VII. University Courses


University courses are designed for students from different fields and disciplines to engage in course work that is not discipline based.

UNIV*6000 The Structure and Function of Muscle U [0.50]
An interdisciplinary course covering basic aspects of muscle from a range of viewpoints: structure, metabolism, protein content, energetics, mechanics, biological adaptations, growth and development. The course is designed for graduate students from a wide range of specific disciplines and will provide a broad background to muscle biology as well as more detailed insights into specific aspects of each area covered.
Department(s): Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
UNIV*6010 Regulation in Muscle Metabolism U [0.50]
An interdisciplinary course emphasizing the regulation of muscle metabolism in vivo. The course focuses on the integration of metabolic fuel utilization to meet cellular energy demands under a variety of conditions in the whole animal. Topics include: sources of energy demand, integration of energy supply to meet energy demands, and regulation of cell growth, maintenance and adaptation.
Department(s): Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
UNIV*6030 Seminars and Analysis in Animal Behaviour and Welfare F-W [0.50]
This seminar-based course offers an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of broad topics in animal welfare and human-animal relationships. Students analyze topics presented by visiting guest lecturers using perspectives from various disciplines such animal science, philosophy, history, psychology, ethics, and biology.
Department(s): Department of Animal Biosciences
UNIV*6050 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Agri-Food Systems F-W [1.00]
This course is designed for students in the OMAFRA/UoG HQP Scholarship program, scholars from the Arrell Food Institute, and scholars from Food from Thought, and, space permitting, is open to any graduate student working on a thesis topic related to agri-food. Students work in groups to collaborate with NGOs, government agencies, or businesses on agri-food projects. Through these projects and a series of modules, students build knowledge and competencies in business development, communication, social innovation, project management, and entrepreneurship.
Restriction(s): Limited of 36 students. Priority to HQP Scholarship Program students, Arrell Scholars, and Food from Though funded graduate students.
Department(s): School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management
UNIV*6060 Mechanisms of Tissue and Cellular Mechanotransduction in Health and Disease F [0.50]
This course explores fundamental mechanisms and signalling pathways that dynamically regulate cell and tissues responses to physical forces in health and disease. It is relevant to a wide range of areas of study, from biomechanics and tissue engineering to gastro-intestinal health, food and nutrition.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): Department of Food Science
UNIV*6080 Computational Thinking for Artificial Intelligence U [0.25]
This course will provide students with an overview of the mathematical and computational foundation that is required to undertake artificial intelligence and machine learning research. Students will also gain an understanding of the historical context, breadth, and current state of the field. Students are expected to have already taken undergraduate courses in probability & statistics, calculus, linear algebra, and data structures & algorithms (STAT*2120, MATH*1210, ENGG*1500, and CIS*2520, or equivalents).
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Dean's Office, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
UNIV*6090 Artificial Intelligence Applications and Society U [0.50]
This multidisciplinary, team-taught course provides an in-depth study of how artificial intelligence methodologies can be applied to solve real-world problems in different fields. Students will work in groups to propose solutions whilst considering social and ethical implications of artificial intelligence technologies.
Prerequisite(s): UNIV*6080
Restriction(s): Restricted to students in the collaborative specialization in Artificial Intelligence
Department(s): Dean's Office, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
UNIV*6500 International Study Option U [0.00]
A period of study in another country as part of a graduate program at the University of Guelph. Details may be obtained from the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
Department(s): Office of Graduate Studies
UNIV*6600 Animal Care Short Course S,F,W [0.00]
The course includes on-line training modules covering the following topics: Legislation, Regulation & Guidelines, Ethological Considerations in Animal Management, Ethics in Animal Experimentation, Research Issues, The Three Rs of Humane Animal Experimentation, Occupational Health and Safety when Working with Animals, Euthanasia, Recognition and Alleviation of Pain and Distress in Animals. Graduate students using or caring for live animals or assisting in teaching courses involving live vertebrate animals also must attend the Animal Care Services species-specific Workshops as part of the Animal User Training Program.
Department(s): Office of Graduate Studies
UNIV*6710 Commercialization of Innovation F [0.50]
This course is designed to help participants better understand the process, the analytical tools that can assist the process and how best to prepare technologies to survive commercialization. The course includes elements of entrepreneurship, relationship building, organizational change, as well as project and personnel management.
Department(s): Department of Management
UNIV*6800 University Teaching: Theory and Practice F [0.50]
Participants will critically examine aspects of teaching in higher education and develop teaching skills such as lecturing, demonstrating, leading discussions, and problem solving. Satisfactory (SAT) or unsatisfactory (UNS) will be used to evaluate the student's performance in this course.
Department(s): TSS Instructional Development
UNIV*7100 Academic Integrity for Graduate Students S,F,W [0.00]
Academic integrity is a code of ethics for teachers, students, researchers, and writers. It is fundamental to the University of Guelph’s educational mission and to ensuring the value of the scholarly work conducted here. This course provides definitions, examples, and exercises to help graduate students understand the importance of academic integrity and learn how to avoid academic misconduct in their own work. This course required of all graduate students has to be completed within 20 days of commencing their graduate program.
Department(s): Office of Graduate Studies
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1