University of Guelph 1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar

VI-Schedule of Fees

Meal Plan Fees

All residence students, excluding those in apartment style residences, are required to select one of 4 meal plans. These prepaid plans are in effect for 1997-98. The 1998-99 fee schedule will be issued as soon as available from Hospitality Services.

Fall/Winter Semester 1997-98

Meal Plan Per Semester
Minimum Plan $1,045.00
Light Plan $1,225.00
Full Plan $1,380.00
Plus Plan $1,525.00

Food items purchased on your meal plan are tax exempt.

Any student on or off-campus can purchase the above noted plans. There is an Off-Campus Meal Plan for those students who are not required to purchase a residence board plan. For further information on off campus options, please contact Hospitality Services at Ext. 2807. All meal plans give you the convenience of on campus dining in a variety of locations.

Hospitality Services will honour meal plans until 2:00 p.m. on the day following the conclusion of examinations.

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
VI-Schedule of Fees

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Last revised: March 16 1998.