2007-2008 University of Guelph-Humber Calendar

XII. General Information

University ID cards

A University I.D. Card is issued to each student registered at the University. The following regulations apply:

  1. The University of Guelph-Humber ID Card must have: the University of Guelph-Humber logo; the cardholder's surname, initials and identification number; a colour photograph of the cardholder; the cardholder's signature; a bar code for Library check-out privileges; a magnetically encoded stripe on the back of the card; and a brief summary of the rules and regulations for use of the card.

  2. The Card is the property of the University of Guelph-Humber and may only be used for identification purposes.

  3. The Card is not transferable and the cardholder will be responsible for all use made of the Card unless and until written notice is received by Registrarial Services.

  4. Presentation of the Card will be required before certain University services will be extended. University services may be denied to an individual who does not present a valid card.

  5. The Card may not be retained as collateral for any University service except for those services holding and displaying a permit, signed by the Registrar authorizing the withholding of the student, faculty or staff identification card for short periods while that person is utilizing the services offered.

  6. A University Card will be issued to each new student. New students who do not obtain a card must contact Registrarial Services, Level 2, GH108.

  7. Loss or finding of the University Card should be reported to Registrarial Services, GH108, during regular University office hours.

  8. Replacement charge is $20.00.