2006-2007 University of Guelph Undergraduate Calendar

IX. Scholarships and Other Awards

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

In-course Awards with Financial Need

Archie and Isabelle (Cook) Rintoul O.A.C. Bursary [I3060]
Offered by Archie and Isabelle (Cook) Rintoul of O.A.C. '26 and MAC '27 respectively. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7 to Student Financial Services. Two awards of $500 (one in each of the two colleges).
Archie and Isabelle (Cook) Rintoul
Qualification(s): Students enrolled in the BASc program or the Hotel and Food Administration, Housing and Real Estate Management or Marketing Management majors of the B.COMM. program and the department of Environmental Biology in the B.Sc., B.Sc.(Agr.) or the B.Sc.(Env.) degree programs. Students who have completed semester 4 (10.00 credits) and who have demonstrated financial need are eligible.
Amount: 2 awards of $500
Bette Stephenson Accessibility Bursary [I3054]
In recognition of the work of Dr. Bette Stephenson in supporting students with learning disabilities, the University of Guelph offers bursaries to students who have demonstrated financial need and who have a learning disability. These bursaries will be used to offset the costs of a required assessment, or the purchase of a computer that is required to support their learning needs. Apply to Student Financial Services, with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Undergraduate students who have demonstrated financial need and who have a learning disability. Students must be full-time (as defined by OSAP regulations) and Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Amount: 3 awards to a maximum of $1,500
Brinson Partners Inc. Bursaries [I3526]
Brinson Partners Inc., with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, has established these bursaries. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Brinson Partners Inc.
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 2 awards of $1,500
Burnbrae Farms Bursaries [I3525]
Established by Burnbrae Farms, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program to assist students with financial need to continue their studies as full-time students. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Burnbrae Farms
Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students with a demonstrated interest in poultry science. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 2 awards of $1,500
Class of '72: 25th Reunion Bursaries [I3512]
Established by the Class of '72: 25th Reunion Fund with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program to support students who wish to study full-time. Apply to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Class of '72: 25th Reunion
Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 3 awards of $1,000
Class of O.A.C. '33 Bursaries [I3531]
Established by the class of O.A.C. '33 on the occasion of their 65th Anniversary, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Class of 1933 (in honour of the late Prof. WIJ. Squirrell)
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 3 awards of $500
Class of O.A.C. '36 Bursaries [I3501]
Established by the Class of O.A.C. '36 with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Class of 1936
Qualification(s): An O.A.C. degree student enrolled in any degree program who has demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 2 awards of $500
Credit Valley Conservation Authority Foundation Bursary [I3007]
Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
Credit Valley Conservation Authority Foundation
Qualification(s): Full-time student registered in B.A. Geography, B.Sc. Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Analysis, B.Sc. Engineering (Water Resource Engineering), B.Sc.(Agr.) Agroecosystem Management or B.Sc.(Env.) Geography majors with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to a student who resides in a member municipality of the Credit Valley Authority Foundation.
Amount: 1 award of $500
David R. Leach Memorial Bursary [I3534]
Provided in memory of David R. Leach by his family, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. David entered O.A.C. in 1969 as a member of O.A.C. '73 and graduated with a B.Sc. in Agriculture in 1974. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Mrs Deborah Leach-Sartor
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate degree or diploma student who is physically disabled as determined by the Centre for students with Disabilities, has satisfactory academic standing and who has demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 1 award of $1,000
Donald P. Watson Bursaries in Horticultural Science [I4501]
Established by the estate of Donald P. Watson, O.A.C.'34, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD. A number of awards ranging from $500 to $2,000.
The estate of Dr. Donald P. Watson
Qualification(s): Undergraduate students majoring in Horticultural Science, Landscape Architecture, Agronomy, Agricultural Science or Environmental Science, who have completed a minimum of 10.00 credits and who have demonstrated financial need. Recipients must have satisfactory academic standing in their last 10.00 credits. The scholarships will be awarded based on financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Several awards of $500, Several awards of $2,000
Elizabeth Burton Bursaries [I3503]
Mrs. Elizabeth Burton, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, provides bursaries to students with demonstrated financial need. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD. A number of awards totalling $2,900.
Mrs. Elizabeth Burton
Qualification(s): Students in second, third or fourth year with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Several awards of up to $2000
Grant Misener Bursaries [I3025]
Dr. Andrew Grant Misener, an alumnus of the University of Guelph, has provided this endowment fund. These bursaries provide financial assistance to students with established need and are distributed at the discretion of the University Bursary Committee. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
Dr. Andrew Grant Misener
Qualification(s): Students in the B.Sc.(Agr.) program
Amount: Several varies
Gryphon Investment Council Bursaries [I3513]
Established by Gryphon Investment Counsel, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Awarded in the Winter semester. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Gryphon Investment Council Inc.
Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 2 awards of $1,500
Guelph Compassionate Health Bursary [I3061]
This bursary has been established and approved by the Student Health and Dental Committee to assist students facing unforeseen health needs above and beyond the benefits offered through the mandatory University of Guelph student health plan. Submit a Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) accompanied by the physician recommendation, cost estimates and physician contact information to the Awards Officer, Student Financial Services. The application will be reviewed throughout the semester to handle emergencies immediately.
Student Health and Dental Plan Reserve
Qualification(s): All currently registered students at the University of Guelph that are covered under the University of Guelph mandatory Student Health Plan. The student must require treatment for a condition not currently or completely covered by the Student Health Plan.
Amount: Several varies to a maximum $1,500
Guelph Student Assistance Program [I3056]
These bursaries have been established and approved by undergraduate students through student referendum to assist undergraduate and University of Guelph campus diploma students in financial need. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7. Typically, awarded in the Winter semester.
Undergraduate Students
Qualification(s): Full-time undergraduate students registered in any degree program with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who are not eligible for provincial and/or federal assistance programs such as Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and/or Canada Student Loan Program (CSLP).
Amount: Several awards of varying amounts up to $1,000
Gwen Karr Memorial Bursary [I3010]
Mr. T.K.C. Karr, O.A.C. '32, has provided an endowment fund to assist students in a degree or diploma program of the Ontario Agricultural College. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
Mr. T.K.C. Karr, O.A.C. '32
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students with demonstrated financial need
Amount: Several varies
Helen Mahon Memorial Bursary [I3063]
Established in memory of Helen Mahon, a longtime employee of the University of Guelph and who, following the death of her husband, raised three young children alone, all of whom graduated from university. Apply to Student Financial Services by October 7 with a Financial Need Assessment Form.
Family and Friends of Helen Mahon
Qualification(s): Students registered in any program who come from a family where one parent is deceased.
Amount: 1 award of $500
Howard and Myrtle Rogers Bursaries [I3537]
Provided by the Estate of Howard and Myrtle Rogers, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
The Estate of Howard and Myrtle Rogers
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students from Wellington County. Students are encouraged to apply for an award in each year of study. The award may have been held in previous years but students must demonstrate on-going financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 10 up to $2,000
International Emergency Medical Aid Assistance [I3059]
The University of Guelph provides support to International undergraduate students that are faced with unexpected, or unforeseen financial shortfalls due to a medical issue not covered by UHIP or the Student Dental/Medical insurance plans. Students should apply to the International Student Advisor, in the Centre for International Programs office, by completing an International Student Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) and submitting documentation to support the medical issue. These bursaries are awarded on an on-going basis.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Any International student registered in a degree program at the University of Guelph with a minimum registration of 1.50 course credits.
Amount: Several awards of varying amounts
International Student Bursaries [I3009]
Mrs. Norma L. Valeriote has made available a number of bursaries. Apply to the International Student Advisor.
Mrs. Norma L. Valeriote
Qualification(s): Students who are citizens of Third World countries, as defined by the United Nations, who are registered in a degree or diploma program and who demonstrate financial need.
Amount: Several of varying amounts
Irvine and Grace Black Memorial Bursary [I3051]
Established in memory of Irvine and Grace Black, by friends and family to recognize their many contributions to young people. Irvine, a well-known sheep breeder, was a judge at College Royal and the Royal Winter Fair for over fifty years, and Grace was active in the Women's Institute and the Fergus Fall Fair. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) and a letter outlining involvement in the 4-H Club and/or a Women's Institute by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
Family and friends of Irvine and Grace B.L.A.ck
Qualification(s): Full-time undergraduate students registered in any degree program with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to applicants who are, or have been, active in the 4-H Club and/or a Women's Institute.
Amount: 1 award of $500
Leroux Bursaries [I3535]
Established by Mr. Hector Leroux, O.A.C.'44, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Mr. J.H. Leroux
Qualification(s): O.A.C. degree students in the B.Sc.(Agr.), B.Sc., B.Comm. or B.Sc.Env.) programs with demonstrated financial need. Satisfactory academic standing is required. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 4 awards of $1,000
Mary I. Whitelock Bursaries [I3524]
Established by the estate of Mary I. Whitelock, a friend of the University, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to assist students who wish to study full-time but who need financial support to do so. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Estate of Mary I. Whitelock
Qualification(s): All undergraduate, graduate or O.A.C. diploma students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 13 awards of $2,000
Masterfeeds Bursaries [I3514]
Established by Masterfeeds and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students in B.Sc.(Agr.) Animal Science or B.Sc. Animal Biology majors who have demonstrated financial need and, at the time of application, have a cumulative average of 60%. Students may receive one or two bursaries annually. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 4 awards of $500
O.A.C. '38 Lloyd Minshall Bursaries [I3529]
Established by O.A.C. '38 Alumni, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to recognize the many contributions of Lloyd Minshall to his classmates and to O.A.C. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
O.A.C. '38 Alumni
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need in semesters 5, 6, 7 or 8 and O.A.C. graduate students are eligible to apply. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 7 awards of $1,000
O.A.C. '55 Access Bursaries [I3517]
Provided by the class of O.A.C. '55 with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD.
O.A.C. Class of '55
Qualification(s): Students at any semester level in an O.A.C. degree program or students enrolled in the B.Sc.(Eng.) program with demonstrated financial need and a 60% minimum cumulative average. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statement on Awards).
Amount: Several awards of $500
O.A.C. '57 Bursaries [I3518]
Provided by the Class of O.A.C. '57 with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
O.A.C. '57 and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate degree students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 5 awards of $1,000
O.A.C. Alumni Foundation Access Bursaries [I3533]
Provided by the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
O.A.C. Alumni Foundation
Qualification(s): O.A.C. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 4 awards of $500
Ontario Agri Business Association Degree Bursaries [I3502]
The Ontario Agri Business Association, with the aid of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, has made available four bursaries of $750. Apply by October 7 to Student Financial Services with a letter, of up to two pages in length, detailing your involvement and including a University of Guelph Financial Needs Assessment Form. ACCESS AWARD
Ontario Agri Business Association
Qualification(s): Awarded to students who have completed a minimum of 10.0 credits in the B.SC.(Agr.) program in either an unspecialized major or in Food Agriculture and Resource Economics, Animal Science, Agronomy or in the B.Comm. program in Agricultural Business. Students must have a minimum cumulative average of 60%. Students will be selected based on demonstrated financial need and on involvement in community/extracurricular activities. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 4 awards of $750
Ontario Cattlemen's Association Degree Bursary [I3506]
Provided by the Ontario Cattlemen's Association and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply by letter with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Ontario Cattlemen's Association
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in semester 5 or above in the B.Sc.(Agr.), B.Comm.(Agricultural Business), B.Sc.(Animal Biology) or B.Sc.(Food Science) program and have a 60% minimum cumulative average. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 4 awards of $500
Ontario Co-operatives R.P. Forshaw Bursary [I3013]
The Co-operatives, Credit Unions, friends and associates of Prof. R. P. Forshaw have established this bursary. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
The Co-operatives, Credit Unions, friends and associates of Prof. R.P. Forshaw
Qualification(s): Undergraduate students who have financial need. Preference may be given to candidates who have been or are members of a co-operative or credit union.
Amount: 1 award of $400
Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board Bursaries [I3507]
Provided by the Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
The Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need who have completed semester 2 and are enrolled in the B.Sc.(Agr.) or B.Comm.(Agricultural Business) programs and who have a 60% minimum cumulative average. Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated an interest in the poultry industry. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 6 awards of $1,000
Ontario Federation of Agriculture Bursaries [I3520]
Provided by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program. Apply with a letter and a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Qualification(s): O.A.C. students with demonstrated financial need enrolled in the B.Sc.(Agr.), B.Comm., B.Sc. or B.Sc.(Env.) programs. Preference will be given to students from farm families who have participated in 4H and/or rural community activities. A student may receive up to three bursaries annually ($1,500). Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 12 awards of $500
Ontario Grape Growers Bursary [I3033]
Offered by the Ontario Grape Growers Action Committee. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
The Ontario Grape Growers Action Committee
Qualification(s): Students with good academic standing in semesters 3 to 6 of a degree program or semesters 3 to 4 of a diploma program administered by O.A.C., and demonstrated need of financial assistance.
Amount: Several of various amounts
Ontario Pork (Degree) Bursary [I3049]
Provided by Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Board. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
Ontario Pork Producers' Marketing Board
Qualification(s): B.Sc.(Agr.) and B.Comm., Agricultural Business major, students with demonstrated financial need who have completed semester 4 and who have satisfactory academic standing and an interest in pork production.
Amount: 1 award of $500
Robert Auger Humanitarian Bursary [I3058]
This award, of up to $500, has been established through the generosity of staff in the Office of Registrarial Services, family and friends of Robert Auger, a former Associate Registrar at the University of Guelph. It is intended as an emergency fund to assist students who unexpectedly find themselves in difficult financial circumstances, to provide grocery, and textbook vouchers.
Office of Registrarial Services
Qualification(s): Students who require assistance through this fund should apply in confidence to the Assistant Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Financial Services.
Amount: Several awards of $500
Ron Scriver Memorial Bursary [I3547]
Established in memory of Mr. Ron Scriver (1946 - 32005) C.P.E.S. B.A. '76, to honour his outstanding 32-year career with the Ontario Universities' Application Centre and his extensive involvement with colleagues throughout the University system. Preference will be given to students registered in the Bachelor of Computing Science Program. Apply with a Financial Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by October 7. ACCESS AWARD
Family and Friends of Ron Scriver
Qualification(s): Students registered in any program offered by C.P.E.S. with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OTSS award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 1 award of $1,500
Scotiabank Bursaries [I3532]
Established by Scotiabank, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to assist students with financial need to continue their studies as full-time students. Distributed in the Winter semester. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 2 awards of $1,500
T.K. Warley Bursaries [I3510]
Established by O.A.C. Alumni Association, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to recognize Professor T.K. Warley's significant contribution to the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation and to students through teaching and promotion/development of "Experience Agriculture". A degree student may receive this bursary twice. Apply by letter stating qualifications with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
O.A.C. Alumni Association
Qualification(s): Students with demonstrated financial need who are in semester 5 to 8 of any degree program within O.A.C.. A minimum 65% is required, as is participation in student activities, governance, and/or college affairs. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 3 awards of $500
University of Guelph Access Bursaries [I3522]
Provided by alumni and friends of the University, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to support undergraduate, graduate or O.A.C. (Guelph) diploma students who wish to study full-time but who need financial support to do so. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD. Variable amounts from $500 to $2,000
Alumni and Friend of the University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Full-time students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: Several awards of $500, Several awards of $2,000
University of Guelph Alumni Association Access Bursaries [I3523]
Established by the University of Guelph Alumni Association, with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, to support students who wish to study full-time but who need financial support to do so. Apply with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) to Student Financial Services by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. ACCESS AWARD
University of Guelph Alumni Association
Qualification(s): Full-time in-course students with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).
Amount: 2 awards of $1,000
University of Guelph Child Care Bursaries [I3053]
In order to provide accessible child care to students with (a) child(ren), the University of Guelph offers bursaries to students who have demonstrated financial need. Apply to Student Financial Services, with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester. A number of awards of between $500 and $2,000.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Students, supporting (a) child(ren) who demonstrate greatest financial need, to offset the costs of child care. To be eligible, undergraduate students must be full-time (as defined by OSAP regulations) and Canadian citizens or permanent residents with demonstrated financial need.
Amount: Several awards of up to $2,000
University of Guelph International Bursary [I3048]
The University of Guelph provides support to International undergraduate students that are faced with unexpected, or unforeseen financial shortfalls while registered on campus. Students should apply to Benny Quay, in the Centre of International Programs office by completing an International Student Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.). These bursaries are awarded on an on-going basis.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Any International student registered in a degree program at the University of Guelph with a minimum registration of 1.50 course credits.
Amount: Several varies
University of Guelph Undergraduate In-Course Bursaries (MET-TR-UG) [I3037]
The University of Guelph offers in-course bursaries to students who have demonstrated financial need. Apply to Student Financial Services, with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Ontario students registered for full-time studies (as defined by OSAP) in a degree program with demonstrated financial need and a minimum of 2.0 course credits completed.
Amount: Several awardsranging in value from $100 to $3,000
University of Guelph Undergraduate In-Course Bursaries (NON OSAP TR) [I3047]
The University of Guelph offers in-course bursaries to students who have demonstrated financial need. Apply to Student Financial Services, with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7. Awarded in the Winter semester.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Undergraduate students registered for full-time studies (as defined by OSAP) in a degree program with demonstrated financial need and a minimum of 2.0 course credits completed.
Amount: Several awards to a maximum of $800
University Police Bursaries [I3019]
The University Police have made available a number of bursaries. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7.
The University Police
Qualification(s): Full-time undergraduate and graduate students who have financial need.
Amount: Several of various amounts
University Student Assistance Program [I3057]
These bursaries have been established and approved by the University of Guelph to assist undergraduate and University of Guelph campus diploma students in financial need. Apply to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form (N.A.F.) by October 7. Typically, awarded in the Winter semester.
University of Guelph
Qualification(s): Full-time undergraduate students registered in any degree program with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who are not eligible for provincial and/or federal assistance programs such as Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and/or Canada Student Loan Program (CSLP).
Amount: Several awards of various amounts to a maximum of $1,000