0.50]
Students will explore aspects of evolution not otherwise covered in existing graduate courses. A program of study will be developed with a faculty advisor according to the student's requirements. Research papers, laboratory work and/or written and oral presentations may be required.


IBIO*6010 Advances in Physiology U [0.50]
A modular course format in which several faculty members lecture and/or lead discussion groups in tutorials on advances in their areas, or related areas, of physiology. Topics may include metabolic adaptation to extreme environments, behavioural and molecular endocrinology, and exercise and muscle physiology. The course includes lectures and seminars in which the students participate. Offered annually.
IBIO*6090 Special Topics in Physiology U [0.50]
Students will explore aspects of physiology not otherwise covered in existing graduate courses. A program of study will be developed with a faculty advisor according to the student's requirements. Research papers, laboratory work and/or written and oral presentations may be required.

Ecology and Behaviour

IBIO*6000 Advances in Ecology and Behaviour U [0.50]
This is a modular course in which several faculty lecture and/or lead discussion groups in tutorials about advances in their broad areas, or related areas, of ecology and behaviour. Topics may include animal communication, optimal foraging, life-history evolution, mating systems, population dynamics, niche theory and food-web dynamics. The course includes lectures and seminars in which the students participate. Offered annually.
IBIO*6040 Special Topics in Ecology U [0.50]
Students will explore aspects of ecology not otherwise covered in existing graduate courses. A program of study will be developed with a faculty advisor according to the student's requirements. Research papers, laboratory work and/or written and oral presentations may be required.


IBIO*6070 Topics in Advanced Integative Biology I U [0.50]
This course provides graduate students, either individually or in groups, with the opportunity to pursue topics in specialized fields of botany and zoology under the guidance of graduate faculty. Course topics will normally be advertised by faculty one semester prior to their offering. Courses may be offered in any of lecture, reading/seminar, or individual project formats. A minimum enrolment may be required for some course offerings.
IBIO*6080 Topics in Advanced Integrative Biology II U [0.50]
This course provides graduate students, either individually or in groups, with the opportunity to pursue topics in specialized fields of botany and zoology under the guidance of graduate faculty. Course topics will normally be advertised by faculty one semester prior to their offering. Courses may be offered in any of lecture, reading/seminar, or individual project formats. A minimum enrolment may be required for some course offerings.
ZOO*6550 Aquaculture U [0.50]
Examination of the history, practice and future of aquaculture with special reference to the application of biological principles and knowledge to the production of aquatic organisms for food and other uses.
IBIO*6630 Scientific Communication I U [0.75]
The development and refinement of the skills of scientific communication, emphasizing writing skills, in the context of developing a thesis proposal.
IBIO*6640 Scientific Communication II U [0.25]
The development and refinement of the skills of scientific communication, emphasizing oral skills, and culminating in the defence of the thesis proposal.