IX. Graduate Programs


Graduate Faculty

From the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies

Paul M. Anglin
BSc Toronto, MA, PhD Western Ontario - Associate Professor
May H. Aung
BComm, MComm Burma, PhD York - Associate Professor
Sylvain Charlebois
BComm, MBA, DBA (Marketing) Sherbrooke - Professor and Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, College of Management and Economics
Scott R. Colwell
AGD, MBA Athabasca, PhD Bradford (United Kingdom) - Associate Professor
Tim Dewhirst
BPHE Toronto, MA Queen's, PhD British Columbia - Associate Professor
Karen A. Finlay
BA Western Ontario, MBA, PhD Toronto - Professor
Towhidul Islam
MSc Inst. of Mech. Tech. (Bulgaria), MBA Dhaka (Bangladesh), DIC Imperial College (United Kingdom), PhD London (United Kingdom) - Professor
Vinay Kanetkar
BArch Indian Inst. of Tech, MArch, MSc, PhD British Columbia - Associate Professor and Chair
Jane Londerville
MBA Harvard - Associate Professor
Tanya Mark
BA, PhD Western Ontario - Assistant Professor
Brent McKenzie
BA, McMaster, MBA Dalhousie, PhD Griffith - Associate Professor
Paulette S. Padanyi
BA Florida Presbyterian College, MBA Florida, PhD York - Associate Professor
Lefa Teng
BEng Jiangsu, MSc Beijing, PhD Concordia - Associate Professor
Anne Wilcock
BASc Guelph, MSc, PhD Purdue - Professor
Sunghwan Yi
BBA, MBA Korea, PhD Penn State - Associate Professor
Jian Zhou
BA, MA Renmin (China), PhD Illinois (Chicago) - Assistant Professor

From the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Joe Barth
BSc Guelph, MBA Wilfrid Laurier, MPS, PhD Cornell - Associate Professor
Hwan-Suk (Chris) Choi
BA Chung-Ang (Seoul, Korea), MTA George Washington, PhD Texas A&M - Associate Professor
Statia Elliott
BComm St. Mary's, MA McMaster, PhD Carleton - Associate Professor
Kerry Godfrey
BSc Victoria, MSc Surrey, PhD Oxford Brookes, MBA Leicester - Professor and Director
Marion Joppe
BA Waterloo, MA, PhD Univ. d'Aix-Marseille III (France) - Professor and Research Chair
Stephen Lynch
BA, BEd Toronto, MA Duquesne, MSc California American, PhD Bradford (England) - Associate Professor
Tanya MacLaurin
BSc, MSc, PhD Kansas State - Professor
Iain Murray
BComm, MSc Guelph, PhD Kansas State - Associate Professor
Michael von Massow
BA Manitoba, BSc, Msc Guelph, PhD McMaster - Assistant Professor

From the Department of Business

Ron Baker
BComm, Sudbury, MBA Athabasca, PhD Birmingham UK - Associate Professor
Michele Bowring
BA Queen's, MBA York, PhD Leicester - Assistant Professor
Francesco Braga
DOTT Milan, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Nita Chhinzer
BA York, MBA, PhD McMaster - Assistant Professor
Julia Christensen Hughes
BComm Guelph, MBA, PhD York - Professor and Dean, College of Management and Economics
Michael Cox
CD Naval Officer Program, MA Western Washington, PhD Union (Ohio), MCIM Chartered Institute of Marketing Management - Associate Professor
Elliott Currie
BA, MBA McMaster, CMA - Associate Professor
Rumina Dhalla
MBA, PhD York - Assistant Professor
Jamie A. Gruman
BA Concordia, MA Lakehead, PhD Windsor - Associate Professor
Elizabeth Kurucz
BA McMaster, MIR Toronto, PhD York - Assistant Professor
Sean Lyons
BPA Windsor, MA, PhD Ottawa - Associate Professor
Sara Mann
BComm, MBA McMaster, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Fred Pries
BMath Waterloo, MASc, PhD Waterloo, CA - Associate Professor
Ken Smith
BSc York, MBA, MSc, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Executive Programs, College of Management and Economics
Erna van Duren
BA Waterloo, MSc, PhD Guelph - Professor
John Walsh
BA Thames Polytechnic, MBA, PhD Western - Professor
Agnes Zdaniuk
BA, MASc, PhD Waterloo - Assistant Professor
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1