2006-2007 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs

Food Safety and Quality Assurance


FSQA*6000 Food Safety and Quality Assurance Seminar U [0.00]
Students are expected to present two seminars during the course, one on current advances and issues in an approved area and one on their research project. Faculty associated with the program also present seminars. Students are expected to attend all seminar sessions.
FSQA*6500 Food Safety and Quality Assurance Research Project U [1.00]
An original research project related to food safety and quality assurance which includes the preparation of a written report suitable for publication and an oral presentation of the findings to the graduate faculty.
FSQA*6600 Principles of Food Safety and Quality Assurance U [0.50]
An integrated approach to factors affecting food safety and quality including microbial and chemical contamination is provided. Major food-borne disease outbreaks are studied as examples. Modern methods of quality management to minimize contamination of processed foods is discussed.

Other Graduate Courses Suitable for Credit in this Program

Biomedical Sciences
BIOM*6440 0.5 Biomedical Toxicology
Marketing and Consumer Studies
COST*6150 0.5 Quality Assurance Management
ENGG*6110 0.5 Food and Bio-process Engineering
ENGG*6160 0.5 Advanced Food Engineering
Food Science
FOOD*6190 0.5 Advances in Food Science
FOOD*6220 0.5 Advanced Food Analysis Methodology
FOOD*6280 0.5 Rapid Methods in Food Microbiology
FOOD*6600 0.5 Advances in Food Microbiology
Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences
HBNS*6400 0.5 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
MICR*6070 0.5 Bacterial Structures and Virulence
PABI*6000 0.5 Bacterial Pathogenesis
Population Medicine
POPM*6200 0.5 Epidemiology I
POPM*6210 0.5 Epidemiology II
POPM*6300 0.5 Epidemiology of Zoonoses
POPM*6350 0.5 Safety of Foods of Animal Origin

Undergraduate Courses Suitable for Credit in this Program

Food Science
FOOD*3010 0.5 Food Chemistry
FOOD*4120 0.5 Food Analysis
FOOD*4090 0.5 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences
NUTR*4510 0.5 Toxicological Aspects of Nutrition
Population Medicine
POPM*4040 0.5 Epidemiology of Food-Borne Diseases