University of Guelph 1997-98 Undergraduate Calendar

XIV--General Information

University School of Rural Planning and Development

In 1980 the University of Guelph established a University School of Rural Planning and Development which plays a special role within the campus community, symbolized by its position outside the seven colleges but serving students and faculty in all of them. The University School faculty works closely with faculty and students in many other academic units (e.g.. Land Resource Science, Environmental Biology, Geography, Political Studies, Landscape Architecture, Economics, Agricultural Economics and Business, Rural Extension Studies, Sociology and Anthropology). The University School of Rural Planning and Development pursues integrative and interdisciplinary understanding of planning and development in smaller communities and the rural environment.

The topics of planning and community development in rural areas have long been major priorities at Guelph. The University School builds upon the existing disciplines and professions at the University. Into these existing strengths the School University incorporates the perspectives of professional planning and development, oriented to issues affecting rural areas and people both in Canada and abroad. There are seven main emphases in the School. In the Canadian context there is: a) rural and municipal land use planning; b) community development planning and c) rural resources management planning. In the international context there is: a) Settlement and area Development Planning; b) Natural Resource Development Planning; c) Human Resource and Social Services Development Planning; and d) Program and Project Development Planning.

The central aim of the program of the University School is to improve understanding and to develop methods which will be effective and efficient in: a) planning rural land use and development; b) improving the quality of life for rural people: and c) conserving natural resources and environmental quality. This thrust clearly requires a combination of skills from the social sciences, the natural and physical sciences and professional practices, generally merged into new and innovative approaches that owe their roots to no single discipline or tradition. The University School's activities include teaching, professional training, research and integrated outreach services to rural communities, governments, non government organizations and the private sector across Canada and in many international projects. The University School acts as a source of information and stimulation for courses and projects relating to rural planning, rural development and resource management where appropriate to other departments, schools and colleges. University School faculty do teach undergraduate courses in several other academic units.

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
XIV--General Information

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Last revised: November 4, 1997.