University of Guelph 1997-98 Undergraduate Calendar

IX--Scholarships and Other Awards

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Entrance Awards

Professional Engineers of Ontario Scholarship
Qualifications: Offered to students entering the B.Sc.(Eng.) program with outstanding academic proficiency.
Amount: Two scholarships of $1,200.

December 6th Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship, established by the Faculty Association, is awarded in memory of the fourteen women murdered in December 1989 at Ecole Polytechnique and is intended to attract women to a profession which is largely comprised of men.

Qualifications: Female student who is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada enrolled in the College of Physical and Engineering Science. The recipient will be selected on the basis of academic performance. For continued eligibility beyond semester 1, the student must maintain a minimum of 70% cumulative average. Demonstrated financial need may also be considered.
Amount: $1,500 ($500 in each of semesters 1, 3 and 5).

Earl B. MacNaughton Entrance Scholarships

Four scholarships.

Qualifications: Students with high academic standing and entering an honours program in the College of Physical and Engineering Science. Emphasis will be given to performance in high school science and mathematics.
Amount: $1,000.

In-Course Awards

Agricultural Buildings Systems Bursary

The Ontario Region of the Canadian Farm Builders Association has made available 2 bursaries. Applicants must demonstrate financial need that diminishes personal involvement in the program, and independent interest in agricultural buildings systems. Apply to the School of Engineering before September 1st for Fall and January 1st for Winter.

Qualifications: Students enrolled full-time, who have completed semester 2 in either the Agricultural Engineering major of the B.Sc.(Eng.) or the Associate Diploma in Agriculture programs.
Semester: 2.
Amount: $1,000 annually.

Alma Mater B.Sc. Scholarships

At least 3 scholarships will be awarded in the Fall to students in each of the College of Biological Science and the College of Physical and Engineering Science. Consideration may be given to the actual courses taken in the case of students with widely differing programs.

Qualifications: Students who have completed 6 semester levels (30 courses minimum) of an honours B.Sc. program in the College of Biological Science or in the College of Physical and Engineering Science. Selection will be based upon the cumulative average obtained during the first 6 semester levels.
Semester: 6.
Amount: Eight scholarships of $300 each.

Association of Professional Engineers Medal
Qualifications: Graduate of an accredited engineering course, who taking honours, obtains the highest average in the practical work and written examinations of the year.
Semester: 8.
Amount: A gold medal and books. Approximately $50 in value.

Babcock and Wilcox Design Award

This award is available to facilitate extramural, independent participation in Ontario and National engineering competitions. Apply in writing to Chair, Awards Committee, School of Engineering by January 31.

Qualifications: Undergraduate engineering student.
Amount: $500.

Canadian Federation of University Women - Guelph Chapter Scholarship

An annual scholarship.

Qualifications: Female student registered in semester 5 or 6 in the Fall semester in either B.Sc.(Eng.), B.A. (College of Physical and Engineering Science) or B.Sc. (College of Physical and Engineering Science) who has the highest cumulative average. Preference will be given to a student who has graduated from a secondary school in Wellington County.
Amount: $1,225.50.

Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute Scholarship
Qualifications: Student who obtains the highest standing in the first 4 semester levels in courses involving analysis and design in the B.Sc.(Eng.) program.
Semester: 4.
Amount: $200.

Lindsay W. Christie Bursary

The family of Lindsay W. Christie has made one or more bursaries available. Apply by confidential letter.

Qualifications: Full-time students in the B.Sc.(Engineering) program with a demonstrated financial need that diminshes personal involvement in the program and/or participation in personal development through undergraduate conferences or congresses that entail expenses for travel and accommodation. Apply by confidential letter to Chair, Awards Committee, School of Engineering on or before December 1.
Amount: Totalling up to $1,000 annually.

College of Physical and Engineering Science Academic Scholarships

Up to 2 scholarships are offered in the Winter semester.

Qualifications: Students who have completed at least 6 semesters, have excellent grades but have not received awards recently.
Semester: 6, 7.
Amount: Two scholarships of $100 each.

College of Physical and Engineering Science Alumni Association Scholarships
Qualifications: Students who have completed semester 4 in the previous Fall, Winter or Spring semesters and are enrolled in semester 5 or higher of a College of Physical and Engineering Science program. Recipients will be selected on the basis of a high average in courses normally taken in the 3rd and 4th semesters. Students must have been registered in at leat 10 courses and a minimum 80% average is required.
Semester: 4.
Amount: Four annual scholarships for tuition fees for one semester.

College of Physical and Engineering Science Graduation Prize

The winner will be selected in May from all students who have completed the program in the previous twelve months.

Qualifications: Student graduating with the highest cumulative average from an honours B.Sc. program in a Physical and Engineering Science area.
Semester: 8.
Amount: $100 annually.

College of Physical and Engineering Science Scholarship

An annual scholarship is awarded in the Fall.

Qualifications: Student who has completed semester 6 in the previous Fall, Winter or Spring semesters and who is enrolled in semester 7 or 8 of a College of Physical and Engineering Science program. Recipients will be selected on the basis of a high average (minimum 80% average required) in courses normally taken in the 5th and 6th semesters.
Semester: 7.
Amount: $200 annually.

Credit Valley Conservation Authority Foundation Bursary

A bursary is presented annually. Enquiries should be made at Student Financial Services, Registrarial Services.

Qualifications: Full-time student registered in the B.A. program Geography, the B.Sc. program Geography, the B.Sc. Engineering program (Water Resource Engineering), or the B.Sc. Agriculture program (Resource Management or Resource Economics) with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to a student who resides in a member municipality of the Credit Valley Authority Foundation.
Amount: $500.

John Deere Scholarship

John Deere Ltd. provides an annual scholarship. Apply to the Assistant Director, Student Financial Services by April 1.

Qualifications: Student with an 80% average in semesters 5 and 6 of the Agricultural Engineering major who has best demonstrated leadership qualities and participation in extracurricular activities.
Semester: 6.
Amount: $1,500 annually.

Knut Karl Grimstad Memorial Scholarships
Qualifications: Outstanding students majoring in Water Resources Engineering. The scholarships are based on academic proficiency in semesters 5 and 6, and on participation in extracurricular activities associated especially with the profession of engineering.
Semester: 6.
Amount: Two scholarships of $600 annually.

E. B. MacNaughton Convocation Prize
Qualifications: The College of Physical and Engineering Science nominee for the Winegard Medal.
Semester: 8.
Amount: A gold medal and $100.

Professional Engineers of Ontario Scholarships

Apply to the Chair of the Awards Committee, School of Engineering, by March 31.

Qualifications: Students in their 2nd and 3rd years of an accredited engineering course. One award is given for high academic standing and the other for a combination of academic excellence and demonstrated leadership qualities.
Semester: 4, 6.
Amount: Two scholarships of $600.

Taggart Scholarship in Biological Engineering
Qualifications: Student who has completed semester 6 of Biological Engineering in the B.Sc.(Eng.) program. Academic standing and demonstration of leadership qualities will be used to select the recipient from eligible candidates.
Semester: 6.
Amount: $600 annually.

Helen Grace Tucker Design Awards

Established by a bequest of Helen Grace Tucker, OAC '65 Engineering, who was co-inventor of a number of patented sensor and control components and co-author of many international publications.

Qualifications: Graduating student in each of the five engineering programs. The winners will be selected on the basis of best performance (at least 80%) in 05-210, 05-310 and the final design course.
Semester: 8.
Amount: Annual award of $500.

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
IX--Scholarships and Other Awards

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Last revised: November 4, 1997.