University of Guelph 1999-2000 Undergraduate Calendar

XII--Course Descriptions


School of Engineering.

Students who are not registered in the B.Sc.(Eng.) degree program may take no more than 3.00 Engineering (ENGG*XXXX) credits.

ENGG*1100 Introduction to Engineering and Design F(2-4) [0.75]

Introduction to engineering and design by means of selected problems. Students integrate basic science, mathematics, and complementary studies to develop and communicate engineering solutions to specific needs. Application of computer-aided drafting, spreadsheets, programming, and interfacing file structure and file management to simple engineering design problems.

ENGG*1210 Engineering Mechanics I W(3-1) [0.50]

Fundamental principles of Newtonian mechanics; statics of particles in 2-D space; equilibrium of rigid bodies in 2-D; distributed forces; friction, linear and angular momentum of rigid bodies; conservation of energy; principles of impulse and momentum; and, plane motion of rigid bodies.

Prerequisites: OAC Algebra and Geometry

ENGG*1500 Engineering Analysis W(3-1) [0.50]

Engineering applications of Matrix algebra, vector spaces and computer techniques to solve linear systems. Linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization and their applications in engineering problems. Complex variable algebra, multi-variables functions, partial derivatives, and maxima and minima.

Corequisites: ENGG*1210, MATH*1210
Exclusions: MATH*2150

ENGG*2100 Engineering Design I F(2-4) [0.75]

Modelling and synthesis in engineering design. Student groups design creative solutions for several projects using database management, spreadsheets, FORTRAN, or other high-level language, computer-aided drafting, presentation graphics and systems simulation software.

Prerequisites: ENGG*1100

ENGG*2120 Material Science F(3-2) [0.50]

Study of the mechanical behaviour of solids, atomic order and disorder in solids, single-phase metals, and multiphase material: their equilibria, micro-structure, properties and thermal processing, time dependent behaviour, introduction to food rheology and food testing.

Prerequisites: CHEM*1040, PHYS*1110

ENGG*2150 Engineering Biomechanics F(3-1) [0.50]

Basic concepts of rheology; comparison of stress-strain behaviour of engineering materials with biological materials; viscoelastic bodies; analysis of plane stress and strain; joint kinematics; dynamics of muscular; contraction; optimization of muscular force.

Prerequisites: ENGG*1210, 0.50 credit in calculus

ENGG*2230 Fluid Mechanics W(3-2) [0.50]

Analysis of steady ideal and viscous fluid flow systems using the Continuity, Bernoulli and Momentum equations. Boundary layer theory is treated in terms of viscous and pressure drag, lift and its importance in heat and mass transfer. Dimensional analysis and dynamic similitude are studied to provide an understanding of flow systems analysis and modelling. Introduction to pipe flow and open channel flow.

Prerequisites: ENGG*1210, MATH*1210

ENGG*2400 Engineering Systems Analysis F(3-1) [0.50]

Analytical description and modelling of engineering systems such as mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic biological and environmental systems. Applications of multivariable calculus, linear algebra and differential equations to stimulate and analyse such systems.

Prerequisites: ENGG*1210, ENGG*1500, MATH*1210
Corequisites: MATH*2270

ENGG*2450 Network Theory W(3-1) [0.50]

Electrical quantities; electrical circuit elements and their characteristics; exponentials, sinusoids and phasors applied to electrical circuits; s-plane representation and pole-zero concepts; steady-state a.c. circuits; general network analysis; magnetic quantities and circuits; demonstration of principles as applied in several engineering fields.

Prerequisites: MATH*2270, PHYS*1130

ENGG*2550 Water Management (formerly: ) W(3-0) [0.50]

The influence of fundamental engineering and hydrologic principles on the choices available for management of water on a watershed basis is demonstrated for representative techniques used in management for water supply, irrigation, flood control, drainage and water pollution control. Selected problems are studies to reveal the technical, environmental, legal, jurisdiction, political, economic and social aspects of water management decisions.

Prerequisites: 0.50 credit in Geography, Geology or Meteorology
Exclusion: ENGG*3550

ENGG*2560 Environmental Engineering Systems W(3-2) [0.50]

Analysis techniques for natural and engineered systems including chemical, physical and biological processes. Mass balance analysis for steady state and unsteady state situations. Analysis under both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. Reactor types including batch, plug-flow, CSTR. Noise pollution, control and prevention.

Prerequisites: CHEM*1050, MATH*2270
Exclusions: ENGG*3560

ENGG*2620 Food Engineering Principles W(3-2) [0.50]

Introduction to engineering principles and operations in food processing including heat transfer, thermal processing, refrigeration, fluid flow, separating, mixing, size reduction and moisture modifications. Material and energy balances. Instrumentation and process control concepts.

Prerequisites: 0.50 credit in physical chemistry or biochemistry or 0.50 credit in organic chemistry beyond the 1000 level

ENGG*2660 Biological Engineering Systems (formerly: ) W(3-1) [0.50]

Mathematical description and identification of biological systems; kinetics of biological and engineering systems; kinetics of biological and engineering systems in biomedical, food and environmental applications.

Prerequisites: MATH*2270, MICR*2030
Corequisites: CHEM*2580, STAT*2120
Exclusion: ENGG*3660

ENGG*3100 Engineering Design II W(3-2) [0.75]

This course combines the knowledge gained in the advanced engineering and basic science courses with the design skills taught in ENGG*1100 and ENGG*2100 in solving open-ended problems. These problems are related to the student's major. Additional design tools are presented, including model simulation, sensitivity analysis, linear programming, knowledge-based systems and computer programming. Complementing these tools are discussions on writing and public speaking techniques, codes, safety issues, environmental assessment and professional management. These topics are taught with the consideration of available resources and cost.

Prerequisites: registration in the B.Sc. (Eng.) program ENGG*2100, ENGG*2230, ENGG*2400, ENGG*3260 and, for the specific majors: Biological Engineering ENGG*2150, ENGG*2660; Engineering Systems & Computing, IPS*2010; Environmental Engineering, ENGG*3360, ENGG*3590, ENGG*3650; Water Resources Engineering, ENGG*3590, ENGG*3650

ENGG*3240 Engineering Economics F(3-0) [0.50]

Principles of project evaluation; analysis of capital and operating costs of engineering alternatives, benefit-cost ratio; break-even studies, evaluations recognizing risk, replacement and retirement of assets; tax considerations, influence of sources of funds.

Prerequisites: MATH*1210

ENGG*3260 Thermodynamics F(3-2) [0.50]

Macroscopic thermodynamics to solve thermal, hydraulic and biological engineering problems using systems analysis approach. First and second laws of thermodynamics, entropy, availability, cycles for power and refrigeration, psychometrics and chemical reactions.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2230, CHEM*1050, MATH*2270

ENGG*3340 Geographic Information Systems in Environmental Engineering F(3-0) [0.50]

Geographical information system structure and functions. Data structuring and application program development. Data input, display and analysis. Applications in environmental engineering and natural resource development/management. Students will be able to use a GIS software package to build geographical information systems.

Prerequisites: (CIS*1500 or CIS*1600), (1 of MATH*1000, MATH*1080, MATH*1200)

ENGG*3360 Waste Management and Utilization F(3-2) [0.50]

Analysis of fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes applied to waste management. Sources, characteristics, fate, impact, and control of liquid, gaseous, and solid wastes. Cross-media issues in waste management. Introduction to unit operations and processes for wastewater and waste gas treatment. Bio-remediation of waste streams, including by-product utilization. Applications to municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastes. Also listed as ENVS*3360.

Prerequisites: (ENGG*2560 or ENGG*2660), MICR*2030; Biological Engineering students, ENGG*2660, MICR*2030; Environmental Engineering students, ENGG*2560, MICR*2030
Exclusions: ENVS*3360

ENGG*3410 Systems and Control Theory W(3-2) [0.50]

Modelling, performance analysis and control with potential application to engineering, physical and biological systems. Topics include modelling in time, Laplace and frequency domains. Performance and stability by methods of Hurwitz, Routh, Bode, and Nyquist. Control by ON/OFF and PID Controllers.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2400, ENGG*2450, MATH*2270

ENGG*3430 Heat and Mass Transfer W(3-1 [0.50]

Analysis of steady and transient thermal systems involving heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation and of mass transfer by molecular diffusion and convection. Other topics include the thermal analysis of heat exchangers and heat transfer systems involving a change of state.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2230, ENGG*3260, MATH*2270

ENGG*3450 Electrical Devices F(3-2) [0.50]

Magnetic circuits; principles of transformation; linear transformer models; principles of electromechanical conversion; steady-state performance of rotating machines; conduction in metals and semi-conductors; principles of modern electronic devices; operational amplifiers; linear models of electronic devices.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2450

ENGG*3470 Mass Transfer Operations W(3-2) [0.50]

Application of mass transfer principles in the natural and engineered systems. Mass transport in the multi-media fate of contaminants in and between air, water and land. Design and analysis of separation processes for emission and pollutant prevention.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2230, ENGG*3260, MATH*2270
Corequisites: ENGG*3430

ENGG*3590 Water Quality F(3-3) [0.50]

This course builds on the student's experience in chemistry, physics and fluid mechanics, and provides an engineering perspective on: (i) standard methods of water quality analysis for physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water; (ii) significance and interpretation of analytical results, (iii) modelling of water quality in natural systems and (iv) introduction to engineered water treatment systems.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2230, CHEM*1040
Corequisites: STAT*2120 (can be taken as a prerequisite)

ENGG*3650 Hydrology F(3-1) [0.50]

Quantitative study of natural water circulation systems with emphasis on basic physical principles and interrelationships among major processes; characteristics of mass and energy; inputs to and output from watersheds; factors governing precipitation occurrence, evaporation rates, soil-water storage changes, groundwater recharge and discharge, run-off generation; methods of streamflow analysis; mathematical modelling.

Prerequisites: (ENGG*2230 or MET*2030), (MATH*1210 or MATH*2080), (STAT*2120 or STAT*2040), and competency in computing

ENGG*3670 Soil Mechanics (formerly: ) F(3-2) [0.50]

Relations of soil physical and chemical properties to strength; soil water systems and interactive forces. Visco-elastic property and pressure-volume relationships of soil systems. Stress-strain characteristics of soil under dynamic loads. Application of engineering problems. Laboratory and field investigation methods.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2120, ENGG*2230
Exclusion: ENGG*4610

ENGG*3830 Bio-Process Engineering F(3-1) [0.50]

Application of engineering principles to the processing of biological products in the biological and food industry. Analysis and design of unit processes such as sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration, milling and mixing involving rheology and non-Newtonian fluid dynamics of biological materials. Analysis of heat and mass balances for drying evaporation, distillation and extraction.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2230, (ENGG*2660 or ENGG*3360)
Corequisite: ENGG*3260

ENGG*4110 Biological Engineering Design Project W(0-7) [1.00]

Project involving application of engineering principles and computers to design of elements, systems and processes to provide a solution for a specified Biological Engineering problem. Students prepare reports and presentations to professional standards. Consideration of pertinent socio-economic and environmental aspects. Preparation of useful new computer code.

Prerequisites: All 1000 and 2000 level core credits plus ENGG*3100 must be completed. The student must be enrolled in the B.Sc. (Eng.) program, and the course must be taken in the final semester of the student's undergraduate program. Admission to the course is by instructor's permission during the course selection period in the Fall semester prior to the course offering.

ENGG*4120 Engineering Systems and Computing Design Project W(0-7) [1.00]

Project involving application of engineering principles and computers to design of elements, systems and processes to provide a solution for a specified Engineering Systems and Computing Design problem. Students prepare reports and presentations to professional standards. Consideration of pertinent socio-economic and environmental aspects. Preparation of useful new computer code.

Prerequisites: All 1000 and 2000 level core credits plus ENGG*3100 must be completed. The student must be enrolled in the B.Sc. (Eng.) program, and the course must be taken in the final semester of the student's undergraduate program. Admission to the course is by instructor's permission during the course selection period in the Fall semester prior to the course offering.

ENGG*4130 Environmental Engineering Design Project W(0-7) [1.00]

Project involving application of engineering principles and computers to design of element systems and processes to provide a solution for a specified Environmental Engineering problem. Students prepare reports and presentations to professional standards. Consideration of pertinent socio-economic and environmental aspects. Preparation of useful new computer code.

Prerequisites: All 1000 and 2000 level core credits plus ENGG*3100 must be completed. The student must be enrolled in the B.Sc. (Eng.) program, and the course must be taken in the final semester of the student's undergraduate program. Admission to the course is by instructor's permission during the course selection period in the Fall semester prior to the course offering.

ENGG*4140 Food Engineering Design Project W(0-7) [1.00]

Project involving application of engineering principles and computers to design of elements, systems and processes to provide a solution for a specified Food Engineering problem. Students prepare reports and presentations to professional standards. Consideration of pertinent socio-economic and environmental aspects. Preparation of useful new computer code.

Prerequisites: All 1000 and 2000 level core credits plus ENGG*3100 must be completed. The student must be enrolled in the B.Sc. (Eng.) program, and the course must be taken in the final semester of the student's undergraduate program. Admission to the course is by instructor's permission during the course selection period in the Fall semester prior to the course offering.

ENGG*4150 Water Resources Engineering Design Project W(0-7) [1.00]

Project involving application of engineering principles and computers to design of elements, systems and processes to provide a solution for a specified Water Resources Engineering problem. Students prepare reports and presentations to professional standards. Consideration of pertinent socio-economic and environmental aspects. Preparation of useful new computer code.

Prerequisites: All 1000 and 2000 level core credits plus ENGG*3100 must be completed. The student must be enrolled in the B.Sc. (Eng.) program, and the course must be taken in the final semester of the student's undergraduate program. Admission to the course is by instructor's permission during the course selection period in the Fall semester prior to the course offering.

ENGG*4250 Watershed Systems Design F(3-2) [0.75]

Hydrological analysis of watershed systems including stream flow for design of structures and channels, flood warning, flood plain mapping, low-flow characteristics. Hydraulic analysis applied to design of dams, reservoirs, control structures, energy dissipation structures, bridges and culverts. Analysis of steady flow profiles, flood waves, and sediment transport, for design of natural and constructed channels, and protective works for rivers to achieve environmentally sustainable land use in watershed systems.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2230, ENGG*3650

ENGG*4260 Water and Wastewater Treatment Design W(3-2) [0.75]

Application of design principles for a variety of water purification systems, including drinking water, municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater and agricultural wastewater. This involves the design of physical, chemical and biological unit operations, and evaluating the optimum combination to satisfy the given design constraints and criteria. The optimum designs integrate engineering science, basic science, economics, and occupational health and safety for the workers and the public.

Prerequisites: ENGG*3100, ENGG*3360, ENGG*3590

ENGG*4280 Digital Process Control Design W(3-2) [0.75]

Design, analysis synthesis and simulation of process control and automation systems. Automation hardware, process compensation techniques and P.I.D. controllers, design and dynamics of final control elements, computer control and the microprocessor.

Prerequisites: ENGG*3410, (ENGG*3640 or IPS*2010)

ENGG*4290 Ethics, Law and Safety W(2-0) [0.25]

Law and ethics for professional engineers; Canadian legal system; tort liability; contract law; lien legislation; statutes governing the engineering profession; code of ethics. Laws relating to labour; employment standards act; workers' compensation act; occupational health and safety act. Health and safety concerns related to professional engineering.

Prerequisites: must be taken in the student's final Winter semester

ENGG*4300 Food Processing Engineering Design F(3-2) [0.75]

Formulation of mathematical models to describe food processing operations and the response of foods to such operations. Process evaluation, development and computer-aided design of operations such as thermal processes and food freezing. The influence of water activity and structure on the enzymatic, cellular, organic and structural systems of foods. The properties of powders and particulate foods and mechanical operations with solid foods.

Prerequisites: ENGG*3260, FOOD*2010

ENGG*4330 Air Pollution Control F(3-2) [0.75]

Analysis and design of atmospheric pollution control techniques. Techniques considered include both in-process solutions as well as conventional end-of-pipe treatments. Pollutants covered include gaseous, particulate, metals and trace organics.

Prerequisites: ENGG*3260, ENGG*3360

ENGG*4340 Solid Waste Management F(3-2) [0.50]

Solid waste generation. Physical and chemical properties of solid waste. Solid waste treatment and disposal methods. Landfill, incineration, and compost methods. Solid waste recycling. Cross media issues related to solid waste disposal.

Prerequisites: ENGG*3360

ENGG*4360 Soil-Water Conservation Systems Design F(3-2) [0.75]

Properties of soils and land use governing the occurance and magnitude of overland flow, soil erosion, infiltration, percolation of soil water, and variations in soil water storage. Design of soil and water management systems and structures to control soil erosion and protect water quality for environmentally and economically sustainable land use planning. Design of surface and subsurface drainage system for rural land. Design of sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2230, ENGG*3650, ENGG*3670

ENGG*4370 Urban Water Systems Design F(3-2) [0.75]

Quantitative estimation of water quantity and quality needed for urban water supply and drainage. Design of intakes, pumping systems, pipe networks and reservoirs from analysis of steady and transient pressurized free surface flow, rates of generation of flows and pollutants to sanitary and storm sewers, design of buried pipe and open channel drainage systems with structures for control for flow rate and storm water ponds for peak reduction and quality control. Modelling of urban water systems and their application in urban planning.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2230, ENGG*3650

ENGG*4380 Bioreactor Design F(3-2) [0.75]

Modelling and design of batch and continuous bioreactors based on biological growth kinetics and mass balances. Gas-liquid mass transfer for aeration and agitation instrumentation and control.

Prerequisites: ENGG*3830

ENGG*4390 Bio-instrumentation Design F(3-2) [0.75]

Theory and selection criteria of devices used in measurements in biological systems; design of complete measurement systems including transducers, signal conditioning and recording components; error analysis. Differences between measurements in biological and physical systems.

Prerequisites: ENGG*2660, ENGG*3450

ENGG*4420 Real-time Systems Design F(3-3) [0.50]

Hard versus soft real-time systems. Real-time issues in computer architecture. Clocks and timing issues. Correctness and predictability. Structuring and describing real-time software. Clock Synchronization. Real-time objects and atomicity. Validation of timing constraints. Formal Real-time systems design and analysis techniques: process-based, event-based, and Petri Nets. Resource management and control. Real-time scheduling and task allocation (Uni-processor and Multi-processor). Design for dependability, reliability and fault tolerance. Real-time programming using ADA. Survey of Real-time operating systems. Scenarios of real-time systems.

Prerequisites: CIS*3110

ENGG*4640 Microcomputer Interfacing (formerly: ) F(3-2) [0.75]

Interfacing microcomputers to external equipment. Topics include peripheral devices, hardware interfaces, device driver software and real time programming. Data acquisition topics include signal conditioning analog to digital conversion and digital signal processing. Data transmission will also be discussed.

Prerequisites: (1 of ENGG*3450, PHYS*2040, PHYS*3100), IPS*2010
Exclusion: ENGG*3640

1999-2000 Undergraduate Calendar
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Last revised: January 1999.