University of Guelph 1997-98 Undergraduate Calendar

XII--Course Descriptions


Department of Land Resource Science

64-202 Agrometeorology W(3-0)

Weather and climate effects on agricultural production. Relation of water balance and other climate factors to growth and yield of crops, introduction to crop-weather modelling, climate hazards and their control, weather apsects of pest and disease management.

Prerequisites: 15-201 or 17-115.
Course Profile

64-203 Meteorology and Climatology F(3-2)

Solar and terrestrial radiation; pressure systems and winds; atmospheric stability and vertical motions; air masses and fronts; clouds and precipitation; selected topics in applied meteorology including air pollution. The laboratory emphasizes the analysis and use of atmospheric data for solving environmental problems.

Prerequisites: 1 of 76-100, 76-107, 76-108, 76-111, 76-113.
Course Profile

64-305 Microclimatology W(3-0)

Natural and intentionally-modified microclimates near the earth's surface; energy budgets; transport of mass and heat. Familiarization with some instruments for microclimatic measurements.

Prerequisites: 64-203 or 64-302 or 45-211.
Course Profile

64-421 Atmospheric Monitoring and Physical Meteorology F(3-0)

Principles of physical meteorology presented in the framework of atmospheric monitoring. Topics include heat, solar and terrestrial radiation, humidity, other atmospheric gases, wind.(Offered in odd-numbered years.)

Prerequisites: 64-203 or 64-305.
Course Profile

64-430 Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry W(3-0)

Behaviour of synoptic scale weather systems and the transport of substances in the atmosphere. Chemical and photochemical transformations during transport; scavenging and removal from the atmosphere. (Offered in even-numbered years.)

Prerequisites: 1 of (19-131, 19-336, 05-336, 94-336, 96-336), 64-203
Course Profile

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
XII--Course Descriptions

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Last revised: November 4, 1997.