IX. Graduate Programs

Public Health


Required Courses

PABI*6500 [0.50] Infectious Diseases and Public Health
POPM*6200 [0.50] Epidemiology I
POPM*6510 [0.50] Health Promotion
POPM*6520 [0.50] Introduction to Epidemiological and Statistical Methods
POPM*6530 [0.50] Health Communication
POPM*6540 [0.50] Concepts in Environmental Public Health
POPM*6550 [0.50] Public Health Policy and Systems
POPM*6560 [1.00] Public Health Practicum
POPM*6570 [0.00] Public Health Capstone
POPM*6580 [0.50] Public Health Leadership and Administration


Four electives (or 2.0 credits) are required. Choose at least two electives from the following list. The remaining course may also be selected from this list or from those listed elsewhere in the Graduate Calendar. Students taking Public Health Practicum II (1.0 credit) are required to take only two additional 0.5 credit elective courses. The MPH program coordinator must approveall electives in advance.

EDRD*6100 [0.50] Disaster Planning and Management
EDRD*6690 [0.50] Program Evaluation
ONEH*6000 [0.50] One Health Approaches to Research
ONEH*6100 [0.50] Master’s Seminar in One Health
PABI*6550 [0.50] Epidemiology of Zoonoses
POPM*6210 [0.50] Epidemiology II
POPM*6290 [0.50] Epidemiology III
POPM*6350 [0.50] Safety of Foods of Animal Origins
POPM*6590 [1.00] Public Health Practicum II
POPM*6600 [0.50] Applied Public Health Research
POPM*6800 [0.50] Infectious Disease Modeling
POPM*6950 [0.50] Directed Studies in Population Medicine
POPM*6960 [0.50] Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1