IX. Graduate Programs

Tourism and Hospitality

Graduate Faculty

Joachim E. Barth
BSc Guelph, MBA Wilfrid Laurier, MPS Cornell, PhD Cornell - Associate Professor and Acting Director
HS Chris Choi
BA Chung-Ang, MTA George Washington, PhD Texas A&M - Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Statia Elliot
BCom St. Mary’s, MA McMaster, PhD Carleton - Associate Professor
Kerry Godfrey
BSc Victoria, MSc Surrey, PhD Oxford Brooke - Professor
Marion Joppe
BA Waterloo, MLaw, PhD d’Aix-Marseille III - Professor
Tanya MacLaurin
BSc Kansas State, MSc Kansas, PhD Kansas - Professor
Erna van Duren
BA Waterloo, MSc, PhD, Guelph - Professor
Mike Von Massow
BA, Manitoba, BSc MSc, Guelph, PhD McMaster - Assistant Professor
Bruce McAdams
BComm, MA Guelph - Assistant Professor
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1