University of Guelph 1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar

XII--Course Descriptions

Women's Studies

College of Arts

32-220 Introduction to Women's Studies F(3-0) [0.50]

Some of the philosophies, theories, history and artistic representations of women will be introduced and discussed. This perspective from the Humanities will be complemented by the Social Science perspective which considers women and their historical and contemporary relations with society, with the state, with their families, with others (men and women), and with themselves.

Exclusions: 85-220.
Course Profile

32-351 Directed Readings in Women's Studies S,F,W(3-0) [0.50]

An opportunity for advanced Women's Studies undergraduates to pursue an independent course of readings and assignments in Women's Studies. The student will design a course of readings and assignments with the instructor and submit the proposal to the Coordinator of Women's Studies for approval by the last day of the Add Period of that semester.

Prerequisites: [10.00] credits including 32-220 or 85-220 and [1.00] other credit in Women's studies courses.
Course Profile

32-352 Independent Workplace Learning in Women's Studies S,F,W(3-0) [0.50]

An opportunity for advanced Women's Studies undergraduates to combine workplace experience (in women-focused agencies or organizations) with Women's Studies research and assignments relevant to that work. The student will design a project with the instructor and submit a proposal to the Coordinator of Women's Studies for approval by the last day of the add period of that semester.

Prerequisites: [10.00] credits including 32-220 or 85-220 and [1.0] other credit in the Women's Studies courses.
Course Profile

32-401 Seminar in Women's Studies W(3-0) [0.50]

The framework of the course will be provided by a series of unresolved issues or challenging questions regarding women which will call upon the students' critical, evaluative, and integrative abilities.The content will largely depend upon the students' backgrounds within the program and their other major areas of study.

Prerequisites: 32-220 (or 85-220) and at least [1.00] other credit in the Women's Studies courses.
Exclusions: 85-401.
Course Profile

32-405 Gender and Knowledge F(3-0) [0.50]

The course will focus on the approaches used by feminist scholars in doing research in the broadly defined area of Women's Studies. It will also examine critiques of the traditional ways of constructing knowledge in a variety of mainstream academic disciplines, the modifications of these approaches to ensure that gender is taken into account, as well as the development of new ways of constructing knowledge.

Prerequisites: 32-220 or 85-220, (2 of 37-288, 49-293, 80-330, 86-340).
Exclusions: 85-405.
Course Profile

32-451 Advanced Topics in Women's Studies S,F,W(3-0) [0.50]

An opportunity for advanced Women's Studies undergraduates to pursue an advanced research project in Women's Studies. The student will design a project with the instructor and submit for approval to the Coordinator of Women's Studies by the last day of the add period in that semester.

Prerequisites: [15.00] credits including 32-220or 85-220 and [1.00] from other Women's Studies courses.
Course Profile

32-452 Advanced Topics in Women's Studies S,F,W(3-0) [0.50]

An opportunity for advanced Women's Studies undergraduates to pursue an advanced research project in Women's Studies. The student will design a project with the instructor and submit for approval to the Coordinator of Women's Studies by the last day of the add period in that semester.

Prerequisites: [15.00] credits including 32-220 (or 85-220) and [1.00] credit in Women's Studies courses.
Course Profile

1998-99 Undergraduate Calendar
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Last revised: March 16 1998.