University of Guelph 1997-98 Undergraduate Calendar

X--Degree Programs

Co-operative Education Programs

Program Information

Program Information

Co-operative Education formally integrates the student's academic study with work experience in co- operating employer organizations. The usual plan is for the student to alternate periods of study with periods of work in appropriate fields of business, industry, government, social services or the professions. Students are engaged in productive work in jobs developed and/or approved by the institution as suitable learning situations. Progress on the job is monitored by the institution and is supervised and evaluated by both the employer and the institution. Co-operative Education is intended to provide students with the practical knowledge of their discipline and to assist them in making more precise career decisions as a result of the frequent and extensive exposure to the work environment.

Through continuing contact with supervisors and fellow workers, and through work performance evaluations, on the job visits and return to campus interviews, Co-op students become increasingly aware of their strengths and weaknesses in their personal characteristics. Practical communication skills are enhanced through the medium of work reports which are intended to accentuate awareness of real life situations and responsibilities. Also, a greater degree of financial independence may be realized, and the possibility of a wider variety of permanent employment opportunities exists. The Career Services Unit of the Counselling and Student Resource Centre is primarily responsible for administering the work semester aspects of Co-operative Education programs. This involves marketing the concept of Co-operative Education to potential employees, identifying appropriate jobs, and organizing the on campus employer interview system. Work Study field co-ordinators normally contact each student on the job site, and these same coordinators, and others from the Counselling and Student Resource Centre provide a wide range of counselling and career development services.


In order to apply to the Co-op Education program, all students must have at least a 70% average. For high school students, it is required for the appropriate subjects in the final year; for in-course students in their first year, it is required of their overall average, and their major; and for transfer students, they must meet normal admission requirements, as well as complete one academic semester at Guelph in which they achieve the minimum recommended average, normally prior to participating in the Co-op process. Applicants must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident/landed immigrant.

Transfer students from other institutions must meet normal admission requirements, as well as complete one academic semester at Guelph prior to the first work semester. Applicants must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident/landed immigrant.

Admission Information

Enrollment in the Co-operative Education programs will be limited, and the number of students admitted is generally dependent on the projected employment market. Admission may be directly into semester 1, or if spaces are projected, at the end of semester 2.

A Background Information Sheet may be requested, and will be sent to the applicant by the Admissions Office if necessary.

Release of Academic Information

By registering in a Co-operative Education program, students agree that academic transcripts form part of the application package made available to potential employers; and that academic transcripts may also be made available to the appropriate work semester employers. Employment information and evaluation will appear on the academic transcripts.

Continuation of Study

In addition to the conditions for continuation of study listed for the appropriate degree programs elsewhere in the calendar, Co-op students entering at semester 1 will be required to maintain their eligibility through year 1. Thereafter, students must be eligible to proceed in their respective programs.

Co-op students must normally be registered as full time unless they are able to register as part time in the final semester. An unsatisfactory work term report will not affect the academic progress of a student but will normally result in the student being required to withdraw from the Cooperative Education Program.

Procedures for Work Semester Reports

Following each work term the co-op student must submit a work term report to the department co-op faculty advisor (or the department chair) by the deadline reported in the schedule of dates. This report will be assessed by the faculty advisor and the evaluation submitted to the Office of Registrarial Services. The department will keep the report in the student's file and is encouraged to discuss the report with the student following evaluation. The report may then be returned to the student or kept in the student's file. Except as outlined in the following paragraph, failure to submit a work term report by the deadline will result in an "unsatisfactory" evaluation on the student's record and a requirement to withdraw from the co-op program.

If the work term report cannot be submitted by the deadline for reasons beyond the control of the student, a "Request for Academic Consideration" form should be completed giving the reasons and providing evidence where appropriate (see also Section VIII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations & Procedures). If the Academic Review Committee finds in favour of the request, a deferred date for the submission of the work term report will be negotiated. Normally, this deferment would be completed as soon as possible as students with missing work term reports may not compete for further work terms.

Conditions for Graduation

Conditions for graduation from a Co-operative Education program are similar to the corresponding regular degree program. In addition, all work reports must have a grade of satisfactory or better, and no work semester may be evaluated as unsatisfactory.

Co-op Fees

An extra fee, subject to change periodically, is charged to partially defray some of the additional costs incurred by the University in operating Co-operative Education programs. The fee is noted in Section VI--Schedule of Fees.

Co-operative Education Programs

Students entering Co-op are advised to review carefully the academic semester/work semester sequence as set out in the schedule of studies for the programs of study offered under Co-operative Education.

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
X--Degree Programs

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Last revised: November 4, 1997.