2006-2007 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs


General Admission and Program Requirements

To apply for admission, applicants must view "How to Apply" in the section Prospective Students... Graduate, in the Psychology Department website http://www.psychology.uoguelph.ca. This is a self-administered application. First, students apply online through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) and pay an application fee. Second, they assemble the application information described in the psychology website consisting of Letter of Reference forms, all post secondary transcripts, a Departmental Questionnaire, and a copy of the online OUAC application form and forward the complete package to the Graduate Secretary, Department of Psychology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario Canada N1G 2W1. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General is required for all applicants for MA and PhD programs. Additionally, the Subject (Psychology) test scores are required of all applicants (except in the Neuroscience and Applied Cognitive Science area) for MA and PhD programs. Applicants should request that their GRE scores be sent directly to the Department of Psychology before the departmental application deadline. Contact the Graduate Secretary, Department of Psychology, at psygsec@psy.uoguelph.ca for additional information.

MA Program

Admission Requirements MA Program

Consideration for admission to the MA program will be given to students with an honours BA or BSc (or its equivalent) in Psychology or a related field of study (in exceptional cases) (e.g. Computer science, neuroscience) and a minimum of a 'B+' standing. Students are normally expected to have taken courses across the breadth of psychology with some courses in the area to which they are applying. A strong background in methodology and statistics is expected. As well, applicants must have undertaken an Honours thesis research project or senior research project equivalent. Students are admitted to the MA program with the understanding that they intend to proceed to the PhD program.

Degree Requirements MA Program
Neuroscience and Applied Cognitive Science
PSYC*6060 Research Design and Statistics
PSYC*6880 Ethical Issues in Psychology


UNIV*6600 Animal Care Short Course
PSYC*6471 Practium I

At least one of the following electives:

PSYC*6780 Foundations of Cognitive Science
PSYC*6790 Memory and Cognition
PSYC*6800 Learning and Psychology
PSYC*6810 Neuropsychology
PSYC*6870 Human Factors

and MA Thesis.

Applied Social Psychology
PSYC*6640 Foundations of Applied Social Psychology
PSYC*6830 Applied Social Psychology
PSYC*6590 Social and Community Intervention; OR
PSYC*6522 Research Seminar II
PSYC*6840 Program Evaluation; OR
PSYC*6522 Research Seminar II
PSYC*6880 Ethical Issues in Psychology
PSYC*6060 Research Design and Statistics
PSYC*6670 Research Methods
PSYC*6471 Practicum I

and one elective course to be determined in consultation with the student's MA Advisory Committee,

and MA Thesis.

Clinical Psychology: Applied Developmental Emphasis
PSYC*6060 Research Design and Statistics
PSYC*6630 Developmental Psychology
PSYC*6000 Developmental Psychopathology: Etiology and Assessment
PSYC*6580 Models of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
PSYC*6690 Cognitive Assessment of Children and Adolescents
PSYC*6700 Personality and Social Assessment of Children and Adolescents
PSYC*6010 Learning Disorders: Research and Clinical Practice
PSYC*6471 Practicum I
PSYC*6473 Practicum III
PSYC*6880 Ethical Issues in Psychology

and MA Thesis.

Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSYC*7010 Personnel I: Foundations of Personal Decisions
PSYC*7030 Organizational Psychology I: Micro and Macro Influences
PSYC*6060 Research Design and Statistics
PSYC*6670 Research Methods
PSYC*7020 Personnel II: Recruitment, Selection, and Placement
PSYC*7070 Psychological Measurement
PSYC*6880 Ethical Issues in Psychology
PSYC*6380 Psychological Applications of Multivarite Analysis
PSYC*7040 Organizational Psychology II: Group and Intergroup Processes
PSYC*6471 Practicum I
PSYC*7160 Applications of I/O Psychology
PSYC*7080 Organizational Interventions, OR
PSYC*6840 Program Evaluation

and MA Thesis.

PhD Program

Admission Requirements PhD Program

Students must have completed MA requirements in the appropriate field of study (Applied Cognitive Science; Applied Social Psychology; Clinical Psychology: Applied Developmental Emphasis; Industrial/Organizational Psychology) with a minimum 'A-' standing to be eligible for admission to the PhD program. These MA requirements are normally met within the department in a two-year course of studies comprising specified course work and a thesis. Students admitted to the PhD program who have completed MA or MSc degrees in other fields of study and/or from other universities may be required to take MA level courses to ensure adequate background preparation for PhD work.

Degree Requirements PhD Program
Neuroscience and Applied Cognitive Science
PSYC*6900 Philosophy and History of Psychology as a Science

Two elective courses

The option of taking:

PSYC*6472 Practium II

Qualifying Examination

and PhD Thesis.

Applied Cognitive Science
PSYC*6900 Philosophy and History of Psychology as a Science;

two seminar courses (PSYC*6402 and PSYC*6412);

two elective courses with one chosen from List A and one from List B (see MA course lists A and B above);

the option of taking

PSYC*6472 Practicum II;

Qualifying exam;

and PhD Thesis

Applied Social Psychology
PSYC*6900 Philosophy and History of Psychology as a Science
PSYC*6380 Psychological Applications of Multivariate Analysis
PSYC*6522 Research Seminar II OR
PSYC*6471 Practicum I
PSYC*6270 Issues in Family Related Social Policy OR

1 elective to be determined in consultation with the student's PhD Advisory Committee;

Qualifying Exam;

and PhD Thesis.

Clinical Psychology: Applied Developmental Emphasis
PSYC*6670 Research Methods
PSYC*6900 Philosophy and History of Psychology as a Science
PSYC*6380 Psychological Applications of Multivariate Analysis
PSYC*6472 Practicum II
PSYC*6810 Neuropsychology
PSYC*7070 Psychological Measurement
PSYC*6840 Program Evaluation
PSYC*6610 Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
PSYC*6890 Legislation and Professional Practice
PSYC*6020 Clinical and Diagnostic Interviewing Skills

One of PSYC*6590 Social and Community Intervention, or PSYC*6640 Foundations of Applied Social Psychology, or PSYC*6830 Applied Social Psychology for students wihout 2 senior level undergraduate courses in social psychology;

Qualifying Exam;

PSYC*8000 Clinical Internship;

and PhD Thesis.

Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSYC*7130 I/O Psychology Doctoral Research Seminar I
PSYC*6900 Philosophy and History of Psychology as a Science
PSYC*7140 I/O Psychology Doctoral Research Seminar II

one elective from

PSYC*6840 Program Evaluation OR
PSYC*7080 Organizational Interventions OR
PSYC*7170 I/O Doctoral Research Internship I OR
PSYC*7180 I/O Doctoral Research Internship II

Qualifying Exam;

and PhD Thesis.