IV. Degree Regulations

Master of Fine Art (Creative Writing)


Admission as a regular student may be granted, on recommendation of the School of English and Theatre Studies, to:

  • the holder of a baccalaureate degree, in an honours program or the equivalent, from a recognized degree-granting institution. There are no requirements as to the discipline in which the degree was earned. Successful applicants will be expected to have achieved an average standing of at least a 'B-' in their last four semesters of study;

  • a limited number of students may be admitted to the Creative Writing MFA program without having satisfied the degree requirement and/or academic standing requirements set out above if they are assessed as qualified to undertake graduate studies in creative writing on the basis of other experience and/or practice

  • a student who has satisfied the requirements for transfer from the provisional student category.

On-line applications, required documents and instructions can be found in the Application for Admission section of the calendar. Please also see the Admissions Porfolio.

Creative Writing applicants who believe that their experiential learning may compensate for academic standing which does not meet the university minimum requirements are directed to contact the program (cwmfa@uoguelph.ca) regarding availability of alternative admissions criteria.

Admission, whether as a regular, a provisional, or a special student is, in all cases, based upon the recommendation of the department concerned and is subject to the approval of the Assistant VP of Graduate Studies on behalf of the Board of Graduate Studies. For more information, please see Admission Requirements.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1