University of Guelph 1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar

XIV--General Information

University Governance

The University of Guelph was incorporated by an Act of the Ontario Legislature in 1964. The Act specifies that control of the University lies with the Board of Governors and the Senate.

The Board of Governors comprises 24 members, including the Chancellor, the President and Vice Chancellor, 4 persons named by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, and 18 other persons appointed by the Board, 3 of whom are faculty members named by Senate, 3 are alumni, 2 are undergraduate students elected by the undergraduate student body, 1 is a graduate student elected by the graduate student body, and 2 are non-teaching staff members (1 of whom is also an alumnus), elected by University non-teaching staff. The Board is responsible for the government, conduct, management and control of the University and its properties, revenues and expenditures, and business affairs.

The Senate has 168 members. Sixty-one are ex-officio, including the Chancellor, the President, the Provost and Vice President (Academic), the Vice President (Research), the Associate Vice President (Academic) and Registrar, the Associate Vice President (Student Affairs), Deans and Associate Deans, Directors of Schools and Chairs of Departments, Librarian, Director of Open Learning, Director of the University School of Rural Planning and Development, Director of the Centre for International Programs, Internal Commissioner of the Central Student Association, President of the Graduate Students' Association and the Secretary of Senate; 62 are faculty members elected on a college basis; 25 are undergraduate students elected by programs on the basis of 1 for each 500 students enrolled, with 1 from the Diploma Program; 8 are graduate students, each one elected from and by the graduate students of each college and the University School of Rural Planning and Development; 9 are alumni elected by the Alumni Association, 3 are non-faculty members chosen by and from the Board of Governors, 1 is a representative of the University of Guelph Faculty Association, 2 are representatives of staff and 1 is a representative of the Librarians. The Senate has responsibility for educational policy, including the creation of faculties, departments, schools and institutes; courses of study and standards of admission and continuation of study; qualifications for and granting of degrees, including honorary degrees, and of diplomas; examinations and examiners, fellowships, scholarships and bursaries; and for the election of the Chancellor.

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
XIV--General Information

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Last revised: March 16 1998.