University of Guelph 1997-98 Undergraduate Calendar

XIV--General Information



The University's collection of books, journals, documents, maps, microforms, films, video and audio materials is administered in the McLaughlin Library building, located in the centre of the campus, and in a branch in the Ontario Veterinary College. The collection consists of more than 2.8 million equivalent volumes and is increasing at the rate of 50-60,000 per year. In addition, the library has over 12,000 audio-visual holdings (audio recordings, films and video tapes) and over 70,000 maps. Access to this collection is available through the Library's automated catalogue system with micro computer search stations and on the campus network from anywhere on or off campus.


The collection is housed in a modern building, considered among the best in Canada. In a pleasant air conditioned atmosphere all students and faculty have open access to the collection. Individual study accommodation is available for 2,300. There are also facilities for students working on group projects. Presentation of the non transferable University Card is required each time a book is borrowed from the Library. The circulation recording system is computer based. Library materials other than books do not generally circulate outside the Library.

Each holder of a University of Guelph or special borrower card is fully responsible for all Library material borrowed using that card.

A complete signage program directs the users to materials which are listed in the Library catalogues. Library staff is available to offer special help in the use of abstracts, indexes, and other special reference material. Orientation tours and instructional classes in the use of the Library are available the first few weeks of each semester.

Photocopying machines are located throughout the Library. Please refer to the Library's information sheet 'Copyright Guidelines'.

Regulations and Hours

A series of leaflets detailing library privileges, services, regulations and hours may be obtained in the Library near the Information Desk on the First Floor.

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
XIV--General Information

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Last revised: November 4, 1997.