2007-2008 University of Guelph Graduate Calendar

VIII. Graduate Programs

Family Relations and Applied Nutrition


Applied Human Nutrition

FRAN*6510 Nutrition in the Community U [0.50]
Concepts and knowledge of nutrition as applied in community and public health nutrition. Examination of current programs in applied nutrition.
FRAN*6550 Research Seminar U [0.25]
Research literature in applied nutrition.
FRAN*6600 Theoretical Perspectives in Applied Human Nutrition U [0.50]
A survey and critical analysis of theoretical frameworks from Education and the Social Sciences as they are applied to the study and understanding of human nutrition behaviour. Research issues and applications are emphasized.
FRAN*6610 Advances in Clinical Nutrition/Assessment I U [0.50]
An advanced overview of nutritional assessment and clinical nutrition with emphasis on issues relevant to community based and non-acute care settings. Nutrition assessment methods will be discussed in depth along with emerging issues. Emphasis on clinical nutrition will be integration of theory and practice.
FRAN*6620 Nutritional Epidemiology U [0.50]
An investigation of selected non-communicable diseases. The emphasis is on epidemiologic methods and identification of nutritional risk factors.
FRAN*6630 Advances in Clinical Nutrition/Assessment II U [0.50]
Nutritional assessment issues specific to research will be discussed in depth. Selected clinical epidemiological and health service research methodologies, including meta-analysis, will be reviewed and applied to selected emerging issues in clinical nutrition practice.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6610
FRAN*6710 Practicum in Applied Human Nutrition I U [1.50]
This course provides a practicum of 3 days per week with a dietetic-related agency or organization to develop and perform dietetic competencies (internship experience). In weekly seminars, students discuss and reflect on theory and dietetic practice issues.
Restriction(s): For MAN students only.
FRAN*6720 Practicum in Applied Human Nutrition II U [1.50]
This course provides a practicum of 3 days per week with a dietetic-related agency or organization to develop and perform dietetic competencies (internship experience). In weekly seminars, students discuss and reflect on theory and dietetic practice issues
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6710
Restriction(s): For MAN students only.
FRAN*6730 Practicum in Applied Human Nutrition III U [1.50]
This course provides a practicum of 3 days per week with a dietetic-related agency or organization to develop and perform dietetic competencies (internship experience). In weekly seminars, students discuss and reflect on theory and dietetic practice issues.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6720
Restriction(s): For MAN students only.
FRAN*6750 Final Project in Applied Human Nutrition U [0.50]
This project (usually related to an activity during the Practicum in Applied Human Nutrition) consists of a written report of an applied research project in dietetic practice or a proposal for a research project, including literature review, purpose, methodology, and analysis and analysis plan.
Restriction(s): For MAN students only.

Family Relations and Human Development

FRAN*6000 Research Methods F [0.50]
This course includes critical appraisal of the research literature. Research ethics, subject selection, measurement issues, survey design, experimental and quasi-experimental designs, cross-sectional and longitudinal designs, scale development, questionnaire development and sampling strategies are discussed.
Prerequisite(s): 75% in an undergraduate research methods course
FRAN*6010 Applied Statistics W [0.50]
Students will learn conceptual and practical applications of statistical analyses with emphasis on hypothesis formation, data screening, screening and description, test selection, inferential statistics, univariate and multivariate analysis of variance/covariance (including repeated measures designs), simple and multiple regression, logistic regression, regression diagnostics, model building and path analytic techniques.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6000
Restriction(s): Instructor permission for non-FRAN students
FRAN*6020 Qualitative Methods W [0.50]
This course teaches students how to use qualitative methods as a mode of inquiry for understanding issues in human development, nutrition and family relationships. The emphasis is on project design, data collection techniques, analysis strategies and procedures for final write-up.
FRAN*6070 Sexual Issues and Clinical Interventions Across the Life Span U [0.50]
This course examines sexual issues and clinical interventions from a life span perspective. Focusing upon theory, research and clinical interventions it explores the relationship between issues in sexual development and sexual functioning.
Restriction(s): Signature required.
FRAN*6200 Research Topics in Family Relations and Human Development U [0.50]
Contemporary research in family relations and human development.
Restriction(s): Available only to FRAN graduate students.
FRAN*6210 Program Evaluation in Child and Family Services U [0.50]
An examination of the theoretical principles and practical applications of evaluation issues and strategies. Special attention is given to services for children and families across the life span. Group involvement in an actual program evaluation is a requirement for the course.
FRAN*6220 Family, Interpersonal and Social Issues in Mid and Later Life U [0.50]
This course examines conceptual, methodological and policy issues involving inter- and intra-generational family and social relationships throughout mid and later life.
FRAN*6221 Concepts and Strategies of Primary Prevention U [0.50]
The course explores selected concepts and strategies of primary prevention. Students examine research and current practice related to individual and family health and well-being, including education, community organization, competency promotion, natural care giving, and consultation.
FRAN*6260 Practicum U [0.50]
Supervised practicum experience in a variety of agencies or services. Placements are arranged on an individual basis subject to the requirements of students' programs of study and must be negotiated with faculty in advance of registration.
FRAN*6270 Issues in Family-Related Social Policy U [0.50]
This course investigates definitions of social policy, comparative family-related social policy, selected issues in Canadian family policy and frameworks for analysis of social policy. Issues in policy-related research are also explored.
FRAN*6280 Theorizing in Family Relations and Human Development U [0.50]
An examination of the meaning of science and theory in relation to the study of families and human development. Included is a discussion of the major social science paradigms including positivism, critical theory, social constructionism and post-modernity. This course is designed for doctoral students.
FRAN*6300 Theories of Development and Change Across the Life Span U [0.50]
An interdisciplinary examination of sociological and psychological theories of development and change across the life span. Critical comparisons among theories with competing assumptions at different points over individual and family life cycles is discussed.
FRAN*6310 Parent-Child Relations Across the Life Span U [0.50]
Considers theory and research on parent-child interactions, relationships and intergenerational transmission across the life span. (Offered in alternate years.)
FRAN*6320 Human Sexuality Across the Life Span U [0.50]
This course covers research, theoretical and substantive issues relevant to studying human sexuality across the life span. Topics include: child and adolescent sexuality, sexual identity, sexuality in adulthood and old age, sexual assault, international research and sex education.
FRAN*6330 Research Seminar U [0.25]
Research literature in Family Relations and Human Development.
FRAN*6340 Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Family Relations and Human Development U [0.50]
This course acquaints students with the diverse disciplinary perspectives used in the study of family relations and human development. Substantive research issues provide a forum for integrating the separate perspectives and understanding the reciprocal relationship between individual and family growth and development.
FRAN*6370 Social Development During Childhood U [0.50]
A detailed study of factors important to social competence in childhood from infancy to adolescence.
FRAN*6380 Adolescence U [0.50]
Adolescence is examined from a multidisciplinary developmental-contextualist perspective. Topics include: individual differences, development, and social and environmental contributions to adolescent psychosocial functioning.
FRAN*6410 Developmental Assessment and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence U [0.50]
An examination of psychological difficulties encountered in childhood and adolescence. Special attention will be given to theoretical models used to explain childhood difficulties, categorization systems, assessment techniques, methods of intervention, as well as ethical issues specific to working with children and adolescence.
FRAN*6440 Applied Factor Analysis & SEM F [0.50]
This course introduces students to exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. Topics include: model selection and validation, multiple group models, measurement equivalence/invariance and latent mean analyses. This course is data-driven and students will learn through hands-on analytic experiences accompanied by in-class lectures and readings.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6000, FRAN*6100
Restriction(s): Instructor permission for non-FRAN students
FRAN*6450 Cultural Perspectives on the Family U [0.50]
Family relationships throughout the life span are considered drawing from the persepctives of cross-cultural psychology, cultural psychology and acculturation and diversity. Topics include the cultural context of family forms, dating and marriage, childrearing, socialization, and marital relations, parent-child relationships and intergenerational relationships.

Couple and Family Therapy


The following courses are taken primarily by students in the Couple and Family Therapy emphasis. A limited number of spaces are available for some courses each time the courses are offered for students outside the Couple and Family Therapy area.

FRAN*6080 Special Topics in Couple and Family Therapy U [0.50]
This graduate seminar will feature research and practice issues in selected areas pertinent to the field of Couple and Family Therapy. Selected topics may vary from year to year.
FRAN*6090 Practicum in Couple and Family Therapy U [0.50]
This course features supervised clinical practice in couple and family therapy. It involves regular clinical work with couples, families, and individuals. Students meet with faculty each week for up to six hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester will involve both group and individual/dyadic meetings.
Restriction(s): Available only to students in the Couple and Family Therapy program
FRAN*6095 Externship in Couple and Family Therapy U [0.50]
This is an advanced clinical practicum in Couple and Family Therapy. Students are placed in a community agency where they accumulate 10-15 hours per week (over 3 days) of direct clinical contact time. All clinical work is supervised by a clinical supervisor on site.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6090
Restriction(s): Available only to students in the Couple and Family Therapy program
FRAN*6100 Clinical Issues in Couple and Family Therapy U [0.50]
This course features selected clinical issues each semester; examination of each issue will include the socio-cultural context, theoretical location, and conceptual and practical implications for couple and family therapy.
Co-requisite(s): FRAN*6090
Restriction(s): Available only to students in the Couple and Family Therapy program
FRAN*6120 Theories and Methods of Family Therapy I U [0.50]
This course will offer an historical perspective on the development of the field of couple and family therapy beginning with family systems therapy, through intergenerational models, to current constructionist approaches. Intervention methods consistent with these conceptual frameworks are examined.
FRAN*6130 Theories and Methods of Family Therapy II U [0.50]
This course explores clinical theory and methods associated with structural, strategic and solution focused models of couple and family therapy. Feminist perspectives and approaches are used to examine power and gender dynamics in therapy.
FRAN*6140 Professional Issues U [0.50]
An exploration of ethics in couple and family therapy; legal issues in the practice of family therapy; and professional issues regarding identity, licensure and practice.
FRAN*6160 Introduction to Systemic Practice in Couple and Family Therapy U [0.50]
An exploration of family process to understand diversity in family structures and functioning from a systemic conceptual framework. Applied activities focus on developing basic communication, observational, and therapy skills. Student participation in small learning groups supports skill development and integration of theory and practice.
FRAN*6180 Research Issues in Couple and Family Therapy W [0.50]
The focus of this course is on research in Couple & Family Therapy, including issues related to evidence-based practice, therapeutic outcome, and therapeutic process. A selected review of quantitative and qualitative research methods and exemplary research is included.
Restriction(s): FRAN graduate students only.
FRAN*6350 Major Research Paper U [1.00]
The major research paper is an option open only to MSc students within the Couple and Family Therapy area. Students must demonstrate their ability to accurately synthesize and critically evaluate the literature in a specific area of interest. Detailed guidelines are provided.