2004-2005 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures


Undergraduate Course Timetable

The scheduling of all undergraduate courses is the responsibility of the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling.

The preliminary edition of the Undergraduate Course Timetable lists the courses scheduled for the (Summer and Fall Semesters). The preliminary edition of the Undergraduate Course Timetable along with the Undergraduate Calendar is available to all students in early March through WebAdvisor.

Chair's Responsibilities

The chair, through the designated department timetable advisor, is responsible for the following:

  • Notifying the Assistant Registrar, Scheduling, no later than the published deadline, of the details regarding the department's course offerings in the subsequent academic year.

  • Approving the department's course schedule before publication. This involves checking to ensure that no conflicts exist in faculty or student schedules.

Instructor's Responsibilities

Instructors are responsible for communicating to the department timetable advisor prior to the published deadline any information relevant to the scheduling of courses in the subsequent academic year.

Registrar's Responsibilities

The Assistant Registrar, Scheduling, uses the following criteria when creating the course timetable:

  • No course conflicts exist in core courses as published in the schedule of studies in the Undergraduate Calendar.

  • The number of requested elective courses available to students is optimized.

  • Classroom space is allocated to all scheduled courses on the basis of expected enrolments.

  • No instructor conflicts exist based on department information.

  • Departmental requirements requested by the chair or timetable advisor are met, when possible.